OSCAR 12 Test Cases

OSCAR 12 Test Cases

The contents of this page are now expanded into full use/test cases - please see the child pages!


               - All users must enter a password in order to access system functions  

                       - Must support passwords that include mixed case, passwords of at least 8 characters, alphanumeric/special characters

                       - Must be able to set number of failed login attempts within a certain time period ( In oscar.properties variable name: login_max_failed_times)

                       - AUA when logging in for the first time


       Appointment/Scheduling Screen:

               - Allows provider to view/modify schedule (To modify click on Admin => Schedule)

               - Must be able to view schedule for multiple providers (Select a group from the drop down menu ‘Group’ for multiple providers)

               - Should be able to search for next available appointment for a provider/day of week/time of day/appointment type (click S next to provider name)

               - Supports schedule viewing without patient data displaying (names are OK)  (I think we do this by default)


                       - Must be able to access demo/chart from appointment in schedule (click on ‘M’ to access demo chart from the appointment)

                       - Must be able to record appointment reason (Can be added when creating an appointment)

                       - Supports free-form text note associated with appt (separate from appt reason) (Can be added when creating an appointment)

                       - Must be able to flag appointments as critical (critical appts should be visually distinct) (Can be flagged as critical when creating an appointment. Critical appointments are displayed as  )

                       - Must be able to ad-hoc double book (set two overlapping appointments)

                       - Shows status of patient in clinic (ie in Waiting Room, Waiting for provider, etc)



               - Provides a way to access record by patient's name and/or by health number


       Create Patient:

               - On demo edit page, must include all OMD mandatory demo data (Appendix A - Patient Identification)

               - Must be able to prevent you from creating duplicate records (at minimum by name or health card match) (prevents creation of duplicate records by Health card)


       Patient Demo Screen:

               - On patient demo screen must be able to display all OMD mandatory demo data (Appendix A - Patient Identification)

               - Must have a list of previous enrolment status (On patient demo screen click on the link ‘Enrollment History’ to view previous status)

               - Must include drugref interaction preference (Rx Interaction waring level on demo screen)


                       - On contact screen, must be able to display all mandatory OMD contact data - (Appendix A - Patient Contact Information)

               Appt History:

                       - Must be able to view appt history for any given patient (must include both past and future appts) (On patient demo screen under Appt. History)


       Alternative Contacts:

               - Must be able to display all mandatory OMD contact data - (Appendix A - Patient Alternative Contact)

               - Must be able to maintain multiple contacts

               - Each contact must be able to have more than one role (ie wife and SDM, or sister and power of attorney) (On Demo screen under Manage Contacts)



               General eChart Requirements:

                       - Must be able to print all info for a chart


                       - Ongoing concerns: must include all OMD mandatory data elements (Appendix A -

                       - Past History: must include all OMD mandatory data elements (Appendix A -

                       - Reminders: must include all OMD mandatory data elements for Alerts/Special Needs (Appendix A -

                       - Providers must be able to select which items display on the CPP (Preferences => Configure eChart CPP)

                       - Providers must be able to manually re-order items as desired (Preference => Configure eChart CPP)

                       - Must be able to print the CPP to a single document (Print button on E-chart) -  


               Encounter Notes:

                       - User identifiers must be included automatically

                       - Must be able to include more than one diagnosis per encounter (can be via free text or coding)

                       - Must be able to be edited by more than one person

                       - Staff with NO rights to patient data must still be able to enter notes (Admin => Under Security => Add Role/Rights to Objects)

                       - Measurements entered in encounter note should be copied into measurements - not working for now


                       - Templates for notes must exist and be modifiable by users


                       - Must be able to print all encounter documentation in chronological order

                       - Must be able to print encounter information over a given date range


                       - Must include all OMD mandatory data elements for immunizations (Appendix A -

                       - Must maintain a record of preventative care/screening activities (procedure & date performed)

                       - Preventative care activities must automatically become visually distinct when past due

                       - Must be able to print an immunizations summary for a patient

                       - Should include patient name, dob, health card number, (for each immunization:) name, date administered, name of primary physician

                       - Prevention data should not be entered in more than one location (ie info entered in preventions should not have to be entered in flowsheets, etc)


                       - Ticklers associated with a patient should show up in that patient's record regardless of where the tickler was created

                       - Must show ticklers for outstanding consults


                       Lab Requirements:

                               Must include most recent versions

                               - must auto populate patient and provider demographics

                               - must allow checking/filling in all boxes (check all columns)


                       - Must have ability to identify scanned in lab results as abnormal (category AbnLab)

                       - Must include all OMD mandatory data elements for Attached Files

                       - Must be able to handle text documents as well as images or PDFs

                       - Documents need to be viewable in chart whether or not they've been acked/viewed by providers

                       - Must be able to create ticklers from document


                       Why is Labs marked with a FAIL when all subtasks are marked pass?

