

This is a walkthrough on how to develop for OSCAR on Eclipse.


There is no standard development environment.  After all you can develop OSCAR entirely at the command line with vi and git.   If you are using Mac or Windows you can use Sourcetree to clone the source but its not an IDE.  For those who develop on Linux or who don't want to use that proprietary tool you can continue with Eclipse to clone as below. These basic instructions are adequate for developing Oscar on Eclipse.  You can install Eclipse on any modern OS, but we encourage the better Open Source ones.  

These instructions do not cover the where why and how of the Git content system, the wonders of Gerrit, nor how to actually use Eclipse: topics which are better covered elsewhere, and/or discovered on your own.

Document Version History

  • v1.0 – initial public release to oscarmanual.org– Feb 12, 2011
  • v1.1 – Maven step added – July 29, 2011
  • v1.2 – Added committing details – Sept 6, 2011
  • v1.3 – Added warning about serial commits – May 12, 2013
  • v1.4 – Reviewed installation against Eclipse version 4.3 Kepler – Dec 10, 2014
  • v1.5 – Revised for Eclipse version 4.4 Luna, initial release – Dec 10, 2014
  • v1.6 – Revised for Eclipse version 4.6.2 Neon – Jan 3, 2017
  • v1.7 – Added Windows SSH note - Mar 16, 2017
  • v1.7 – Preliminary information on bitbucket changes - March 20, 2017
  • v1.8 – Transfered to Atlassian wiki
The document is based on older instructions for OSCAR 12 and is copyright © 2011-17 by Peter Hutten-Czapski under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License



OSCAR EMR's code is hosted at bitbucket. If you were unable to attend the training, we have recorded the join.me session which can be found with the following link:

The recording can also be accessed from the OSCAR EMR Bitbucket Primer page on Confluence along with other details about the transition.

Navigate to bitbucket.org and create an account.  We will not replicate the bitbucket documentation here

You can access the bitbucket repository with https or ssh.

SSH Key (optional)

If you want to rock the command line you will need to install your key to bitbucket.  It also is a secure way that Eclipse can use, so we usually commend it.

If you already know or have SSH keys you can just provide it, otherwise for Linux do the following for your regular user : 

~$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/peter/.ssh/id_rsa): 
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in /home/peter/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/peter/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.

Do not enter a passphrase when it asks. This means it will be easier for you to sign in AND... if you machine is compromised, your bitbucket user is compromised and the corresponding server key should be deleted, you'll need to login to the bitbucket web site and delete this key.

Now cut and paste the contents of "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" into the text area on the web page.

Installing Eclipse

The latest eclipse can be obtained directly from their official site at the downloads section


now you will see the latest versions available

when this was written it was eclipse neon (Jan 2017)

if you go to the above link from linux then you will be presented with the linux versions by default. if you go to the website within other OS, make sure you select the right platform.

then download the right choice for you ( for me its eclipse IDE for Java EE)

you can select any mirror you like (I downloaded from the main site in Canada)

after downloading

you will see a archive named like eclipse-inst-linux64.tar.gz

1. extract installer

tar xf eclipse-inst-linux64.tar.gz
2. change to the extraction directory
cd eclipse-installer

3. run the installer as regular user (unless you want to install it in /opt/eclipse when you must invoke the installer with sudo)


4. Install the version you want into your home directory. it's in the directory /home/user/eclipse-version/eclipse

To run eclipse from the install directory

go to the directory /home/user/eclipse/java-neon

and double click the file "eclipse" and that's it.

alternately add it to the desktop menu with a file called /usr/share/applications/eclipse-neon.desktop

with the following content (replace peter in the paths below with the appropriate user)

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Eclipse IDE
Comment=Eclipse Integrated Development Environment


Configuring the Git Plugin

You will need a file in your home directory calls .gitconfig, which has a standard ini or property file structure.  Eclipse will generate it for you. 

