OSCAR 15 Main Display Screen Test Cases

OSCAR 15 Main Display Screen Test Cases

Download file in XLS format:OSCAR15_Landing Page_Main Display Screen_TC.xls 

Landing Page_Main Display Screen Test Cases. Table of Content.BRD#
1.0 Test Ability to Display Patient Information BarPI 1.0, PI 2.0
1.1 Test Ability to Display Patient Record Navigation MenuTB 1.0, TB 1.1, TB 1.2
1.2 Test Ability to Navigate Between Tabs of Patient Record Navigation MenuTB 2.0, TB 3.0, TB 3.1, TB 3.2
1.3 Test Ability to Configure Patient Record Navigation Menu Tab BarTB 4.0, TB 4.1 – FUTURE
1.4 Test Ability to Customize Default Tab as a Persona SettingTB 5.0 – FUTURE

Reference input  
Landing Page Module Use Case v.2.4Alek Mirkin
Oscar 14 Landing Pages BRD_v.2.9Rachel Aubie

1.0 Test Ability to Display Patient Information Bar 

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to display Patient name in Patient Information BarOscar Patient Demographic Screen is presented
Patient record is created
Patient Salutation (Ms, Mr, Mrs etc), HIN are added to the patient record
Verify that Patient name “Last, First (salutation)” displays in Patient Information BarPatient name “Last, First (salutation)” displays in Patient Information bar below Navigation Bar

#2Ability to display Patient information (Health Identification number (HIN), Sex and DOB) Verify Patient Information (HIN, Sex and Date of Birth) position in Patient Information BarHealth Identification number (HIN), Sex and Date of Birth displayed:
• Along Patient Information Bar
• Right-paginated
• Ordered right to left

1.1 Test Ability to Display Patient Record Navigation Menu 

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to access Patient Demographic screenLanding page is present with the Dashboard viewSelect patient name/appointment from the left-side menu1. Patient Summary page is present
2. Patient Navigation menu appears
#2Patient Menu Bar display Verify Patient Navigation Menu display with the following tabs:
- Details
- Summary
- Forms
- Tickler
- Health Tracker
- Rx
- Consultation Requests
- More (Preventions, Disease Registry, Messenger, Create Message, Documents)

Patient Navigation Menu displays below Patient Information bar   
#3Ability to display Patient Record Navigation Menu Select different Patient Navigation tab options1. Selecting a tab navigates to that area, populating the main display area of the screen
2. Navigating to a different tab changes the content displayed on the main display area of the screen

1.2 Test Ability to Navigate Between Tabs of Patient Record Navigation Menu

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to access Patient Demographic screenLanding page is present with the Dashboard view

Select patient name/appointment from the left-side menu

Select Patient Details tab

1. Patient Details (Master Demographics) page is present
2. Patient Navigation menu appears
#2Ability to do not save changes when navigate between Tabs 1. Changes are applied to the screen content
2. Navigate between Main Display Screen tab items
Navigating between Main Display Screen tabs items does not save any changes made to the screen   
#3Ability to save changes when navigate between Tabs 1. Changes are applied to the screens content (Patient Details)
2. Click on Save button
Changes made to the screen within a visit are saved when “Save” button is activated   

1.3 Test Ability to Configure Patient Record Navigation Menu Tab Bar

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to access Patient Demographic screenLanding page is present with the Dashboard viewSelect patient name/appointment from the left-side menu1. Patient Summary is presented
2. Patient Record Navigation menu appears
#2Ability to configure Patient Record Navigation Menu Verify that Patient Navigation menu is configurablePatient Navigation menu is configurable and users can
• Add
• Delete
• Re-order certain tabs
#3Ability to configure Specialist specific screens Verify that Configuration of tabs can include Specialist specific screens (ie OBGYN users could add custom tabs - eForm based)Configuration of tabs can include specialist specific screens   

1.4 Test Ability to Customize Default Tab as a Persona Setting

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to view a default Patient Record Navigation Menu tabLanding page is presented with the Dashboard viewSelect patient name/appointment from the left-side menuSummary tab is the default tab when patient name is selected

#2Ability to customize preferred default tab Verify that the preferred tab can be customized as a Persona settingPreferred tab can be customized as a Persona setting   


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