Test Cases Administration/ Report By Template

Test Cases Administration/ Report By Template

1.0 Test Search and Generate a Report

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Connect to the OSCAR main page1. OSCAR McMaster Test Version 12.1, system and DB up and running.
2. OSCAR user is registered and have the correct credentials to login
OSCAR login page is opened   
#2Log InOscar welcome page prompts user to Enter credentials (User Name / Password)

By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance.

Once logged in, user is redirected to the Appointment screen with various OSCAR options

#3Access Admin screen from Appointment screenClick on Administration Tab on the top navigation barAdmin page appears in a new window   
#4Access Report by Template pageSelect Reports → Report by TemplateReport by template page opens in a new window   
#5Select a templateClick on template name on the left hand menuReport by template displays   
#6Access Options to viewClick on Show/Hide options linkOptions become available   
#7Access Edit templateClick on Edit linkEdit Template page is available   
#8Search and report on any text/data fieldsVerify that user is able to search and report on any text/data fields excepting binary items (ie images, PDFs)User is able to search and report on any text/data fields excepting binary items (ie images, PDFs)   

1.1 Test Add  a Template

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
Upload file should be in XML format
#1Connect to the OSCAR main page1. OSCAR McMaster Test Version 12.1, system and DB up and running.
2. OSCAR user is registered and have the correct credentials to login
OSCAR login page is opened   
#2Log InOscar welcome page prompts user to Enter credentials (User Name / Password)

By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance.

Once logged in, user is redirected to the Appointment screen with various OSCAR options

#3Access Admin screen from Appointment screenClick on Administration Tab on the top navigation barAdmin page appears in a new window   
#4Access Report by Template pageSelect Reports → Report by TemplateReport by template page opens in a new window   
#5Access Add a template pageClick on Add templateAdd template page opens   
#6Select fileClick on Browse button and navigate to the file to uploadFile is selected   
#7Add fileClick on Upload and Add buttonFile is uploaded and Added   

1.2 Test Created Report Template can be Modified by User

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
Report by template is added
#1Connect to the OSCAR main page1. OSCAR McMaster Test Version 12.1, system and DB up and running.
2. OSCAR user is registered and have the correct credentials to login
OSCAR login page is opened   
#2Log InOscar welcome page prompts user to Enter credentials (User Name / Password)

By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance.

Once logged in, user is redirected to the Appointment screen with various OSCAR options

#3Access Admin screen from Appointment screenClick on Administration Tab on the top navigation barAdmin page appears in a new window   
#4Access Report by Template pageSelect Reports → Report by TemplateReport by template page opens in a new window   
#5Select a templateClick on template name on the left hand menuReport by template displays   
#6Access Options to viewClick on Show/Hide options linkOptions become available   
#7Access Edit templateClick on Edit linkEdit Template page is available   
#8Edit templateVerify that Template can be edit by userTemplate is editable