OSCAR 15 Consultation List Screen Test Cases

OSCAR 15 Consultation List Screen Test Cases

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Consultation List Screen Test Cases. Table of ContentBR#
1.0 Test Filter Consultation ListCL1.0, CL2.0
1.1 Test Access Patient Consultation List from Patient menuCL2.1
1.2 Test Sort Function in Consultation ListCL3.0, CL4.0
1.3 Test Batch Operations Applied to Consultation ListCL4.2
1.4 Test Consultation List Function ButtonsCL7.0, C1.0, C1.1
1.5 Test Statuses for Consultation RequestsCL8.1
1.6 Test Statuses for Consultation Responses 

1.0 Test Filter Consultation List

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Connect to the OSCAR main page1. OSCAR Software Test Version 15.0 and DB are up and running
2. OSCAR user is registered and have the correct credentials to login
3. Consultation request forms are submitted
Open OSCAR in the web browserOSCAR login page is opened   
#2Log InOscar Welcome page prompts user to Enter credentials (User Name / Password)User enters correct User name and Password1. By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance.
2. Once logged in, user is redirected to the Home screen with various OSCAR options
#3Launch Consultation Request list page from the global navigation bar Verify that Consultation list is accessible from the global navigation bar by selecting Consultation tabUser is redirected to the Consultation list page   
#4Consultation List displays based on default Filter applied Verify that Consult List displays with applicable Status filter applied:
- Referral Start and End Dates
- Status
- Teams
- Appointment Start and End Dates
- Patient name
1. Consultation List displays list of consultations based on the default filter applied
2. “All Active” is a default status and filter existing Consultation requests except Completed, Cancelled, Deleted
#5Consultation List displays based on Referral Start and End Dates Filter applied 1. Select Referral Start and End Dates from the calender widget
2. Verify that Consult List displays with applicable Referral Start and End Dates filter applied
1. Referral Start and End Dates are selectable
2. Consultation List displays appropriate list of consultations based on Referral Start and End dates filter
#6Consultation List displays based on Status Filter applied 1. Select Status from the drop down
2. Verify that Consult List displays with applicable Status filter applied:
1. Not Complete
2. Preliminary Pending Confirmation
3. Pending Callback
4. Completed
5. Cancelled
6. Appointment Booked
7. Deleted

Consultation List displays appropriate list of consultations that matches Status filter.

#7Consultation List displays based on Team Filter applied 1. Select Team from the drop down list
2. Verify that Consult List displays with applicable Teams filter applied
1. All Teams is a default filter
2. Consultation List displays appropriate list of consultations that matches Teams filter.
#8Consultation List displays based on Appointment Start and End Dates Filter applied 1. Select Appointment Start and End Dates from the calender widget
2. Verify that Consult List displays with applicable Appointment Start and End Dates filter applied
1. Appointment Start and End Dates are selectable
2.Consultation List displays appropriate list of consultations that matches Appointment Start and End dates filter
#9Consultation List displays based on Patient Name Filter applied 1. Search for the patient by last, first name
2. Verify that Consult List displays with applicable Patient filter applied
1. Patient name is searchable by Last, First name
2. Consultation List displays appropriate list of consultations that matches Patient's name filter

1.1 Test Access Patient Consultation List from Patient menu

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Activate Search function1. OSCAR Main Home screen is opened
2. All navigation bars and links are visible and accessible
Select Search tab from the top navigation barSearch page is opened   
#2Search by the patient name Enter patient name and run Search1.Search box is accepting text
2. Search button is available and clickable
3. If patient is registered within the OSCAR database, the record should be found
#3Access Patient Summary screen Select patient's name to access Patient Summary screenPatient's Summary screen launches   
#4Launch Patient Consult Request/ Response List screen Select Consultation Requests/ Response link from patient menu1. Consult Request List screen launches
2. User is able to edit existing Consult Requests or add a new Consult Request
#5Access Patient Details screen Select Patient Details tab from patient menuPatient Details screen launches   
#6Launch Patient Consult Request/ Response List screen Select Consultation Requests/ Response link from patient menu1. Consult Request List screen launches
2. User is able to edit existing Consult Requests or add a new Consult Request

1.2 Test Sort Function in Consultation List

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Consultation List column order1. Consultation request forms are submitted
2. Consultation List page is opened
Verify that Consult List appears in column order:
• Patient
• Service
• Consultant
• Team
• Status
• Priority
• Appointment Date
• Last Follow up
• Referral Date
Order view of columns for Consult list is implemented   
#2Sort Consult List1. Consultation requests are submitted
2. Consultation list page is opened
By clicking on columns headings, verify that Consult fields are sortable by any field in ascending/ descending orders

Consult fields are sortable by any field in ascending/ descending order   

1.3 Test Batch Operations Applied to Consultation List

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Option to select multiple Consultations availability1. Consultation requests are submitted
2. Consultation list page opens
Verify that the option to select multiple consultations from the list is availableCheckboxes are available to select multiple Consultations Requests   
#2Select multiple consultations Select multiple consultations from the list to apply batch operationsMultiple Consultations requests are selected   
#3Batch operations availability Verify that Batch operations are selectable and available to applyBatch operations are selectable and available to apply   
#4Apply batch operations Select Apply buttonBatch operations are applied to the selected Consultations requests   

1.4 Test Consultation List Function Buttons

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Function buttons availability1. Consultation requests are submitted
2. Patient Consultation List page is opened
Verify appropriate actions/functions are available on Consult List screen
• Add New Consultation Request/ Response
• Edit
Functions are available on Consult List screen
• Add New Consult Request/ Response
• Edit
#2Activate “Add New Consult Request” button“Add New Consult Request” button is visible and clickableClick on “Add New Consult Request” buttonBy selecting “Add New Consult Request” button, user is getting access to New consultation Request screen   
#3Activate “Edit” buttonEdit link is visible and clickableClick on “Edit” linkBy selecting “Edit” button, user is getting access to the existing Consultation Request page   

1.5 Test Statuses for Consultation Requests

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to select appropriate statuses for Consult requestsConsultation Request screen is openedSelect appropriate status for the Consult Request:
1. Not Complete
2. Preliminary Pending Confirmation
3. Pending Callback
4. Completed
5. Cancelled
6. Appointment Booked
7. Deleted
Consult Request Status is selectable   
#2Ability to display Consult Request Status in Consult Requests List screen 1. Select Save button to Save Consult Request
2. Launch Consult Request list
3. Verify that Consult Request Status displays in Status column and match applied filters
1. Consult Request is saved
2. Consult Request Status displays in Status column and match applied filters

1.6 Test Statuses for Consultation Responses

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to select appropriate statuses for Consult Response1. Consultation Response List is enabled (Admin/ System Management/ Consultation Settings/ Enable Request/Response)
2. Consultation Request screen is opened
Select appropriate status for the Consult Response
1. Not Complete
2. Pending Referring Doctor Callback
3. Pending Patient Callback
4. Completed
5. Cancelled
Consult Response Status is selectable   
#2Ability to display Consult Request Status in Consult Response List screen 1. Select Save button to Save Consult Response
2. Launch Consult Response list
3. Verify that Consult Status displays in Status column and match applied filters
1. Consult Response is saved
2. Consult Response Status displays in Status column and match applied filters







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