                       - Must include a visually distinct method of indicating a new lab report (this is done via *asterisks*)

                       - Must include a visually distinct notification of indicating abnormal reports (this is done via red text)  

                       - Must be able to create a table or graph lab results and normal reference ranges over time for a given test code (Inbox => Select a lab => Choose a test => Hit Plot)

                               - Graph/table needs to show: test codes (name), lab results, normal reference ranges, and test dates (prefer collection date if available)

                               - Graphs/table need to be printable

                       Lab display:

                               - Clearly identify which results within a lab report are abnormal (these are IDed by red text)

                               - Records lab result values and normative range values as separate data fields

                               - Must be able to add text notes to lab report (add notes to the text box under ‘Acknowledge’ button and hit Acknowledge or comment, also use annotation to add notes)

                               - Must be able to associate lab req with lab report (click "Req #" button at top of report)

                               - Partial lab results must be handled gracefully (different versions will collapse into a single report, but previous versions must be viewable)

                               - Must be able to create tickler from lab report/result (Inbox => Select a Lab => Ticlker button)


                       - Measurements should be copied into an open encounter note


                               - 5 OMD flowsheets: diabetes (Appendix C 3.1) (Cannot find HbA1C and Neurological Exam), asthma, heart failure, COPD, hypertension

                               Each of these has a set of OMD requirements including ranges and how often they should be completed

                               - Items that are out of treatment target/interval should be visually flagged

                               - Users should be able to modify flowsheets (add/remove items/change targets/intervals) both for a single patient and overall for a provider

                               - Users should be able to create flowsheets

                               - Flowsheets should be printable


                               - Need to allow a date-range selection for which entries to display

                               - Out of range view/latest entry view/latest X entries view (ie last 3)

                               - Need to be able to select which elements display


                       Letter templates:

                               - Must integrate patient demographics

                               - Must be editable

                               - Must include provider letterhead, referring provider's name/address

                               - Must be able to integrate clinical data from patient record

                                       - This includes lab results, encounter notes, consult notes received, diagnostic images

                               - Generated letters must be viewable in original form as sent out (including preserving the date sent out as opposed to showing the current date)


                       - Must include all OMD mandatory data elements (Appendix A -

               Prescriptions (Rx):

                       - Must include all OMD mandatory data elements for medications (Appendix A -

                               - This includes a refill qty/duration that may be different from the initial qty/duration

                       - Must be able to record a medication prescribed in the past

                       - Must be able to record (and identify) a medication prescribed by an external provider

                       - Must be able to "discontinue" a medication from the treatment plan without changing the status of the prescription

                       - Must be able to show current vs past medications, active vs inactive prescriptions

                               - Must be able to filter on current/past/all

                       - Must be able to create a custom drug (ie for compound script)

                       - Must include drug-to-drug/drug-to-allergy interaction information via drugref including severity of interaction and allowing override - !!!!

                               - Drugref info must be able to include drug/condition interactions, drug/lab interactions, recommended dosing, or theraputic alternatives

                               - Must be able to see date of drugref database (click "drugref info" at top of rx page)

                               - Drugref must be updated at least every 2 mo (this is for OSPs to manage but perhaps should give some visual indication if OMD switches are on???)

                               - Drugref interaction preferences should be respected with Patient prefs overriding Provider prefs which overrides Clinic prefs

                       - Must be able to show dosage information over time for a given medication and can print (see "timeline drug profile")

                       - Must be able to sort prescriptions as desired (including manually)

                       - Providers must be able to create a list of favorite prescriptions

                       - Must be able to select whether or not items will display on the eChart Rx box


                               - Printed prescriptions must include:

                                       - patient name/address/phone

                                       - provider name/address/phone

                                       - name of medication

                                       - strength and unit

                                       - form

                                       - dosage

                                       - frequency

                                       - repeats

                                       - qty/duration

                                       - start date

                                       - notes to pharmacist

                                       Note: OMD also made noises about wanting refill qty/duration to show up

                               - Must be able to print more than one medication on a single form

                               - If form goes multiple pages, demographic info and signatures must be included on each page

                               - On the prescription module, must be able to display printing history for a prescription

               Other Meds:

                       - must be able to show over-the-counter meds such as herbal or nutritional supplements (that are not "drugs")

               Risk Factors:

                       - Must include all OMD mandatory data elements (Appendix A  -

               Family History:

                       - Must include all OMD mandatory data elements (Appendix A -



               Day sheet:

                       - Must be able to print daysheet sorted by patient name, chronologically, chart number (Report - > Under Day Sheet select provider’s name and a range for dates)

               Demographic report tool:

                       - Providers must be able to set up static cohorts of patients (patients may belong to more than one cohort) (Report -> Demographic Report Tool)

               Prevention Report i18n:

               need to correct that string! (what string?)

