Test Cases Patient Demo Screen_Contacts

Test Cases Patient Demo Screen_Contacts

1.0 Test Display Patient Identification Data

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#0Pre-condition: patient records are added in database     
#1Connect to the OSCAR main page1. OSCAR McMaster Test Version 12.1, system and DB up and running.
2. OSCAR user is registered and have the correct credentials to login
OSCAR login page is opened   
#2Log InOscar welcome page prompts user to Enter credentials (User Name / Password)

By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance.

Once logged in, user is redirected to the Appointment screen with various OSCAR options

#3Access patient's search results pageClick on “Search” TabPatient's search results page opens   
#4Verify default search typeVerify that Name is default search typeName is default search type   
#5Search by nameEnter Patient name in search input box and click on “Search” buttonPatient's records are listed based on the entered keyword   
#6Access Patient Demo ScreenClick on the Master demographic file numberPatient demographic info page opens   
#7Verify all mandatory OMD patient identification dataVerify that all mandatory OMD data fields display:
Name Prefix/Title
Last Name/ First name
Name Suffix
Middle Name
Date of Birth
Health Card Number/ Version Code/ Expiry Date/ Province)
Chart Number
Preferred Official Language/Spoken language
Person Status/Status date
Enrollment Status/ Date/ Termination Date/ Termination Reason
Primary Physician
All mandatory OMD patient identification data is included   

1.1 Test Review Previous Enrollment Status

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#0Pre-condition: patient Master record has enrollment updates     
#1Connect to the OSCAR main page1. OSCAR McMaster Test Version 12.1, system and DB up and running.
2. OSCAR user is registered and have the correct credentials to login
OSCAR login page is opened   
#2Log InOscar welcome page prompts user to Enter credentials (User Name / Password)

By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance.

Once logged in, user is redirected to the Appointment screen with various OSCAR options

#3Access patient's search results pageClick on “Search” TabPatient's search results page opens   
#4Verify default search typeVerify that Name is default search typeName is default search type   
#5Search by nameLeave search input box blank and click on “Search” buttonPatient's records are listed based on the entered keyword   
#6Access Patient Demo ScreenClick on the Master demographic file numberPatient demographic info page opens   
#7Verify Clinic StatusClick on “Enrollment history” linkEnrollment History page opens and patients Enrollment History is listed   

1.2 Test Drugref Preferences

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Connect to the OSCAR main page1. OSCAR McMaster Test Version 12.1, system and DB up and running.
2. OSCAR user is registered and have the correct credentials to login
OSCAR login page is opened   
#2Log InOscar welcome page prompts user to Enter credentials (User Name / Password)

By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance.

Once logged in, user is redirected to the Appointment screen with various OSCAR options

#3Access patient's search results pageClick on “Search” TabPatient's search results page opens   
#4Verify default search typeVerify that Name is default search typeName is default search type   
#5Search by nameLeave search input box blank and click on “Search” buttonPatient's records are listed based on the entered keyword   
#6Open Add a Demographic Record pageClick on “Create Demographic” link to create a new patientAdd a Demographic Record page opens   
#7Access Patient Demo ScreenClick on the Master demographic file numberPatient demographic info page opens   
#8Verify RX Interaction Warning Level section displaysVerify that Rx Interaction Warning Level section is included in Master recordVerify that Rx Interaction Warning Level section is included in Master record   
#9Edit RecordClick on Edit linkMaster Record can be edit   
#10RX Interaction Warning Level updateVerify that RX Interaction Warning Level can be modified from drop down boxRX Interaction Warning Level can be modified from drop down box   

1.3 Test Display Patient Contact Data

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Connect to the OSCAR main page1. OSCAR McMaster Test Version 12.1, system and DB up and running.
2. OSCAR user is registered and have the correct credentials to login
OSCAR login page is opened   
#2Log InOscar welcome page prompts user to Enter credentials (User Name / Password)

By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance.

Once logged in, user is redirected to the Appointment screen with various OSCAR options

#3Access patient's search results pageClick on “Search” TabPatient's search results page opens   
#4Verify default search typeVerify that Name is default search typeName is default search type   
#5Search by nameLeave search input box blank and click on “Search” buttonPatient's records are listed based on the entered keyword   
#6Access Patient Demo ScreenClick on the Master demographic file numberPatient demographic info page opens   
#8Verify all mandatory Contact information fields

Verify that all OMD mandatory data fields display:
Address Type, Street Address, City, Province, Country, Postal code,

Telephone type, Telephone number, Phone extension,

e-mail address

All mandatory OMD Contact data is included