OSCAR 15 Modal Screen Test Cases

OSCAR 15 Modal Screen Test Cases

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Clinician Landing Page_Modal Screen Rules Test Cases. Table of Content.BR#
1.0 Test Ability to Enable/Disable a Global System for the Pop-out Function 
1.1 Test Ability to Pop-out Tabs from the Patient Navigation Menu as a Modal Screen 
1.2 Test Ability to Convert the Tab into a Modal Screen 
1.3 Test Ability to Verify that the Same Tab for the Same Patient Cannot be Opened in Multiple Modal Screens 
1.4 Test Ability to Save/ Edit Multiple Modals Independently 
1.5 Test Ability to Display a Standard Heading for all Open Modals 


Reference input  
Landing Page Module Use Case v.2.4Alek Mirkin
Oscar 14 Landing Pages BRD_v.2.9Rachel Aubie

1.0 Test Ability to Enable/Disable a Global System for the Pop-out Function

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to enable/ disable a global system for the pop-out function1. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
2. A global system for the pop-out function is disabled
NOTE: The pop-out function would be set on a clinic-wide basis, not a user basis
Disable a global system for the pop-out function

If the functionality is disabled no tabs from the Patient Navigation menu can be popped out as a modal   

1.1 Test Ability to Pop-out Tabs from the Patient Navigation Menu as a Modal Screen

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to pop-put any tab from the Patient Navigation as a modal screen1. Landing Screen is presented with the Dashboard view
2. Apply once pop-out function is enabled on a clinic-wide basis
Activate each tab from the Patient Navigation menuOnce popped-out, the tab within the main screen frame would appear blank until the modal was “returned” to the frame i.e. popped back in   
#2Ability to display live updating icon to show the number of open modalsMultiple modals are opened simultaneouslyVerify that live updating icon that shows the number of open modals is availableAn icon set for the screens to allow the returning of a modal to tab-view to be assigned   

1.2 Test Ability to Convert the Tab into a Modal Screen

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to launch any tab from patient navigation menuLanding Screen is presented with the Dashboard viewNavigate to any Tab from patient Navigation menuThe tab is open within the context of the main screen   
#2Ability to convert tab into a modal screen Click the open tab from the Patient navigation menu one more timeOnce the tab is opened within the context of the main screen, clicking the tab again convert that tab into a modal screen   

1.3 Test Ability to Verify that the Same Tab for the Same Patient Cannot be Opened in Multiple Modal Screens

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to launch the tab from patient navigation menuLanding Screen is presented with the Dashboard view1. Navigate to any Tab (ie Patient Summary) from patient 'x' Navigation menu
2. Click on the opened tab on more time
1. The tab is open within the context of the main screen
2. The tab is opened into a modal
#3Ability to verify that users cannot open the same tab for the same patient in multiple modal screens Verify that opened (ie Patient Summary) Tab for the same patient 'x' cannot be launchedUsers cannot open the same tab for the same patient 'x' in multiple modal screens   
#4Ability to open the Tab for different users in Multiple Modal Screens simultaneously Verify that Patient Summary Tab for the other patient 'y' can be opened as a modal simultaneouslyPatient Summary tab for the other patient ''y can be opened as a modal simultaneously   

1.4 Test Ability to Save/ Edit Multiple Modals  Independently

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to launch multiple modals from patient navigation menuLanding Screen is presented with the Dashboard viewLaunch multiple modals (ie Patient Summary, Details) from patient Navigation menuThe multiple modals are opened within the context of the main screen simultaneously   
#2Ability to edit multiple modals independently from other modal screens Edit multiple modalsAny screen that is opened are writable independently from other modal screens   
#3Save multiple modals independently from other modal screens Save multiple modalsAny screen that is opened are savable independently from other modal screens   
#4Ability to a warn users when attempting to close a modal with unsaved data enteredEntered data is not savedClose a modal with unsaved dataWarning message displays when user is attempting to close a modal with unsaved data entered   


1.5 Test Ability to Display a Standard Heading for all Open Modals

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to launch multiple modals from patient navigation menuLanding Screen is presented with the Dashboard viewNavigate to multiple modals from patient Navigation menuMultiple modals are opened within the context of the main screen simultaneously   
#2Ability to display Patient Information bar Verify that Patient Information bar appears at the top of each modal screen1. In all open modals a standard heading for all modals appears indicating the patient name
2. HIN, date-of-birth always appears at the top of the modal screen



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