Encounter Prescriptions

Encounter Prescriptions

1.0 Test Include all OMD Mandatory Data Elements for Medications

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Connect to the OSCAR main pageLaunch OSCAR 15 URL: https://demo.oscarmcmaster.org:11246/oscar_twelve/index.jspOSCAR main page with the login is opened   
#2Log InEnter user's valid credentials (User Name / Password/2nd Level Pass code if applicable)By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance   
#3Access patient's search results pageClick on “Search” box at the top of the page.Patient's search box available for input.   
#4Verify default search typeVerify that Name is default search typeName is default search type   
#5Search by patient nameEnter Patient name in search input box and click on “Search” buttonPatient's records are listed based on the entered keyword   
#6Activate Rx moduleSelect Rx Tab to open Rx from the current recordRx module is opened for the selected patient   
#7Search for drugIn the box “Drug name” type in the name of the drug to prescribeDrop down list appears   
#8Narrow searchPick the unique part of the drug name and the doseDrug is selected and populated in Drug name filed   
#9Complete Medication formFollow Instructions Field Reference guide and fill in the instructions quantity and repeats for the medications including Method, Route, Frequency, Number, Duration (ie Take 2 tablets PO BID 2 months) and press Enter keyMedication form is completed and data is populated   
#10Verify all OMD mandatory fields for medicationsVerify that all OMD mandatory data elements for medications are included in the form.
(Refer to EMR Specification v4.0 Appendix A- - Medications)

All OMD mandatory data elements for medications are included in the form   
#11Add Medication recordClick on Save buttonMedication record is added in Patient Drug profile   

1.1 Test Include a Refile Quantity/Duration with Ability to be Updated

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Connect to the OSCAR main pageLaunch OSCAR 15 URL: https://demo.oscarmcmaster.org:11246/oscar_twelve/index.jspOSCAR main page with the login is opened   
#2Log InEnter user's valid credentials (User Name / Password/2nd Level Pass code if applicable)By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance   
#3Access patient's search results pageClick on “Search” TabPatient's search results page opens   
#4Verify default search typeVerify that Name is default search typeName is default search type   
#5Search by patient nameEnter Patient name in search input box and click on “Search” buttonPatient's records are listed based on the entered keyword   
#6Activate Rx moduleSelect Rx tab to open Rx from the current recordRx module is opened for the selected patient   
#7Search for drugIn the box “Drug name” type in the name of the drug to prescribeDrop down list appears   
#8Narrow searchPick the unique part of the drug name and the doseDrug is selected and populated in Drug name filed   
#9Complete Medication formFollow Instructions Field Reference guide and fill in the instructions quantity and repeats for the medications including Method, Route, Frequency, Number, Duration (ie Take 2 tablets PO BID 2 months) and press Enter keyMedication form is completed and data is populated   
#10Verify that Instructions data is parsedVerify that Instructions data is parsed and populated for Method, Route, Frequency, Number, DurationInstructions data is parsed and populated   
#11Verify that Quantity/Duration data can be modifiedChange Quantity/ Repeats dataQuantity/ Repeats data is modifiable   
#12Add Medication recordClick on Save buttonMedication record is added in Patient Drug profile   

1.2 Test Record Medication Prescribed in the Past

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Connect to the OSCAR main pageLaunch OSCAR 15 URL: https://demo.oscarmcmaster.org:11246/oscar_twelve/index.jspOSCAR main page with the login is opened   
#2Log InEnter user's valid credentials (User Name / Password/2nd Level Pass code if applicable)By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance   
#3Access patient's search results pageClick on “Search” box at the top of the page.Patient's search box available for input.   
#4Search by patient nameEnter Patient name in search input box and click on “Search” buttonPatient's records are listed based on the entered keyword   
#5Activate Rx moduleSelect Rx tab to open Rx from the current recordRx module is opened for the selected patient   
#6Search for drugIn the box “Drug name” type in the name of the drug to prescribeDrop down list appears   
#7Narrow searchPick the unique part of the drug name and the doseDrug is selected and populated in Drug name filed   
#8Expand Medication formClick on More hyperlinkAdvance Medical form display   
#9Complete Medication formFollow Instructions Field Reference guide and fill in the instructions quantity and repeats for the medications including Method, Route, Frequency, Number, Duration (ie Take 2 tablets PO BID 2 months) and press Enter keyMedication form is completed and data is populated   
#10Enter Past Start DateChange Start Date to Past Date (ie 2011-11-11)Start Date is changed   
#11Add Medication recordClick on Save buttonMedication record is added in Patient Drug profile   
#12Verify that medication prescribed in the past is recordedVerify that Start Date can be recorded in the pastStart Date is recorded in the past   