                       - Generates patient recall list for preventative care activities

                       - Generates patient letters directly from recall list

                       - Generates report which determine percentages needed to submit billings for preventative care enhancement codes


               - Must include a visually distinct method of indicating a new lab report (this is done via *asterisks*)

               - Must include a visually distinct notification of indicating abnormal reports (this is done via red text)

                       - Need to be able to sort to show abnormal labs at the top

               - See lab section under eChart for more lab display requirements

               - Must be able to associate scanned documents and labs with patients

               - Must be able to re-display

                       - acknowledged

                       - filed labs

                       - documents

               - Must be able to manually enter labs



               - Have ability to set provider drugref warning level (Pref => Rx Interaction Warning Level)

               - Have ability to add/remove CPP categories from display or modify presentation and maintain this across sessions - Echart not working check in later



               - Must be able to create ticklers and assign them to other users

               - Must be able to create ticklers and assign them to a role (ie 'this task is for a nurse')

               - Must be able to create/access/action ticklers from anywhere in the application

               - Must be able to set tickler priority

               - Must support free text notes associated with a tickler

               - Must be able to link to a patient record and open the patient record from the tickler screen directly

               - Ticklers created from lab results/documents must include link to lab result/document

               - Must include some automatically generated ticklers for follow-up tasks (ie outstanding referrals)

               - Must show visually distinct reminders of outstanding consults



               - Security Log Report (Audit Trail) (Admin > Under Security > Security Log Report)

                               - Must have complete audit trail of medical records

                                       - Data must not be altered, removed, or deleted, just *marked* as such - ??

                                       - All activity must be logged (not just add/delete/modify but also including simply who accessed the data and when)

                                       - Medical records info must be retained

                                       - Must be printable

                                               - Printed audit trail must make sense without having the computer in front of you - Check again

                               - (Please break this up into subtasks) Must be complete audit trail of all add/change/delete operations on non-medical record data - what exactly is non-medical data (Non-medical data includes provider stuff such as add/providers, change @passwords, role creation/changes, etc)

                                       - All activity must be logged (not just add/delete/modify but also including simply who accessed the data and when)

               - Have ability to set default drugref warning level for clinic (same as Rx warning level?)



                       - Must include all mandatory OMD provider data

               Security record:

                       - Must include ability to set @password expiry


                       - Must be able to create new roles with customized permissions (Admin => Under Security => Assign Role/Rights to Object)

                       - Changes applied to a role will apply to all members of that role

                       - Multiple roles can be assigned to users (Admin => Under Security => Assign Role to Provider)

                       - Access controls to functions/data can be based on roles (Admin => Under Security => Assign Role/Rights to Object)

                       - Access controls to functions/data can also be based on individual users (Admin => Under Security => Assign Role/Rights to Object)

               Schedule Setting:

                       - Supports pre-configuration of schedule slots or blocks by provider

               Query By Example:

                       - Able to search and report on any text/data fields in EMR (excepting binary stuff ie images/PDFs)

               Report By Template:

                       - Able to search and report on any text/data fields in EMR (excepting binary stuff ie images/PDFs)

                       - Provides report templates that may be modified by the user

               Usage Report:

                       - Report EMR usage metrics for OMD (see section 3.1 of OMD Appendix A)

               Merge demographics:

                       - User must be notified of permanence of the action and must confirm

                       - No requirement to be able to undo merge



                       Measurement mappings:

                               - Have ability to view/change measurement mappings

                               - Mappings must include loinc codes as specified in OLIS


                               Must be able to filter on start/end date for reporting


                                       Standard Export

                                       - Must be able to include all OMD CDS data and meet

                                       - Exports will generate one file per patient

                                       - Exports will include a readme and log file

                                       - Exports will be zipped/tared (have to be able to encrypt export tar/zips)

                                       - Must be exportable by user administrator

                                       - Can export individual patients

                                       - Must be able to choose which categories to export (ie just export demographics and meds)


                                       Export based on OMD Diabetes

                                       - Must load diabetes schema from OMD website (this url set in oscar.properties)

                                       - Export for all patients or for patients of just a single provider


                                       - Export all CIHI elements

                                       - Export for all patients or for patients of just a single provider

                                       - Must have some ability to exclude patients from CIHI

                                       - Export should be logged in audit log

                                       - Must include list of values on export page


                                                       - type

                                                       - vendor business name

                                                       - EMR Vendor common name

                                                       - EMR software name

                                                       - EMR software common name

                                                       - EMR software version number

                                                       - EMR vendor ID

                                               User entered:

                                                       - organization name

                                                       - contact last name

                                                       - contact first name

                                                       - contact phone number

                                                       - contact email

                                                       - contact username

                                                       - EMR vendor ID


                               - Must be able to import all OMD CDS data

                               - Must be able to happen in batch

                               - Must create import event log which is output to a text file and printed

                               - Must create import error log which is output to a text file

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