Patient Directive Testing

Patient Directive Testing

1.0 Locking by patient

Step ID



Expected Results

Actual Results

Pass or Fail



Login  as doctor

Oscar welcome page prompts user to Enter credentials (User Name/ Password)

User account has doctor privileges

By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance





Select a patient

1.Select a patient to demonstrate restricted access to demographics and eChart

2.Demographic number is used to restrict access to a specific patient


  1. Select patient

  2. Capture patients demographic number





Open Admin panel

1. Successfully log into OSCAR.


2. From the landing page locate Admin panel.

Admin panel opened





Add a Role

1. Under ‘User Management’ select ‘Add role’. The format for role name is: ‘Rolename$#’



2. Include patients demographic number follow ‘$’ in the role name


New role named and added: (ex: DemographicEchartOnly$5) 





Assign Role to Provider

A role can be specific to a provider or a group of providers.


You may choose to create a new provider or use an existing provider

1. Scroll to the bottom


2. Select Provider


3. Select role (DemographicEchart_only)


Role assign to provider. 








‘System Management’

1. Admin Panel Still running.


2.Select System Management  in Admin Panel

Options within  ‘System Management’ are displayed





Assign Role rights to Object

1.Select ‘Assign role rights to Object’ under System Management


2. The provider with this role should not have access eChart and to a patient demographic.


1.Select the following role ‘DemographicEchart only’



2.Select object ID ‘_demographic’  and ‘_eChart’ and assign ‘no rights’ privilege to both


3.Scroll down to click on ‘Add’


4.Find changes in the ‘Role/Privilege list’





Log out

Completed required actions with Admin account.

Successfully logout.





Login as provider with no rights to demographic & eChart role only

1. Provider created and role assigned.

2.Input provider credentials

Successfully login as provider.





Select the same patient again

Restricted access to patient is created

Patient chosen





Open eChart

Access to the eChart is only given to certain roles.

Denied access to eChart





Open patient demographic

Access to the demographic is only given to certain roles.

Denied access to patient demographic




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