1.3 Test Record Medication Prescribed by External Provider

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Connect to the OSCAR main pageLaunch OSCAR 15 URL: https://demo.oscarmcmaster.org:11246/oscar_twelve/index.jspOSCAR main page with the login is opened   
#2Log InEnter user's valid credentials (User Name / Password/2nd Level Pass code if applicable)By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance   
#3Access patient's search results pageClick on “Search” box at the top of the page.Patient's search box available for input.   
#4Verify default search typeVerify that Name is default search typeName is default search type   
#5Search by nameEnter Patient name in search input box and click on “Search” buttonPatient's records are listed based on the entered keyword   
#6Activate Rx moduleSelect Rx tab to open Rx from the current recordRx module is opened for the selected patient   
#7Search for drugIn the box “Drug name” type in the name of the drug to prescribeDrop down list appears   
#8Narrow searchPick the unique part of the drug name and the doseDrug is selected and populated in Drug name filed   
#9Expand Medication formClick on “More”Advance Medical form display   
#10Complete Instructions fieldFollow Instructions Field Reference guide and enter Instructions including Method, Route, Frequency, Number, Duration (ie Take 2 tablets PO BID 2 months) and press Enter keyInstructions form is completed and data is populated   
#11Select Prescribed by Outside ProviderCheck off checkbox next to Prescribed by Outside ProviderPrescribed by Outside Provider option is selected   
#12Complete Outside provider formEnter Outside provider Name and OHIP NumberOutside Provider info is entered   
#13Add Medication recordClick on Save buttonMedication record is added in Patient Drug profile   
#14Verify external provider prescriptionVerify that medication prescribed by external provider is recordedMedication prescribed by external provider is recorded   

1.4 Test Discontinue a Medication from the Treatment Plan

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
Medication is added to the patient's Drug profile
#1Connect to the OSCAR main pageLaunch OSCAR 15 URL: https://demo.oscarmcmaster.org:11246/oscar_twelve/index.jspOSCAR main page with the login is opened   
#2Log InEnter user's valid credentials (User Name / Password/2nd Level Pass code if applicable)By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance   
#3Search the patient nameAccess Patient Search Results page from Search TabPatient search results page is accessible from Search Tab by name   
#4Activate Rx moduleSelect Rx hyperlink to open Rx from the current recordRx module is opened for the selected patient   
#5Access Discontinue a medication pop up windowClick on “Discon” hyperlink on the right of a drug nameDiscontinue pop up appears   
#6Complete discontinue fieldsSelect the reason for discontinuing the drug and add any comment if needed and click on Discontinue buttonMedication is discontinued   
#7Verify that a medication is discontinued from the treatment planVerify that a medication is discontinued from the treatment plan without changing the status of the prescriptionA medication is discontinued from the treatment plan without changing the status of the prescription   

1.5 Test Display Current vs Past/ Active vs Inactive Medications

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
Medications are added to the patient's Drug profile
#1Connect to the OSCAR main pageLaunch OSCAR 15 URL: https://demo.oscarmcmaster.org:11246/oscar_twelve/index.jsp    
#2Log InEnter user's valid credentials (User Name / Password/2nd Level Pass code if applicable)By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance   
#3Search the patient nameAccess Patient Search Results list from Search box from the new UI. Select the patient.Patient search results page is accessible from Search box by name   
#4Activate Rx moduleSelect Rx tab to open Rx from the current recordRx module is opened for the selected patient   
#7View current medicationsVerify that Current medications display by defaultCurrent medications display by default   
#8View past medicationsClick on Entered Date hyperlink in Medication Profile chart heading to view past medicationsPast medications are listed in ascending order   
#9View active medicationClick on Active breadcrumb in Profile Legend sectionActive medications are listed and visually distinct   
#10View inactive medicationsClick on Lognterm/Acute/Inactive/External breadcrumb in Profile Legend sectionInactive medications are listed and visually distinct   
#11View all medicationsClick on All breadcrumb in Profile Legend sectionAll (Active, Expired, Deleted, Discontinued) medications are listed   

