User Role Testing

User Role Testing

1.0 Create user with only demographic rights, test to that he cannot even login

Step ID



Expected Results

Actual Results

Pass or Fail




Connect to the OSCAR main page

1. OSCAR Software Test Version 15, system and DB up and running. 2. OSCAR user is registered and have the correct credentials to login

Oscar Opens







1.Oscar welcome page prompts user to Enter credentials (User Name/ Password/Second level password)

2. User logged in has admin rights.

Successful login.







Define role and rights

Ensure role does not already exist in OSCAR.

 Confirm  role name and right






Add a Provider

1.Access to User Management within Admin panel


2 Click on ‘Add provider’


1.Required field are filled in to create a provider


2.Provider is saved






Create new role by clicking on ‘Add role’ in Admin panel  

  1. User requiring new role must exist.

  2. Role must be defined.

1. Input role name


2.Save role






Assign the newly created role to user (existing user)

Role created and user requiring this role is identified.

  1. Click on Assign role to provider
  2. Select provider
  3. Add role  to provider






Select the objects user  with new role has access to through ‘Assign Role/Rights’

1. To restrict or provide access to a specific aspect of OSCAR for a role, find the correspond Object ID and select the most appropriate Privilege.


2. Roles can have any of the following privileges: All rights, Read, Write, Delete, No rights, update

1. Assign no rights to all objects but Demographics.


2. All rights provided to demographics


3.  Save changes







Completion of assigning role/rights to object

Successfully logout






Login As User assigned with the newly created role

1.Logout of admin account


2.Oscar welcome page prompts user to Enter credentials (User Name/ Password/Second level password)

Successfully log into OSCAR






Select patient

Rostered patients exist.

Successfully select patient






Click on patient ‘echart’

User with only access to demographics should not be able to have restricted access

Access to eChart restrict role to ensure there is no access to e- chart, inbox and admin functions






1.1 Test  receptionist role to ensure there is no access to eChart, inbox and A

Step ID



Expected Results

Actual Results

Pass or Fail



Connect to the OSCAR main page

1. OSCAR Software Test Version 15, system and DB up and running. 2. OSCAR user is registered and have the correct credentials to login

Oscar Opens





Login as Receptionist

1. Oscar welcome page prompts user to Enter credentials (User Name/ Password/Second level password)

2. User logged in has admin rights.

Successful login.






Create appointment

Rostered patients exists

1.Time slot selected

2.Patient booked for timeslot





Open patient Master record from classic view

1.Find patient schedule

2. Open Master record

1. Click on ‘M’ to access master record

2. Record Opened





Open patient’s eChart


Under clinical Modules, e-chart should appear’


Access to E-chart is dependent on assigned role.

1.‘E-chart’ does not appear in demographic chart or on Classic Schedule


2. Access denied due to restricted access placed on receptionist role





Open Inbox

1.From the Classic view click on ‘E’ to access eChart


2. Only certain roles can provide a user access to inbox.

Access to inbox is denied





Access to Admin Panel

A receptionist’s role does not allow for admin functions.


From Classic view no access to admin panel is available. 

Access to Admin panel denied.






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