OSCAR 15 Patient List Test Cases

OSCAR 15 Patient List Test Cases

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Landing Page_Patient List Test Cases. Table of Content.BR#
1.0 Test Ability to Switch Between Patient ListsPL 1.1, PL 1.1.1
1.1 Test Test Ability to Filter Patient ListPL 3.0, PL 3.1
1.2 Test Ability to Hide/ Show Patient List from the viewPL 1.5, PL 2.0, PL 2.1, PL 2.2
1.3 Test Ability to Reload Patient listPL 3.1
1.4 Test Ability to Display Maximum Number of Patients on Patient ListPL 4.0
1.5 Test Ability to Shade Background of Listed AppointmentsPL 6.0, PL 6.1, PL 6.2
1.6 Test Ability to Remove Patients from Today's Appointment ListPL 7.0


Reference input  
Landing Page Module Use Case v.2.4Alek Mirkin
Oscar 14 Landing Pages BRD_v.2.9Rachel Aubie

1.0 Test Ability to Switch Between Patient Lists


Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to display left-side menu (patient list)1. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
2. Patients Demographics records are created
3. Appointments are booked
Verify that today's appointments are listed on the left-side menuBooked appointments are listed on the left-side menu   
#2Ability to display left-side menu tab Verify that left-side menu tabs displayLeft-side menu shows tabs:
• Appointments
• Recent
• Arrow down drop down (Patients Set, Caseload)
#3Ability to display appointments as a default tab Verify that Appts tab is a default tab and displays Today's appointmentsToday's scheduled appointments are listed by default   
#4Ability to order Patient lists Verify that Patient Lists ordered by appointment timePatient Lists are ordered by appointment time   
#5Ability to Activate Recent tab Select Recent tab to display recent booked appointments1. Recent booked appointments are listed
2. User is able to filter the list by patient's last name, first name
#6Ability to Activate Caseload option Select Caseload from the drop down“Caseload” refers to the Caseload patient list   
#7Ability to Activate Patient Sets optionPatient sets have been set from the More/ Reports/ Demographic Report ToolsSelect Patient Sets from the drop down1. “Patient Sets” refers to the Select a Patient Set view
2. Patient set list displays
3. User is able to filter patient list set by patient last, first names

1.1 Test Test Ability to Filter Patient List


Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to display filter fieldLanding page is presented with the Dashboard viewVerify that Filter field appears in left-side menuFilter field to narrow patient list appears in left-side menu below tabs, above the generated patient list data   
#2Ability to filter patient list 1. Enter patient's last, first name into the filter text field
2. Verify that Text field is accepting information in a free text format
1. Free text can be entered into Filter field
2. User is able to filter appointment list by patient name
3. Shows only patients in list whose names match entered text
#3Ability to display Button bar Verify that patient list functional buttons are available above filter fieldButton bar contains Patient List function buttons:
• Left-facing arrow
• Refresh
• Page Up
• Page Down

1.2 Test Ability to Hide/ Show Patient List from the view


Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to display left-side menu (patient list) on the Dashboad screenLanding page is presented with the Dashboard viewVerify that Patient list shows on the left-side menuPatient list shows on the left-side menu

#2Ability to hide patient list from the view 1. Hover over Left-facing Arrow button under Appt. tab in left-side menu
2. Click on Left arrow button
1. Left-facing arrow button is accessible and visible
2. Tooltip description should appears as “Hide Patient List”
3. Patient list is hidden
4. Right-facing arrow button should appear next to the Home button to show patient list pane on the screen
#3Ability to show patient list on the left hand site 1. Hover over the Right-facing Arrow icon next to the Home button
2. Click on the Right-facing arrow on the main navigation bar
1. Right-facing arrow button is accessible and visible
2.Tooltip description should appears as “Show Patient list”
3. Patient list appears on left-side menu

1.3 Test Ability to Reload Patient list


Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to use Patient List Function buttons: RefreshLanding page is presented with the Dashboard view1. Hover over Refresh button
2. Activate Refresh function button
1. Tooltip description should appears as “Refresh List”
2. Patient list data is refreshed and patient list is brought the initial (first) page

1.4 Test Ability to Display Maximum Number of Patients on Patient List


Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to display Up/Down arrow function button1. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
2. Appointments are scheduled
3. Patient List displays certain maximum number of patients (eight)
Verify that Page Up and Page Down function buttons are visible and accessibleUp/Down arrow function buttons are visible and accessible   
#2Ability to paginate patient list Verify that the numbers appear at the bottom right of the Patient list to indicate current page (as numerator) and total pages (as denominator)The number to coordinate current page and total pages appear at the bottom right of the Patient list   
#3Ability to activate Page up/ down burttonsScroll to the first/ last pages1. Verify that Page Up button is disabled when on the first page
2. Verify that Page Down is disabled when on the last page
1, Page Up button should be disabled when on the first page
2. Page Down button should be disabled when on the last page
#4Ability to display Patient List using “Up arrow” function button Click on “Page Up” buttonPage up button allows to scroll up through paginated patient list   
#5Ability to display Patient List using “Down arrow” function button Click on “Page Down” iconPage Down button allows to scroll down through paginated patient list   

1.5 Test Ability to Shade Background of Listed Appointments


Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Appointment status background shade: NormalLanding page is presented with the Dashboard viewVerify that Normal status background shade is whiteBackground shade of listed appointments differs based on the appointment status: White for Normal   
#2Appointment status background shade: Checked-inNOTE: The colour-scheme should replicate OSCAR 12 colour scheme for appointment statusesVerify that Checked-in status background shade is greenBackground shade of listed appointments differs based on the appointment status: Green for Checked-in status   
#3Appointment status background shade: In-room Verify that In-room status background shade is red/pinkBackground shade of listed appointments differs based on the appointment status: Red/Pink for In-room status   
#4Colour scheme for appointment statuses: To Do Verify “To Do” appointment status background shadeBackground shade of “To Do” appointment status: Light yellow   
#5Colour scheme for appointment statuses: Day Sheet Printed Verify “Day Sheet Printed” appointment status background shadeBackground shade of “Day Sheet Printed” appointment status: Light yellow   
#6Colour scheme for appointment statuses: Here/Checked-in Verify “Here/ Checked-in” appointment status background shadeBackground shade of “Here/ Checked-in” appointment status: green   
#7Colour scheme for appointment statuses: Picked/ In Room Verify that “Picked/In Room” appointment status background shadeBackground shade of “Picked/ In Room” appointment status: pink   
#8Colour scheme for appointment statuses: Empty Room Verify “Empty Room” appointment status background shadeBackground shade of “Empty Room” appointment status: bright yellow   
#9Colour scheme for appointment statuses: No Show Verify “No Show” appointment status background shadeBackground shade of “No Show” appointment status: Light grey   
#10Colour scheme for appointment statuses: Custom Verify that “Custom” appointment status background shadeBackground shade of “Custom” appointment status: blue   

1.6 Test Ability to Remove Patients from Today's Appointment List


Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to remove patients from today's appointment list1. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
2. Appointments with statuses “Cancel” or “Do not show” are booked
Verify that Appointments with statuses “Cancel” or “Do not show” does not show in the Appointment list1. If patients "Cancel" or "Do not show" (leave daily appointment list) the appointment/patient should be dropped-off list
2. Patient is automatically removed from today’s appointments list

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