Encounter Allergies

Encounter Allergies

1.0 Test Include all OMD mandatory allergies data elements

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Connect to the OSCAR main pageLaunch OSCAR 15 URL: https://demo.oscarmcmaster.org:11246/oscar_twelve/index.jspOSCAR main page with the login is opened   
#2Log InEnter user's valid credentials (User Name / Password/2nd Level Pass code if applicable)

By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance.

Once logged in, user is redirected to the Appointment screen with various OSCAR options

Click on the OSCAR EMR logo on the top left hand corner of the window at the beginning of the menu line to access the new UI.

#3Access patient's search resultsClick on “Search” boxPatient's search box entry available   
#4Verify default search typeVerify that Name is default search typeName is default search type   
#5Search by patient nameAccess Patient Search Results drop down (list) from SearchPatient search results is accessible from Search results drop down list.   
#6Activate eChart moduleSelect Rx tab to open Prescription and allergies in patient summary from the current recordRx screen is opened for the selected patient   
#7Access Edit Allergies Profile pageClick on the "+" beside the red Allergies heading on the left hand side barEdit Allergies Profile page opens in a new window   
#8Search by allergyEnter keyword in the search box to search for allergy. Search box cannot be blank.Allergy types are populated   
#9Search allergy by categoriesSelect/ deselect search category (Nutrients (ATC or AHFS class), Drug classes, Ingredients, Generic Names, Brand Names)Search categories are selected   
#10Perform searchClick on Search buttonAllergy search results are listed   
#11Select relevant search resultClick on (ATC or AHFS class) Nutrient or Drug nameAdd reaction page opens   
#12Complete reaction formFill out the form (include Notes, Start Date, Age of Onset, Severity of Reaction and Onset of Reaction)Reaction form is completed   
#13Verify all mandatory OMD data elementsAllergies and Adverse reactions data should be also verified for mandatory OMD data elementsAll OMD mandatory allergies data elements are included   
#14Add AllergyClick on Add Allergy buttonAllergy is added   

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