OSCAR 15 Navigation Bar Test Cases

OSCAR 15 Navigation Bar Test Cases

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Landing Page_Navigation Bar Test Cases. Table of Content.BR#
1.0 Test Ability to Display Top Navigation Bar Menu ItemsNB 1.0, NB 4.0, NB 4.1, NB 3.0, NB 3.1
1.1 Test Ability to Display Login Name Drop Down ItemsNB 5.0, NB 5.1, NB 5.1.1
1.2 Test Ability to Display Program NameNB 6.0, NB 6.1
1.3 Test Ability to Navigate to Scratch Pad and MessengerNB 7.0, NB 9.0
1.4 Test Ability to Display Message Icon IndicatorsNB 10.0
1.5 Test Ability to Log OutNB 8.0
1.6 Test Ability to Display Search Text Field for the Current ScreenNB 2.0, NB 2.1.0, NB 2.2.1, NB 2.2.3
1.7 Test Ability to Display Multiple Search ResultsNB 2.2.4
1.8 Test Ability to Create a New Patient Record FunctionalityNB 2.4
1.9 Test Ability to Display Search Buttons NavigationNB 2.3, NB 2.4– Future


Reference input  
Landing Page Module Use Case v. 2.4Alek Mirkin
Oscar 14 Landing Pages BRD_v.2.9Rachel Aubie

1.0 Test Ability to Display Top Navigation Bar Menu Items 

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Navigation bar position1. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
2. User is logged in with Clinician credentials
Verify Navigation bar position on the screenNavigation bar is spanning across the top of the page   
#2Menu items display Verify Menu items order and display on the screenMenu items are appearing along navigation bar and listed in order:
• Home button
• Schedule
• Inbox
• Consultations
• Billing
• Tickler
• Admin
• More (drop-down)
#3Home button functionality 1. Hover over the Home button
2. Select Home button
1. Home button is visible and accessible to right of Search function
2. Tooltip description should appears as “Your Dashboard”
3. Home button brings users to their default landing page, based on users "primary role"
#4Menu items act as navigation for landing page: Schedule Select Schedule tabBy selecting Schedule menu item user navigates to Schedule screen in the main view area of Landing page (temporarily to the classic Appointment screen view)   
#5Menu items act as navigation for landing page: Inbox Select Inbox buttonBy selecting Inbox menu item user navigates to Inbox screen in the main view area of Landing page   
#6Menu items act as navigation for landing page: Consultation Select ConsultationBy selecting Consultation menu item user navigates to the Consultation Request/ Response List screen in the main view area of Landing page   
#7Menu items act as navigation for landing page: Billing Select Billing buttonBy selecting Billing menu item user navigates to the Billing screen in the main view area of Landing page   
#8Menu items act as navigation for landing page: Tickler Select Tickler buttonBy selecting Tickler menu item user navigates to Tickler List screen in the main view area of Landing page   
#9Menu items act as navigation for landing page: Admin Select Admin buttonBy selecting Admin menu item user navigates to the Administrator panel screen in the main view area of Landing page   
#10Menu items act as navigation for landing page: More Select More drop downBy selecting More menu item, additional items appear in “More” drop-down
• Reports
• Documents
#11More drop down: Reports Activate Reports items to navigate to Reports pageIn “More” menu “Reports” refers to the Reports screen   
#12More drop down: Documents Activate Documents item to navigate to Documents screenIn “More” menu “Documents” refers to Document Management System screen   

1.1 Test Ability to Display Login Name Drop Down Items 

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Current user information displayLanding page is presented with the Dashboard viewVerify that Current user information displays on the screenCurrent user Name is displayed on navigation bar   
#2Log in name drop down options Select Log in name hyperlinkBy clicking log-in name, drop-down User menu opens with options:
• Settings
• Support
• Help
#3Launch Settings menu item Select Settings menu itemUser's settings page to customize landing page is initiated   
#4Launch Support menu item Select Support menu itemSupport page is initiated with OSP contact information and instructions   
#5Launch Help menu item Select Help menu itemHelp page is initiated with the resources to assist users with the potential questions   

 1.2 Test Ability to Display Program Name

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Current program to display1. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
2. Applies even if only one program is assigned to user (ie Family Medicine)
1. Verify that Globe button displays to the left of user information
2. Hover over Globe button
1.Globe icon to left of program name display
2. Tooltip description should appears as “Change your current program”
#2Multiple programs navigationProvider is assigned to multiple programsClick on the Globe button and verify it acts as program name drop-downProgram name drop down opens   
#3Ability to switch between programs Verify that user is able to select and switch between programs within Oscar/CAISIIf provider is assigned to multiple programs, program name acts as drop-down to select and switch between programs within Oscar/CAISI   

