OSCAR Personal Health Visit Module Test Cases Version 1.4

OSCAR Personal Health Visit Module Test Cases Version 1.4



Personal Health Visit Module

Test Cases Version 1.4

Status Completed

Created on: October 21, 2013

Last update on: January 7, 2014

Ready for general release

Download file in XLS format:

PHV_Test Case_v.1.4.xls

Periodic Health Visit Test Cases. Table of Content.
1.0 Test Connection with eChart Module.
1.1 Test Connection Periodic Health Visit “PHV”.
1.2 Test work with Height cm section of Periodic Health Visit.
1.3 Test Weight kg section of Periodic Health Visit.
1.4 Test BMI section of Periodic Health Visit.
1.5 Test Waist Circ section of Periodic Health Visit.
1.6 Test BP section of Periodic Health Visit.
1.7 Test Save, Delete, Edit option of Periodic Health Visit.
1.8 Test Vaccine, Pneumococcal vaccine, PAP of Periodic Health Visit.
1.9 Test Smoking Status, Smoking Packs Per Day, Smoking Cessation (Program), Family Planning/contraception, Feeling down, depressed or hopeless?, Little interest or pleasure in doing things? Sections.
2.0 Test Calendar function of Periodic Health Visit.
2.1 Test Preventions in PHV.
2.2 Test Diet, EXE, FAMR, WKED, IBPL, PWC, SDET, SBLT, HPNP, SHAB, FAC, SUNP measurements.
2.3 Test PCPR, NFSW, HOTW, FAHS, BTFT, DILY, ECHK, HCON measurements.
2.4 Test A1C, FBS, TCHD measurements.

1.0 Test Connection with eChart Module.

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual Results
#1Connect to the OSCAR main page1. OSCAR McMaster Test Version 12.1, system and DB up and running.
2. OSCAR user has correct credentials to login
Open OSCAR in the web browserOSCAR login page is openedOSCAR access, main page is opened
#2Log InOscar welcome page prompts user to Enter credentials (User Name / Password)User enters correct Username and PasswordBy entering the right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance. Once logged in, user is redirected to the Master Appointment screen with various OSCAR optionsSystem works as designed
#3Activate Search functionOSCAR Master Appointment screen is opened. All navigation bars and links are visible and accessibleSelect Search from the top navigation bar.Search page is openedSearch hyperlink is redirecting user to the Search module
#4Search by the patient nameOscar search page prompts user to enter patient nameUser is entering patient's name and running SearchSearch box is accepting text. Search button is available and clickable. If patient is registered within the OSACAR database, his record should be fount.Demographic record for the patient is found and presented on the screen
#5Activate eChart modulePatient's demographic record contains clickable link to this demographic record.Select “E” (eChart) from the patient recordUser is redirected to the eChart module of the selected patient.eChart module is opened for the selected patient

1.1 Test Connection Periodic Health Visit “PHV”.

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual Results
#1Access Health Tracker for the selected patient from eCharteChart module is opened for the selected patient. Link to the Health Tracker is availableUser navigates to the Health Tracker module by clicking on Health Tracker link in the Measurements section of eChartUser is redirected to the Health Tracker module.User access to Health Tracker in Measurements section as design
#2Activate/Select Periodic Health Visit “PHV”Health Tracker section is presented on the screen. Button PHV is visible and accessible.User clicks PHV buttonBy selecting “PHV” button user getting access to the Periodic Health Visit screenUser is accessing Periodic Health Visit section of Health Tracker

1.2 Test work with Height cm section of Periodic Health Visit.

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual Results
#1Input data into the "Height cm" fieldHeight cm subsection of Periodic Health Visit is accessible. Fields of the subsection accepting text entered in the correct format1. Enter data into “Enter Data” field. Field allowed input numeric data
2. Enter information into “Comment” field. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format, up to 255characters maximum.
Numeric data can be entered into High field
Free text field up to 255 char can be entered into Comment field
1. High data field is accepting only numeric values. Warning message prevents from entering any values other then numeric. 2. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format, up to 255 characters maximum
#2Save record with the information inputted in the Height field of Periodic Health Visit sectionSave button of the subsection is presented on the screen and is accessibleSave information inputted into Height fieldBy selecting Save button information is saved.
Once inputted information is saved it's appears in the Height cm subsection and notes subsection of eChart module
Record is saved and information is visible at the Height subsection and at the notes subsection of eChart module
#3Activate/Select Height cm Graph viewGraph sign is present on screen at the Height subsectionSelect Graph image at the Height subsectionBy selecting graph image, graph view is openedAny time after user is inputting and save a record system allow display measurements in the graph view function.