1.6 Test Create a Custom Drug

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Connect to the OSCAR main pageLaunch OSCAR 15 URL: https://demo.oscarmcmaster.org:11246/oscar_twelve/index.jspOSCAR main page with the login is opened   
#2Log InEnter user's valid credentials (User Name / Password/2nd Level Pass code if applicable)By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance   
#3Search the patient nameAccess Patient Search Results list from Search box from the new UI. Select the patient.Patient search results page is accessible from Search box by name   
#4Activate Rx moduleSelect Rx tab to open Rx from the current recordRx module is opened for the selected patient   
#5Access Custom drug formClick on Custom drug button and click OK button to confirm warning messageCustom drug form displays   
#6Complete custom drug formFill out the drug, dosage and instructions as for a normal prescription and select Save buttonCustom drug is added in patient's drug profile   

1.7 Test Include Drug-to-drug Interaction Information

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
Medication is added to the patient's Drug profile
#1Connect to the OSCAR main pageLaunch OSCAR 15 URL: https://demo.oscarmcmaster.org:11246/oscar_twelve/index.jspOSCAR main page with the login is opened   
#2Log InEnter user's valid credentials (User Name / Password/2nd Level Pass code if applicable)By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance   
#3Search the patient nameAccess Patient Search Results list from Search box from the new UI. Select the patient.Patient search results page is accessible from Search box by name   
#4Activate Rx moduleSelect Rx tab to open Rx from the current recordRx module is opened for the selected patient   
#5Search for drugIn the box “Drug name” type in the name of the drug to prescribeDrop down list appears   
#6Search for Medication to verify drug-to-drug interactionSearch for a medication that has drug-to-drug interactionDrug-to-drug interaction warning message displays   
#7Complete Instructions fieldFollow Instructions Field Reference guide and enter Instructions including Method, Route, Frequency, Number, Duration (ie Take 2 tablets PO BID 2 months) and press Enter keyInstructions form is completed and data is populated   
#8Add Medication recordClick on Save buttonMedication record is added in Patient Drug profile   
#9Verify drug-to-drug interactionVerify that drug-to-drug interaction via drugref including severity of interaction overridesDrug-to-drug interaction via drugref including severity of interaction overrides   

1.8 Test Include Drug-to-Allergy Interaction Information

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
Medication is added to the patient's Drug profile
#1Connect to the OSCAR main pageLaunch OSCAR 15 URL: https://demo.oscarmcmaster.org:11246/oscar_twelve/index.jspOSCAR main page with the login is opened   
#2Log InEnter user's valid credentials (User Name / Password/2nd Level Pass code if applicable)By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance   
#3Access patient's search results pageClick on “Search” TabPatient's search results page opens   
#4Verify default search typeVerify that Name is default search typeName is default search type   
#5Search by patient nameEnter Patient name in search input box and click on “Search” button from the new UI. Select the patient.Patient's records are listed based on the entered keyword   
#6Activate Rx moduleSelect Rx tab to open Rx from the current recordRx module is opened for the selected patient   
#7Search Medication to verify drug-to-allergy interactionSearch for a medication that has drug-to-allergy interactionDrug-to-allergy interaction warning message displays   
#8Complete Instructions fieldFollow Instructions Field Reference guide and enter Instructions including Method, Route, Frequency, Number, Duration (ie Take 2 tablets PO BID 2 months) and press Enter keyInstructions form is completed and data is populated   
#9Add Medication recordClick on Save buttonMedication record is added in Patient Drug profile   
#10Verify drug-to-allergy interactionVerify that drug-to-allergy interaction via drugref including severity of interaction overridesDrug-to-allergy interaction via drugref including severity of interaction overrides   

