OSCAR 14 eForms Test Cases

OSCAR 14 eForms Test Cases



Sexual Health Module

eForms Test Cases

Version 1.1

Status Completed

Created on: January 10, 2014

Last update on: January 15, 2014

Ready for General Release

Download file in XLS format:

Sexual Health_eForms_Test Cases.xls


Sexual Health Module_eForms Test Cases. Table of Content.BRD #
1.0 Test E-Forms to Auto-Populate to Prescriptions SectionR#3614617
1.1 Test E-Forms to Auto-Populate to Preventions SectionR#3614619
1.2 Test Forms to Record Needles Exchange, Return and ReceiveR#47
1.3 Test Dispensing informationR#3606566
1.4 Test Information Shared Between eForms Auto-populates to Other eFroms and Sections of patient eChartR#24
1.5 Test Preventions Section or Given Medications Auto-populate to the Prescriptions SectionR#24
1.6 Test Expanding/Collapsing Sections Depend on Selections on the eFormsR#24
1.7 Test STI Medical Directive eFrom CheckboxesR#25
1.8 Test Status Indicator for Incomplete FormsR#26
1.9 Test ‘Plan’ section Auto-populates to the ‘Progress Notes’ SectionR#27
2.0 Test Ability to Draw on MD/NP FormsR#28
2.1 Test Ability to Sort and Save Lab TestsR#29



1.0 Test E-Forms to Auto-Populate to Prescriptions Section

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Access eFroms page1. Log in with Generic user credentials
2. Sexual Health Case Management view main page is opened
3. Demographic record is created
Select eForm to completeeForm is completed and saved   
#2E-Forms to Auto-Populate to Prescriptions Section is available Verify that functionality to auto-populate items from E-Forms directly to the Prescriptions Section (medications, etc.) is availableItems from E-Forms directly to the Prescriptions Section auto-populate   

1.1 Test E-Forms to Auto-Populate to Preventions Section

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Access eFroms1. Sexual Health Case Management page is opened
2. Demographic Record should be created
Select eForm nameeForm is completed and saved   
#2E-Forms to Auto-Populate to Preventions Section is available Verify that functionality to auto-populate items from E-Forms directly to the Preventions Section (lab requisitions, etc. ) is availableItems from E-Forms directly to the Preventions Section auto-populate   

1.2 Test Forms  to Record Needles Exchange, Return and Receive

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Access eFroms1. Sexual Health Case Management view main page is opened
2. Anonymous forms to record data without being tied is available
Select eForm nameeForm is opened   
#2Access Form to Record specific data on needles exchanges for reporting Verify that Form to Record specific data on needles exchanges for reporting is available for anonymous clientForm to Record specific data on needles exchanges for reporting is available for anonymous client   
#3Track items in and items out at various internal clinic sites Verify that items in and items out at various internal clinic sites as well as at satellite centers that are not part of the City of Hamilton must be truckedItems in and items out at various internal clinic sites  and satellite centers that are not part of the City of Hamilton are trucked   

1.3 Test Dispensing information

1.4 Test Information Shared Between eForms Auto-populates to Other eChart eFroms and Sections

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Access E-Chart from the Patient record on Case Management View screen1. Sexual Health Case Management page is opened
2. Demographic Record should be created
Select “E” eChart from the Patient record on Case Management View screenSystem is presenting eChart Module main screen   
 eForms availability The following list of eForms are available:
1. STI screening treatment
2. Pregnancy Assessment & Prevention
3. MD/RN-(EC) form
4. Anonymous HIV testing intake form
5.HIV Post test counselling flowsheet
6.HIV POC Test Result Form
7.HIV POC Testing Flowsheet
8. Plan B Medication Fact Sheet
eForms are vailable   
#2Auto-populate common Information shared Between eFormseForms are added to the patient recordAccess eForm and verify that Common information shared between eForms auto-populate to
• Other eForms
• Sections
Of the client's eChart by Same date
Common information shared between eForms auto-populate to other eForms and sections of the client's eChart by same date   

1.5 Test Preventions Section or Given Medications Auto-populate to the Prescriptions Section

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Access E-Chart from the Patient record on Case Management View screen1. Sexual Health Case Management page is opened
2. Demographic Record should be created
Select “E” eChart from the Patient record on Case Management View screenSystem is presenting eChart Module main screen   
#2Access a Prescription page Select Prescription on the right side menuPrescription page is present   
#3Preventions section auto-populates to the Prescriptions sectionPreventions are providedVerify that Preventions section or any given medication should auto-populate to the Prescriptions section with option to choose the lot # of dispensed medication given to client with the date