1.3 Test Weight kg section of Periodic Health Visit.

#1Input data into the Weight kgWeight kg section of Periodic Health Visit is visible and accessible1. Enter data into “Enter Data” field.
2. Enter information into “Comment” field.
1. Data can be inputted into “Enter Data” field. Field accept numeric value only
2. Enter information into “Comment” field. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format up to 255characters maximum.
1. Weight data field is accepting only numeric values. Warning message prevents from entering any values other then numeric. 2. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format, up to 255 characters maximum
#2Save information in the Weight kg of Periodic Health Visit section1.Periodic Health Visit is up and running
2. Save button is presented on the screen and accessible
Save information inputted into Weight fieldBy selecting Save button information is saved.
Once inputted information is saved it's appears in the Height cm subsection and notes section of eChart module
Record is saved and information is visible at the Weight subsection and at the notes subsection of eChart module
#3Activate/Select Weight kg Graph viewGraph sign is presented on the screen at the Weight subsectionSelect Graph image at the Weight subsectionBy selecting graph image, graph view is openedAny time after user is inputting and save a record system allow display measurements in the graph view function.

1.4 Test BMI section of Periodic Health Visit

#1Input data into the BMIBMI section of Periodic Health Visit is visible and accessible1. Enter data into “Enter Data” field.
2. Enter information into “Comment” field.
1. Data can be inputted into “Enter Data” field. Field accept numeric value only
2. Enter information into “Comment” field. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format up to 255characters maximum.
1. BMI data field is accepting only numeric values. Warning message prevents from entering any values other then numeric. 2. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format, up to 255 characters maximum
#2Save information in the BMI of Periodic Health Visit section1.Periodic Health Visit is up and running
2. Save button is presented on the screen and accessible
Save information inputted into Weight fieldBy selecting Save button information is saved.
Once inputted information is saved it's appears in the BMI cm subsection and notes section of eChart module
Record is saved and information is visible at the BMI subsection and at the notes subsection of eChart module
#3Activate/Select BMI Graph viewGraph sign is presented on the screen at the BMI subsectionSelect Graph image at the BMI subsectionBy selecting graph image, graph view is openedGraph view appear on screen with data of BMI

1.5 Test Waist Circ section of Periodic Health Visit.

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual Results
#1Input data into the Waist CircWaist Circ section of Periodic Health Visit is visible and accessible1. Enter data into “Enter Data” field.
2. Enter information into “Comment” field.
1. Data can be inputted into “Enter Data” field. Field accept numeric value only
2. Enter information into “Comment” field. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format up to 255characters maximum.
1. Waist Circ data field is accepting only numeric values. Warning message prevents from entering any values other then numeric. 2. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format, up to 255 characters maximum
#2Save information in the Waist Circ of Periodic Health Visit section1.Periodic Health Visit is up and running
2. Save button is presented on the screen and accessible
Save information inputted into Weight fieldBy selecting Save button information is saved.
Once inputted information is saved it's appears in the Waist Circ cm subsection and notes section of eChart module
Record is saved and information is visible at the Waist Circ subsection and at the notes subsection of eChart module
#3Activate/Select Waist Circ Graph viewGraph sign is presented on screen at the Waist Circ subsectionSelect Graph image at the Waist Circ subsectionBy selecting graph image, graph view is openedGraph view appear on screen without data of Waist Circ

1.6 Test BP section of Periodic Health Visit.

#1Input data into the BPBP section of Periodic Health Visit is visible and accessible1. Enter data into “Enter Data” field.
2. Enter information into “Comment” field.
1. Data can be inputted into “Enter Data” field. Field accept numeric value only
2. Enter information into “Comment” field. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format up to 255characters maximum.
1. BP data field is accepting only numeric values. Warning message prevents from entering any values other then numeric. 2. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format, up to 255 characters maximum
#2Save information in the BMI of Periodic Health Visit section1.Periodic Health Visit is up and running
2. Save button is presented on the screen and accessible
Save information inputted into Weight fieldBy selecting Save button information is saved.
Once inputted information is saved it's appears in the BP cm subsection and notes section of eChart module
Record is saved and information is visible at the BP subsection and at the notes subsection of eChart module
#3Activate/Select BP Graph viewGraph sign is presented on screen at the BP subsectionSelect Graph image at the BP subsectionBy selecting graph image, graph view is openedGraph view appears on screen with data of BP

1.7 Test Save, Delete, Edit option of Periodic Health Visit.

1Edit and Delete functionality in the following subsections: Height cm, Weight kg, Waist Circ, BMI, BP of Periodic Health Visit sectionHealth Tracker Module for the current patient is open.