  • Click Window > Preferences > Team > Git > Configuration
  • Click New Entry... and enter the key value pair user.email and your email that you registered on the gerrit site with
  • Click New Entry... and enter the key value pair user.name and your name
  • Other options such as core.editor can also be added
  • when you are done it should look like this:

EGit preferences



Create a new Working Branch

You will always start with a Jira Issue. Loginto Jira and create an issue, or if you move fast there might be a bug that hasn't been assigned and fixed yet ;-)

Create Branch

Then click the "create Branch" link on the Jira issue.  This will launch bitbucket where you can create a working branch for this issue.

Then select the correct project (usually OSCAR) and branch (usually stable for tested bug fixes) and check it out



Cloning Oscar into Eclipse

Click File > Import... > Projects from Git > clone.

14 Eclipse Project Git


Add the Clone...

14 Eclipse Clone URI

The repository details

Note you can use either https: or ssh: using your bitbucket username and password




If you use ssh add the RSA key that the site will provide

Authenticity Prompt Eclipse


Windows: If you get an error message and no list of Branches, you will probably have to add your private key. Use Windows, Preferences, General, Network Connections, SSH2 then add your private key to the list.

The Error Log is very well hidden.  Look in Help, About Eclipse, Installation Details, View Error Log. 


 You can select any branch,  but scroll down to find "master".

14 Eclipse Git Selecting Master

You will be asked for the local destination.  You should accept the default unless you already have a directory of that name

14 Eclipse select a Local Destination


Then you will be asked for a secure password if you left the checkbox "store in a secure store" earlier (not suggested or shown)

and then you will be cloning Oscar from master into your local repository

14 Eclipse Cloning Source


Almost there

14 Eclipse Import Project


[Next >] will determine how to share the imported project.  Select oscar and Finish.

14 Eclipse Import Type


Identify the imported project by clicking on the checkbox


Click the [Finish]  button and add Maven to your classpath

Window > Preferences > Java > Build Path > Classpath Variables > [New...]

Prior to adding the M2_REPO to Eclipse, you need to open a terminal and run mvn install command to create  /home/yourHomeDirectoryName/.m2

Add the M2_REPO and point it to your  /home/yourHomeDirectoryName/.m2/repository folder

Maven Classpath


and here you have it, Oscar in Eclipse

14 OSCAR in Eclipse Luna

For other Oscar projects  create a new workspace and repeat the above steps starting at "ssh://xxxx@source.oscartools.org:29418/{project}"

where {project} is taken from the available repositories such as

  • hhr
  • integrator
  • myoscar_client
  • myoscar_client2
  • myoscar_server
  • myoscar_server2
  • oscar_patient_portal
  • oscar
  • oscar_apps
  • oscar_documents
  • signature_pad
  • test
  • utils

HINT: If you have never used the Eclipse/Gerrit/Git combination you are STRONGLY suggested to load the test repository. The test repository shown below is just that.  Its a sandbox that you can use to get used to the "fetch" and "push" of it without worrying about anyone noticing.

Making Changes

Its your private branch.  Make your changes and commit as you go.

If you right click on the project, go to team > commit. You'll see the commit screen. Notice on eclipse it will list the tracked and untracked file and by default they will be "git added" and "git commited" at the same time. Now when you commit, it's commited locally. This means no one else except you has these changes still.
Team Commit

Add the information needed to identify the commit.

IMPORTANT: Commits should be labelled with the ID of the bug or Feature Request from Sourceforge that reflects the OSCAR Change request or Oscar bug that is being addressed.

Eclipse Commit

Now to share these changes with everyone else, i.e. committed to the main repository... (You must have committed locally first) 

Right click on the project, go to team -> push to upstream

Team Push to Upstream

A boring screen will show the uploading of file(s).

Eclipse is Pushing

If this is the first time you've pushed, you'll need to fill in a push specification according to if its going to the trunk or an established branch as below.

  • source ref="HEAD", destination ref="refs/for/master", 
  • source ref="HEAD", destination ref="refs/for/RELEASE_12_1",

select add spec, check the box on the bottom saying save spec... so you don't have to do this again. Just click "finish" (next doesn't show anything interesting).

Pushing details etc

Assuming you are pushing as above to the trunk (the "master" branch) after you have pushed the commit

When your code works then you can create a Pull request for the code to be reviewed and merged into OSCAR 

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