OSCAR 14 Prescriptions Test Cases

OSCAR 14 Prescriptions Test Cases



Sexual Health Module

Prescriptions Test Cases

Version 1.0

Status Completed

Created on: January 10, 2014

Last update on: January 10, 2014

Ready for General Release

Download file in XLS format:

Sexual Health _Prescriptions_Test Cases .xls


Sexual Health Module _Prescriptions Test Cases. Table of Content.BRD #
1.0 Test Auto-populate the Specific Dosing and Client Instructions for Prescribed/Dispensed MedicationR#6
1.1 Test Main Default View for Prescriptions to Show AllR#7
1.2 Test MyDrugRef Usability with the Prescriptions SectionR#9

1.0 Test Auto-populate the Specific Dosing and Client Instructions for Prescribed/Dispensed Medication


Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Access patient Master Record1.Sexual Health Case Management page is opened
2. Medication has been prescribed or dispensed
Select “M” (Master File) next to the patient namePatient Master File page is present in a new window   
#2Access Prescriptions Module Select Prescriptions hyperlink to open Rx from the current recordPrescriptions module is opened for the selected patient   
#3Search for drug In the box “Drug name” type in the name of the drug to prescribeDrop down list appears   
#4Narrow search Pick the unique part of the drug name and the doseDrug is selected and populated in Drug name filed   
#5Auto-populate the specific dosing and client instructions Verify that the specific dosing and Client instructions directly related to the medication prescribed/dispensed are auto-populatedSpecific dosing and client instructions are auto-populated   
#6Option to override the directionsUser login with NP (nurse practitioner) or MD (medical doctor) credentialsVerify that there is option for clinic NPs and MDs to override the directions if necessaryOption to override the directions is available   

1.1 Test Main Default View for Prescriptions to Show All


Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Access patient Master Record1.Sexual Health Case Management page is opened
2. Medication has been prescribed or dispensed
Select “M” (Master File) next to the patient namePatient Master File page is present in a new window   
#2Access Prescriptions Module Select Prescriptions hyperlink to open Rx from the current recordPrescriptions module is opened for the selected patient   
#3Main Default view Verify that Main default view for prescriptions shows all (active and inactive) any time the prescriptions section is openedMain default view for prescriptions shows all prescriptions once the Prescriptions section is opened   
#4Option to change view Verify that Option to change view shows only:
a) Active
b) Inactive
c) All
Option to change view shows only Active, Inactive, All   
#5View Active Medications Select Active optionActive medications are listed   
#6View Inactive Medications Select Inactive optionInactive medications are listed   
#7View All Medications Select All optionAll medications are listed   

1.2 Test MyDrugRef Usability with the Prescriptions Section


Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Access patient Master Record1.Sexual Health Case Management page is opened
2. Medication has been prescribed or dispensed
Select “M” (Master File) next to the patient namePatient Master File page is present in a new window   
#2Access Prescriptions Module Select Prescriptions hyperlink to open Rx from the current recordPrescriptions module is opened for the selected patient   
#3Access MyDrugRef screen Select MyDrugRef option and verify that MyDrugRef is available for use with the Prescriptions section1. MyDrugRef page is accessible
2. MyDrugRef page is initiated once user selects MyDrugRef hyperlink in the Prescription section