1. Preventions section or any given medications auto-populate to the Prescriptions section

2.Option to choose the lot # of dispensed medication given to client with the date is available


1.6 Test Expanding/Collapsing  Sections Depend on Selections on the eForms

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Access E-Chart from the Patient record on Case Management View screen1. Sexual Health Case Management page is opened
2. Demographic Record should be created
Select “E” eChart from the Patient record on Case Management View screenSystem is presenting eChart Module main screen   
#2Expanding/Collapsing sections opens depending on selections on the eForms Access eForm page and verify that Expanding/Collapsing sections that open depending on selections on the eForm (Algorithm needed)Expanding/Collapsing sections that open depending on selections on the eForm (Algorithm needed)   
#3Ability to indicate if services were given/rendered to the client Verify that if
• Some testing, services and/or medications were given/rendered to the client by a PHN under Medical Directive OR
• Referred to the on-site MD/NP for review and approval

it should be indicated
Services that are given/rendered to the client are indicated   


1.7 Test STI Medical Directive eFrom Checkboxes

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Access E-Chart from the Patient record on Case Management View screen1. Sexual Health Case Management page is opened
2. Demographic Record should be created
Select “E” eChart from the Patient record on Case Management View screenSystem is presenting eChart Module main screen   
#2Access Medical Directive eFormMedical Directive eForm is set upSelect a Medical Directive eForm hyperlink on the left side menuMedical Directive eForm is present   
#3Checkboxes availability Verify that 2 checkboxes on the STI Medical Directive eForm are available:
• ‘Medical Directive'
• 'Specimen Collected'
2 Checkboxes are available on the STI Medical Directive eForm   
#4‘Medical Directive' checkbox 1. Check off ‘Medical Directive' checkbox
2. Select Labs from the list
3. Press Save button
All labs selected from the list are sent to Preventions section as being completed   
#5'Specimen Collected' checkbox 1. Check off 'Specimen Collected' checkbox
2. Select options from the list
3. Press Save button
1. Selected options that are chosen from the list are transferred over to the MD/NP Form
2. MD/NP can select approved tests from list
3. Selected tests will transferred Preventions section

1.8 Test Status Indicator for Incomplete Forms

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Access E-Chart from the Patient record on Case Management View screen1. Sexual Health Case Management page is opened
2. Demographic Record should be created
3. eForm is incomplete
Select “E” eChart from the Patient record on Case Management View screenSystem is presenting eChart Module main screen   
#2Status indicator Verify that Status indicator for incomplete forms is “Incomplete”Status indicator for incomplete forms is “Incomplete”   

1.9 Test ‘Plan’ section Auto-populates to the ‘Progress Notes’ Section

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Access E-Chart from the Patient record on Case Management View screen1. Sexual Health Case Management page is opened
2. Demographic Record should be created
Select “E” eChart from the Patient record on Case Management View screenSystem is presenting eChart Module main screen   
#2Access Medical Directive eFormMedical Directive eForm is set upSelect a Medical Directive eForm hyperlink on the left side menuMedical Directive eForm is present   
#3‘Plan’ section auto-populates to the ‘Progress Notes’ section Verify that ‘Plan’ section at the end of indicated eForm/assessments auto-populates to the ‘Progress Notes’ section as a summary‘Plan’ section at the end of indicated flowsheets/assessments auto-populates to the ‘Progress Notes’ section   
#4Print off any items/plans from the selected assessment Verify that any relevant eForms/assessments print off any items/plans from the assessment that have been selected for client follow-upAny relevant eForms print off any items/plans from the assessment   

2.0 Test Ability to Draw on MD/NP Forms

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Access E-Chart from the Patient record on Case Management View screen1. Sexual Health Case Management page is opened
2. Demographic Record should be created
Select “E” eChart from the Patient record on Case Management View screenSystem is presenting eChart Module main screen   
#2Ability to draw on MD/NP forms Verify that user is able to draw on MD/NP forms
NOTE: Need the same basic electronic draw function for the MD/NP forms in Oscar
User is able to draw on MD/NP forms   

2.1 Test Ability to Sort and Save Lab Tests

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to sort and save Lab tests1. Sexual Health Case Management page is opened
2. Set-up dummy providers for each location
3. Lab tests are transferred by clinic locations
Verify that user is able to sort and save lab tests that are transferred electronically into Oscar by clinic locationLab tests are sorted and saved