OSCAR 15 Master Demographics Module Layout Requirements Test Cases

OSCAR 15 Master Demographics Module Layout Requirements Test Cases


Master Demographics Module

Layout Requirements Test Cases

Final Version 

Status Completed

Created on: February 04, 2014

Last update on: April 26, 2015

Ready for General Release


Master Demographics Screen_Layout Requirements. Table of Content.BR#
1.0 Test Ability to Edit Master Demographic Record's Individual SectionsLR 1.0, LR 1.1
1.1 Test Ability to Display Master Demographics Screen in the Context of the Landing Page LayoutLR 3.0
1.2 Test Ability to Display Contact InformationLR 2.0
1.3 Test Ability to Display HIN InformationLR 4.0
1.4 Test Ability to Display Function Tool Bar and Function Button ItemsLR 5.0, LR 5.1
1.5 Test Ability to Display Items Under “Vcard” SectionLR 6.0
1.6 Test Ability to Display “Clinical Care Team” and “MRP” FieldsLR 7.0,LR 7.1, LR 7.2
1.7 Test Ability to Display Legal/Privacy/Security Questions and Information FieldsLR 8.0
1.8 Test Ability to Display “Vcard” Section - futureLR 9.0
1.9 Test Ability to Display “Alerts and Notes” SectionLR 10.0


Reference input  
Oscar 14 Master Demographics Screen Use Case v.2.0Alek Mirkin
Oscar 14 Master Demographics Screen BRD_v.1.5Rachel Aubie
OSCAR 15 Master Demographic test Apr. 26, 2015Daniel Sin

1.0 Test Ability to Edit Master Demographic Record's Individual Sections

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographics screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field. Click on the Details tab to see Master Demographics.
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to access View and Edit mode for each individual section Each section (Demographic, Contact Info, Health Insurance, Care Team) is displayed.
  1. View/Edit mode is by default. Any data change will activate the "save " button on top.
#3Ability to display “Edit” and “View” mode identically When “View and Edit” button is selected, verify that “Edit” mode displays identically to “View” mode1. When “Edit” mode is selected, screen display is matched to “View” mode
2. Editable text fields for data entry are available
#4Ability to edit and save changes in each Individual section 1. Make some changes to the defined individual section and verify that each individual section of Patient Summary screen is editable
2. Select “Save” button on the sub-navigation bar below patient name
1. User can edit individual sections of Patient Summary screen
2. Changes are saved and individual section is modified

1.1 Test Ability to Display Master Demographics Screen in the Context of the Landing Page Layout

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field. Click on the Details tab to see Master Demographics.
  1. Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page.
  2.  “Details” tab in the sub-navigation bar is active by default.
#2Ability to display Master Master Demographics in the context of the Landing page layout When user navigates to Master Demographic Record view, verify that it appears in the context of the Landing page layoutMaster Demographics screen appears in the context of the landing page layout and “Details” tab context as:
• Main Navigation bar is always available
• Main navigation bar with “Search” box allows user to search for the patient
• Left-side patient list displays
• Search box on the left navigation panel allows user to filter patient’s list
• Master Demographics screen is in the main (central) part of the screen

1.2 Test Ability to Display Contact Information

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field. Click on the Details tab to see Master Demographics.
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to display patient's contact Information on the screen Verify that patient's contact information is available on the Master Demographics screen1. All contact information is grouped together in one area of the screen
2. All contact information appears at upper right of Patient Summary screen
#3Ability to display patient's contact Information fields Verify Contact Information fields availabilityContact Info section fields are available:
- Phone
- Address
- City
- Province
- Postal Code
- Email
- Newsletter

1.3 Test Ability to Display HIN Information

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field. Click on the Details tab to see Master Demographics.
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to display patient Health Insurance Number (HIN) Information Verify that Health Insurance Number information is available in line with Patient Name in the header of Master Demographic screenHIN information appears in line with patient name at or near top of Master Demographic screen   

1.4 Test Ability to Display Function Tool Bar and Function Button Items

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field. Click on the Details tab to see Master Demographics.
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to display Master Demographics Function Tool bar Verify that Function Tool bar is available
  1. Function Tool bar appears at top of Master Demographic screen
  2. Function Tool bar lists required links/actions for Master Demographic screen
#3Ability to display Function button item Verify that Function button items are available on the Patient's Details screenFunction button items are available:
• Save
• print
• Export
• More other buttons, etc.

1.5 Test Ability to Display Items Under Demographic menu bar Section

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field. Click on the Details tab to see Master Demographics.
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to display Items Under Vcard Section Verify that items appear under Demographic menu bar sectionThe following items appear under Demographic menu bar section:
• Print labels
• Print PDF
• Export
#3Ability to navigate to different Function button items: Print Label Select “Print Label” buttonPrint labels for multiple purposes screen is launched. Print labels has same functionally as per current OSCAR   
#4Ability to navigate to different Function button items: Print PDF Select “Print PDF” button1. A PDF version of the demographics screen for printing is created
2. Some options for creating PDF document are presented to user as a drop-down list
3. User is able to print PDF version of the Master Demographics screen
#5Ability to navigate to different Function button items: Export Select “Export” buttonNavigating to a different Function button items (ie Export) changes the content displayed on the main display area of the screen   

1.6 Test Ability to Display “Clinical Care Team” and “MRP” Fields

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field. Click on the Details tab to see Master Demographics.
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to display “Care Team” section Verify that “Care Team” section displays1. “Care Team” section is presented on MD screen
2. “Clinic Patient Status” section is renamed to “Care Team”
#3Ability to display “MRP” field in “Care Team” section Verify that “MRP” field displays under “Team Care” section1. “MRP” field is presented in “Care Team” section
2. “Doctor” field is renamed to “MRP” field
#4Ability to customize Clinical Care Team sectionUser should have Administrative system rights to customizeVerify that “Care Team” section is customizableUser is able to
• Add custom number of fields to "Clinical Care Team" section.
• Choose the role associated with the field data entered from drop down field

1.7 Test Ability to Display Legal/Privacy/Security Questions and Information Fields in Additional informations

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field. Click on the Details tab to see Master Demographics.
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to display legal/privacy/security Questions and Information fields Verify that sections that contain legal/privacy/security questions and information fields are available in Master Demographics screen under additional informationSection with basic, privacy/security/legal questions, forms, etc. appears on Master Demographics screen   

1.8 Test Ability to Display “Vcard” Section - Future

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field. Click on the Details tab to see Master Demographics.
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to display Vcard Section Verify that “VCard” section is available on the Patient's Details screen“VCard” section displays on the right side of the Master Demographic screen above Alerts/Notes section with
• Picture
• Basic demographic information (Patient's full name, Demographic Contact information)

1.9 Test Ability to Display “Alerts and Notes” Section

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field. Click on the Details tab to see Master Demographics.
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to display Alerts Section Verify that Alerts section displays on the Patient Detail's screen on the right side1. Alerts section displays on right side of the screen
2. Alert section acts as large text box field for adding free-form notes/text
#3Ability to add Alert notes 1. Enter Alert Note into text field
2. Select “Save” button
Alert note is added and saved   
#4Ability to display Notes Section Verify that Notes section display on the Patient Detail's screen on the right side1. Note section displays on right side of the screen
2. Note section acts as large text box field for adding free-form notes/text
3. User is able to add and save Notes
#5Ability to add Notes 1. Enter Note into Note text field
2. Select “Save” button
Note is added and saved   

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