OSCAR 15 Dashboard Layout Test Cases

OSCAR 15 Dashboard Layout Test Cases

OSCAR 15_Landing Page_Dashboard Layout_TC.xls

Landing Page_Dashboard Test Cases. Table of Content.BR#
1.0 Test Access Landing Page with the Dashboard viewDB 1.0
1.1 Test Dashboard View: Inbox TableDB5.0, DB5.1, DB5.2
1.2 Test Dashboard View: Messages TableDB3.0, DB3.1, DB3.2
1.3 Test Dashboard View: Ticklers TableDB2.0, DB 2.1, DB 2.2
1.4 Test Dashboard View: MyOscar TableDB4.0, DB4.1, DB4.2
Reference input  
Oscar 14 Landing Page Module Use Case v. 2.4Alek Mirkin
Oscar 14 Landing Pages BRD_v.2.8Rachel Aubie

1.0 Test Ability to Access Landing Page with the Dashboard view

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Connect to the OSCAR main page1. OSCAR Software Test Version 15.0, system and DB up and running.
2. OSCAR user has correct clinician credentials to login
Open OSCAR in the web browserOSCAR login page is opened   
#2Log InOscar welcome page prompts user to Enter credentials (User Name/ Password)User enters correct Username and Password1. By entering the right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance
2. Once logged in, user is redirected to the Home Screen
#3User name heading display Verify that “Welcome” + User Name heading displays on the dashboard“Welcome” + User Name heading displays   
#4Today's date display Verify that today date displays on the top left of the Landing pageToday's date displays on the top left of the Landing page   
#5Observe default Dashboard view Verify that Dashboard view sections are present on the screenDashboard view sections displays:
• Inbox
• Messages
• Ticklers
• MyOscar Messages


1.1 Test Dashboard View: Inbox Table

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Maximum Inbox items to show1. Oscar Home page is opened
2. >5 Inbox items are received
3. Inbox items are not acknowledged
Verify that Inbox table shows maximum of items that are not acknowledgedInbox table shows maximum of 5 most recent items that are not acknowledged   
#2Inbox heading display Verify that Inbox heading displays and shows number of incoming items are not acknowledgedInbox heading: “You have # reports which are not yet acknowledged” displays   
#3Heading for Inbox table columns Verify that Headings for Inbox table columns are following:
• Patient
• Category
• Date
• Status
Headings for Inbox table columns display as required   
#4Abnormal results or final reports displayAbnormal results or final reports are availableVerify that abnormal or final reports/results show in listAbnormal or final reports/results should show in the list   
#5“See More Inbox items” option availability Verify that “See More Inbox Items” button appears“See More Inbox Items” button appears if there are more than 5 items in the Inbox   
#6“See More Inbox Items” function Activate “See Inbox Items” button“Seem Inbox Items” opens Inbox item page   
#7Ability to view an Inbox item 1. Hover over the inbox item (ie document, lab)
2. Click on the Inbox item
1. Inbox item is highlighted
2.Inbox window should display in separate window
#8Acknowledged Inbox messages do not displayAcknowledge Inbox itemVerify that Acknowledged Inbox items do not show up in Inbox tableAcknowledged Inbox messages should not show in Inbox table   

1.2 Test Dashboard View: Messages Table

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Dashboard view: Messages Maximum number to show1. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
2. >5 Messages from clinics are received
Verify Messages table shows maximum number of unread messagesDashboard view Messages table shows maximum of 5 more recent unread messages   
#2Latest Messages display Verify that latest 5 unread messages from clinic displayed chronologicallyLatest 5 unread messages from clinic displayed chronologically   
#3“See More Messages” option availability Verify that “See More Messages” button appears only if there is more than 5 messages“See More Messages” button appears if there are more than 5 unread messages   
#4“See More Messages” function Select “See More Messages” button to open Messenger page“See More Messages” opens Messenger pop up window to view messages   
#5Messages heading display Verify that Messages heading displays number of unread messagesMessages heading “You have # unread messages” displays   
#6Headings for Messages Table columns Verify that Headings for Messages table columns display1. Dashboard view Headings for Message table columns display as followings:
• From
• Subject
• Date
• Patient
2. All data displays as required
#7Ability to view a message 1. Hover over the message
2. Select the message
3. Verify that read message should not show up in the Messages table
1. Message is highlighted
2.Messenger window opens
3. Unread message should not show up in the Messages table

1.3 Test Dashboard View: Ticklers Table

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Dashboard view: Maximum Ticklers number to show1. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
2. >5 Ticklers are submitted
Verify Dashboard view Ticklers table shows maximum number of ticklersDashboard view Ticklers table shows maximum number of 5 most recent ticklers   
#2“See more Ticklers” option availability Verify “See More Ticklers” button availability“See More Ticklers” button appears if there are more than 5 ticklers are submitted   
#3“See more Ticklers” function Select “See More Ticklers”Edit Tickler page appears   
#4Ticklers heading Verify that Ticklers heading displayTicklers heading “You have # ticklers”   
#5Overdue Ticklers notificationOverdue Ticklers are in a patient recordVerify Overdue Ticklers notification displaysWording “Overdue” appears if settings to Display overdue ticklers is enabled   
#6High priority Ticklers notificationActive Tickler with high priority is addedVerify High priority Ticklers notificationHigh priority ticklers are visually indicated (red flag is being used for High priority)   
#7Headings for the Ticklers table Verify that Headings for Ticklers table columns displays as requiredHeadings for Dashboard view Ticklers table columns appears as following:
• Patient
• Due
• Message
#8Ability to view/ edit a tickler 1. Hover over the tickler
2. Select the tickler
1. Tickler is highlighted
2. Tickler window appears on the screen
3. User is able to Edit, Print, Delete, or Complete the tickler

1.4 Test Dashboard View: MyOscar Table - Future

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Dashboard view: Maximum MyOscar messages to show1. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
2. >5 Messages from MyOscar are received
Verify MyOscar table shows maximum number of messagesDashboard view MyOscar table shows maximum of 5 more recent messages   
#2Latest Messages display Verify messages from MyOscar displayLatest 5 messages from MyOscar are displayed chronologically   
#3“See More Messages” option availability Verify that “See More Messages” button appears if there are more than 5 messages“See More Messages” button appears   
#4“See More Messages” function Select “Seem More Messages” button to open inbox page“Seem More Messages” opens inbox page (one mail)   
#5Heading for MyOscar Messages Table columns Verify that Heading for table columns:
• Status
• From
• Subject
• Date
• Patient
Dashboard view Heading for MyOscar Message table columns displays as required   



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