Broken Link Testing

Broken Link Testing

Step ID



Expected Results

Actual Results

Pass or Fail



Verify all links use in OSCAR QA release does not have invalid or malicious links.  Extract all links from OSCAR QA release source code.

OSCAR QA release available

.Query collect all links used in OSCAR code in a file.

Use search criteria e.g. http:// and or .com, .ca,.edu,.co,.org, .net,.uk etc.

File that contained all links




Produce a list of unique links in an Excel file

File extract of links (text file)

Manually extract the list of links and placed on an Excel file. Sort the various links.





Compare new link extracts with last version of the Excel file.

Last version of Excel file has all links validated. Any doubts with a link must be re-check again.

Compare the links in the Excel file and identify any new links for testing





Validate all new links manually to ensure they are valid and no suspicion of malicious links

List of all new links after the comparison.

Confirm the new links are good and isolate any suspicious links for review.





Provide any suspected links back to QA and developer to be removed

Link check results (net new)

1.If there is any suspicious links, QA and developer for necessary change.  If required files change request of bug report.

2.list of links available for QA or developer




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