1.9 Test  Drugref Info Interaction Message

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
Medication is added to the patient's Drug profile
#1Connect to the OSCAR main pageLaunch OSCAR 15 URL: https://demo.oscarmcmaster.org:11246/oscar_twelve/index.jspOSCAR main page with the login is opened   
#2Log InEnter user's valid credentials (User Name / Password/2nd Level Pass code if applicable)By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance   
#3Access patient's search results pageClick on “Search” TabPatient's search results page opens   
#4Verify default search typeVerify that Name is default search typeName is default search type   
#5Search by patient nameEnter Patient name in search input box and click on “Search” button from the new UI. Select the patient.Patient's records are listed based on the entered keyword   
#6Activate Rx moduleSelect Rx tab to open Rx from the current recordRx module is opened for the selected patient   
#7Search for drugIn the box “Drug name” type in the name of the drug to prescribeDrop down list appears   
#8Narrow searchPick the unique part of the drug name and the doseDrug is selected and populated in Drug name filed   
#9Drugref info interaction messageVerify Drugref info interaction message displays for drug/condition interactions, drug/lab interactions, recommended dosing, or therapeutic alternatives

Drugref info interaction message displays for drug/condition interactions, drug/lab interactions, recommended dosing, or therapeutic alternatives


1.10 Test View Date of Drugef Database

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
Patient has allergies added to the Allergy Profile
#1Connect to the OSCAR main pageLaunch OSCAR 15 URL: https://demo.oscarmcmaster.org:11246/oscar_twelve/index.jspOSCAR main page with the login is opened   
#2Log InEnter user's valid credentials (User Name / Password/2nd Level Pass code if applicable)By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance   
#3Access patient's search results pageClick on “Search” box in the new UIPatient's search results list opens   
#4Verify default search typeVerify that Name is default search typeName is default search type   
#5Search by patient nameEnter Patient name in search input box and click on “Search” buttonPatient's records are listed based on the entered keyword   
#6Activate Rx moduleSelect Rx tab to open Rx from the current recordRx module is opened for the selected patient   
#7View date of drugref databaseClick on “Drugref Info” hyperlink at the top of Rx pageDdugref popup appears in a new window   

1.11 Test Drugref Interaction Preferences

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
Medication is added to the patient's Drug profile
#1Connect to the OSCAR main pageLaunch OSCAR 15 URL: https://demo.oscarmcmaster.org:11246/oscar_twelve/index.jspOSCAR main page with the login is opened   
#2Log InEnter user's valid credentials (User Name / Password/2nd Level Pass code if applicable)By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance   
#3Access patient's search results pageEnter Patient name in search input boxPatient's search box available for input.   
#4Verify default search typeVerify that Name is default search typeName is default search type   
#5Search by patient nameEnter Patient name in search input box and click on “Search” buttonPatient's records are listed based on the entered keyword   
#6Activate Patient's Demographics moduleSelect Patient's name to open from the current recordDemographics module is openned for the selected patient   
#7Patient's Drugref interaction preferencesVerify that Rx Interaction Warning Level displaysRx Interaction Warning Level displays   
#8Edit Rx Interaction Warning LevelClick on EditDemographics is editable   
#9Change Rx Interaction Warning LevelSelect any Warning Level from drop down boxRx Interaction Warning Level is selected   
#10Activate Preferences TabIn old UI, activate Preferences by clicking on Preferences Tab on the top navigation barPreference page appears in a new window   
#11Provider Drugref interaction preferencesVerify that Rx Interaction Warning Level displaysRx Interaction Warning Level displays   
#12Edit Rx Interaction Warning LevelClick on EditDemographics is editable   
#13Change Rx Interaction Warning LevelSelect any Warning Level from drop down boxRx Interaction Warning Level is selected   
#14Activate Admin TabActivate Admin page by clicking on Admin Tab (in Main Menu) on the top navigation bar → System Management → Manage FacilitiesAdmin/ Facilities page appears in a new window   
#15Edit FacilitiesClick on EditEdit Facility page displays   
#16Clinic Drugref interaction preferencesVerify that Rx Interaction Warning Level displaysRx Interaction Warning Level displays   
#17Change Rx Interaction Warning LevelSelect any Warning Level from drop down boxRx Interaction Warning Level is selected   
#18Verify Drugref interaction preferencesVerify that Drugref interaction preferences should be respected with Patient prefs overriding Provider prefs which overrides Clinic prefsDrugref interaction preferences should be respected   