 1.3 Test Ability to Navigate to Scratch Pad and Messenger 

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Shortcut icon to mail system availabilityLanding page is presented with the Dashboard viewVerify that shortcut icons are visible and accessible to left of Global icon (program name):
• Scratched pad
• Messenger (envelope)
Shortcut icon to Scratch pad and mail system are available to left of program name

#2Activate Scratch pad icon 1. Hover over Scratch pad icon
2. Click on Scratch Pad icon
1. Scratch pad icon is visible and accessible from the main navigation bar
2. Tooltip description should appears as “Scratchpad”
3. User is launching a scratch pad to create a note for the patient in focus
#3Activate mail shortcut icon 1. Hover over Mail shortcut icon
2. Click on Mail shortcut icon
1, Mail shortcut icon is visible and accessible
2. Tooltip description should appears as “OSCAR Messenger”
3. Mail system is activated

1.4 Test Ability to Display Message Icon Indicators

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Message number indicators position on the screen1. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
2. Oscar Messages are available
3. Ticklers are created
4. MyOscar messages are available
Verify message number indicators display in order:
• Number of OSCAR messages
• Total number of OSCAR messages
• Number of messages from patients
3 message number indicators display to right of Message icon (envelope)   
#3Message number indicators display Verify message number indicators displayMessage number indicators are indicating:
1. New Oscar messages linked to a patient (demographic)
2. Total New Oscar messages
3. MyOscar messages (Total messages from the patient)

 1.5 Test Ability to Log Out 

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Log outLanding page is presented with the Dashboard view1. Verify that Log-out icon on far right of navigation bar
2. Click on Log out icon
1. Log-out icon is visible and accessible
2. User can log out by clicking on log-out button

1.6 Test Ability to Display Search Text Field for the Current Screen 

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Patient Search text field1. Landing page is presented with Demographics screen
2. Patient is registered within the OSCAR database
Verify Search text field and search execution button are visible and accessible on the screenSearch text field and Search execution button are on left side of Dashboard view screen   
#2Use Search bar to find a patient by Last name Type patient's Last name (ie "sm" for searching for "smith")1. Fuzzy search is filtering the resulting list of patients matching the entered text string
2. User can pick desired patient from the list if more than one matching criteria is found
#3Use Search to find a patient by Last and First name Type patient's Last and First name (ie "smith, a" for searching for "smith" by last and first name)1. Fuzzy search is filtering the resulting list of patients matching the entered text string results for last name: “smith”, first name starting with “a”
2. User can pick desired patient from the list if more than one matching criteria is found
#4Patient Search Results Verify that Search result appears under search bar and shows result listVerify that Search results appear under search bar and show in result list:
• Name
• Health card number
• Health card version
• Date of birth
#5Default Search results Verify that Search Patients loads selected results in Patient Summary pageSearch Patients load selected results in Patient Summary page when patient name is selected   

 1.7 Test Ability to Display Multiple Search Results

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected Results
#1Search by the patient nameOscar search page prompts user to enter patient name1. Type patient's name
2. Select Search button
1. Search box is accepting text
2. Search button is available and clickable
3. The text in search box should is used to run the query
4. Results page is returned
#2Display More Search ResultsMore Search results options are available than can be shown in the listVerify that user is able to move to a search results page with the same queryIf more options are available than can be shown in the list, a method to move to a search results page with the same query (displaying results) needs to be available

 1.8 Test Ability to Create a New Patient Record Functionality 

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Create new patientLanding page is presented with the Dashboard view1. Hover over “+” sign next to the Search Patients box
2. Select Add new patient button
1. Add new patient button is visible and accessible
2. Tooltip description should appears as “Add a new Patient”
3. Create New Record screen is present
4. User is able add a New patient record

1.9 Test Ability to Display Search Button Navigation 

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to view Drop down field options next to Search fieldLanding page is presented with the Dashboard viewSelect drop down field next to Search and verify that the following list is available:
• “New Patient”,
• “Merge Demographic”
• “Advanced Search”
1. Drop down field next to Search field is available
2. Values are listed
#2Ability to use Advanced Search Click on drop down list next to the Search box to access "Advanced Search" view1.Advanced search options present
2. Entered search text be ignored
3. User can pass more parameters or use different criteria to find a patient
#3Ability to Merge Demographics Click on drop down list next to the Search box to access "Merge Demographics" view1. Demographic Merge Records view is present in the main area of Landing page
2. User can merge selected Demographics records


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