Test Cases Administration/ Schedule Setting

Test Cases Administration/ Schedule Setting

1.0 Test Template Code Setting

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Connect to the OSCAR main page1. OSCAR McMaster Test Version 12.1, system and DB up and running.
2. OSCAR user is registered and have the correct credentials to login
OSCAR login page is opened   
#2Log InOscar welcome page prompts user to Enter credentials (User Name / Password)

By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance.

Once logged in, user is redirected to the Appointment screen with various OSCAR options

#3Access Admin screen from Appointment screenClick on Administration Tab on the top navigation barAdmin page appears in a new window   
#4Access Schedule Setting screenSelect Administration Tab → Schedule Management→ Schedule SettingSchedule Template Setting page appears in a new window   
#5Access Template code setting pageSelect Template Code SettingTemplate code setting page opens   
#6Generate Template code setting

Complete all required fields:

Assign a one-character code letter or number

Description in minutes

Color to highlight the code

Limit type

 And save the template

Template code setting is generated   

1.1 Test Day Template Setting for a Provider

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Connect to the OSCAR main page1. OSCAR McMaster Test Version 12.1, system and DB up and running.
2. OSCAR user is registered and have the correct credentials to login
OSCAR login page is opened   
#2Log InOscar welcome page prompts user to Enter credentials (User Name / Password)

By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance.

Once logged in, user is redirected to the Appointment screen with various OSCAR options

#3Access Admin screen from Appointment screenClick on Administration Tab on the top navigation barAdmin page appears in a new window   
#4Access Schedule Setting screenSelect Administration Tab → Schedule Management→ Schedule SettingSchedule Template Setting page appears in a new window   
#5Access Template setting pageSelect Template Setting for Public or Provider templates from the drop-down menuTemplate code setting page opens   
#6Generate Template code settingComplete all required fields
Name the template to reflect the day’s schedule
Summarize the template
Assign appropriate template code to 15-minutes time slots
And save the template
Template code setting is generated   

1.2 Test Set up a Schedule

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
Provider record is created
#1Connect to the OSCAR main page1. OSCAR McMaster Test Version 12.1, system and DB up and running.
2. OSCAR user is registered and have the correct credentials to login
OSCAR login page is opened   
#2Log InOscar welcome page prompts user to Enter credentials (User Name / Password)

By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance.

Once logged in, user is redirected to the Appointment screen with various OSCAR options

#3Access Admin screen from Appointment screenClick on Administration Tab on the top navigation barAdmin page appears in a new window   
#4Access Schedule Setting screenSelect Administration Tab → Schedule Management→ Schedule SettingSchedule Template Setting page appears in a new window   
#5Access Provider Schedule Setting pageSelect Template Setting for a Provider templates from the drop-down menuDay Template code setting page opens   
#6View and modify the current schedule

Specify a start and end date for the schedule

Select individual days that the provider will be ON-CALL or not available

For multiple site clinics pick the location for that provider for that day

Click on Next button

Calender view is available   
#7Complete Schedule SettingClick Next buttonSchedule Setting is completed and message displays