1.12 Test Show and Print Dosage Information over Time

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
Medication is added to the patient's Drug profile
#1Connect to the OSCAR main pageLaunch OSCAR 15 URL: https://demo.oscarmcmaster.org:11246/oscar_twelve/index.jspOSCAR main page with the login is opened   
#2Log InEnter user's valid credentials (User Name / Password/2nd Level Pass code if applicable)By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance   
#3Access patient's search results pageClick on “Search” box at the top of the page.Patient's search box available for input.   
#4Verify default search typeVerify that Name is default search typeName is default search type   
#5Search by patient nameEnter Patient name in search input box and click on “Search” buttonPatient's records are listed based on the entered keyword   
#6Activate Rx moduleSelect Rx tab to open Rx from the current recordRx module is opened for the selected patient   
#7View dosage information over time for a given medicationClick on “Timeline drug profile” hyperlinkTimeline Grug Profile page pops up and dosage information is available to view   
#8Print Timeline drug profileClick on Print buttonTimeline drug profile is available to print   

1.13 Test Sort Prescriptions

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
Medication is added to the patient's Drug profile
#1Connect to the OSCAR main pageLaunch OSCAR 15 URL: https://demo.oscarmcmaster.org:11246/oscar_twelve/index.jspOSCAR main page with the login is opened   
#2Log InEnter user's valid credentials (User Name / Password/2nd Level Pass code if applicable)By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance   
#3Access patient's search results pageClick on “Search” box at the top of the page.Patient's search box available for input.   
#4Verify default search typeVerify that Name is default search typeName is default search type   
#5Search by patient nameEnter Patient name in search input box and click on “Search” buttonPatient's records are listed based on the entered keyword   
#6Activate Rx moduleSelect Rx tab to open Rx from the current recordRx module is opened for the selected patient   
#7Sort prescriptions manuallyClick on up/ down navigation arrows to sort medications manuallyMedications are sorted manually   
#8Sort prescriptions by datesClick on Entered Date column headingMedications are sorted by date (ascending or descending order)   
#9Sort prescriptions alphabeticallyClick on Medication column headingMedications are sorted alphabetically (a-z or z-a)   

1.14 Test Create a List of Favorite Prescriptions

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Connect to the OSCAR main pageLaunch OSCAR 15 URL: https://demo.oscarmcmaster.org:11246/oscar_twelve/index.jspOSCAR main page with the login is opened   
#2Log InEnter user's valid credentials (User Name / Password/2nd Level Pass code if applicable)By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance   
#3Access patient's search results pageClick on “Search” box at the top of the page.Patient's search box available for input.   
#4Verify default search typeVerify that Name is default search typeName is default search type   
#5Search by patient nameEnter Patient name in search input box and click on “Search” buttonPatient's records are listed based on the entered keyword   
#6Activate Rx moduleSelect Rx tab to open Rx from the current recordRx module is opened for the selected patient   
#7Search for drugIn the box “Drug name” type in the name of the drug to prescribeDrop down list appears   
#8Narrow searchPick the unique part of the drug name and the doseDrug is selected and populated in Drug name filed   
#9Expand Medication formClick on More after a prescription box appearsAdvance Medical form display   
#10Add to FavoriteClick on Add to Favorite link and type a short name for the favorite drugMedication is added to Favorites and listed in Favorites section on left hand side bar   

 1.15 Test Select Items to Display on the eChart RX

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
Medications are added to the patient's Drug profile listed in eChart model
#1Connect to the OSCAR main pageLaunch OSCAR 15 URL: https://demo.oscarmcmaster.org:11246/oscar_twelve/index.jspOSCAR main page with the login is opened   
#2Log InEnter user's valid credentials (User Name / Password/2nd Level Pass code if applicable)By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance   
#3Search the patient nameEnter Patient name in search input box and click on “Search” button from the new UI. Select the patient.Patient search results page is accessible from Search Tab by name   
#4Activate eChart moduleSelect summary tab to open patient summary (eChart) from the current recordeChart module is opened for the selected patient   
#5Access Medications pageClick on Medications heading on the left hand menuMedications page opens in a new window   
#6Select medications to hide on eChart CPPCheck off medication records that should be hidden from eChart CPPMedications are selected   
#7Verify that selected items are hidden on eChart pageGo back to eChart model and verify that selected medications do not display under Medications sectionItems are hidden and do not display on eChart CPP   



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