 Health Tracker is running and present for user various options to input data 
2Save information in the Height cm, Weight kg, Waist Circ, BMI, BP of Periodic Health Visit sectionSave button is presented and accessibleClick save to save inputted dataData is saved and presented in the following sections: Height cm, Weight kg, Waist Circ, BMI, BP of Periodic Health Visit 
3Edit measurementEdit link is visible on the top navigation panel. Link is clickable.Click on Edit link at the top navigation panelOption edit is opening section in the table format allowing user to edit or trash any subsection (measurement)
Each subsection is opened in a new detailed view that allow user to edit information. It contains three section: Measurement details, rule and target.
4Delete measurement1. User select measurements to Delete
2. Measurements are presented on the screen with options Delete or Close
Click on any measurement. Once pop up window with the options Delete and Close is opened, select Delete button. Verify that measurement is deleted from the subsection.Record of the measurement is removed from he database. UI is updated and subsection doesn't contain removed measurement anymore.Record of selected measurement is deleted. Subsection is updated.
52. Close popup window without performing any action on Delete.1. User select measurements to Delete
2. Measurements are presented on the screen with options Delete or Close
Click on any measurement. Wait for the popup window with the options Delete and Close. Click on Close button.User select Close instead of Delete. Pop up window is closed. Measurement is not deleted form the database. Measurement is visible in the subsection in focus.Close button just closes popup window without performing any other action.

1.8 Test Vaccine, Pneumococcal vaccine, PAP of Periodic Health Visit.

#1Flu Vaccine, Pneumococcal vaccine, PAP sections of Periodic Health Visit flowsheet is accessible.Flu Vaccine, Pneumococcal vaccine, PAP sections of Periodic Health Visit flowsheet is accessible and allow input data.Select Add buttonBy selecting Add button system will open Preventions pop up window.When Add button is selected, Preventions window is opened.
#2 Preventions pop up window is openedInput information into Preventions pop up window
Save information.
By selecting Save button information is saved.
Once inputted information is saved it appears in the Flu Vaccine, Pneumococcal vaccine, PAP sections of Periodic Health Visit flowsheet
information can be inputted and saved. Saved information is visible in Flu Vaccine, Pneumococcal vaccine, PAP sections of Periodic Health Visit flowsheet

1.9 Test Smoking Status, Smoking Packs Per Day, Smoking Cessation (Program), Family Planning/contraception, Feeling down, depressed or hopeless?, Little interest or pleasure in doing things? Sections.

1Activate one of the following subsections:
• Smoking Status
• Smoking Cessation (Program)
• Family Planning/contraception
• Feeling down depressed or hopeless?
• Little interest or pleasure in doing things?
Health Tracker is up and runningSelect Yes, No or N/A radiobutton.
Fill out Comment field
By select “Yes”, “No”, “NA” radio button system prompt text field with option input free text.Radio buttons and text fields work as design
• Smoking Packs Per Day
Health Tracker is up and runningActivate Enter Data field and fill it out with the value from 0 to 50
Fill out comment field
By activating Enter Data field, Comments field becomes visible and active.By activating Enter Data field, Comments field becomes visible and active.
3Save information added to subsections above (#1 and #2)1.Periodic Health Visit flowsheet is up and running
2. Save button present on the screen and accessible
 • Smoking Status
• Smoking Cessation (Program)
• Family Planning/contraception
• Feeling down depressed or hopeless?
• Little interest or pleasure in doing things?
sections of Periodic Health Visit flowsheet
All valid data can be saved and visible in the subsections:
• Smoking Status
• Smoking Cessation (Program)
• Family Planning/contraception
• Feeling down depressed or hopeless?
• Little interest or pleasure in doing things?

2.0 Test Calendar function of Periodic Health Visit.

#1Open Calendar togglePeriodic Health Visit flowsheet is up and running.
New record is activated and some data is entered into fields available.
Select Calendar icon for the subsection(s) header. (Applicable to each subsection of the PHV.)By selecting the calendar icon from the subsection's header Calendar's toggle is opened.Calendar is opened when activated from the icon
#2Select dateCalendar's toggle is opened and activeSelect any future, current or past date to save a newly added record with the date selected.By selecting the date in the calendar, date is changed in the Date field of the header of subsection.
Save the record with the newly picked date.
Record is saved and visible in the subsection with the date selected at step 1.
Date can be selected. Record is saved with the newly selected date.

2.1 Test Preventions in PHV.

#1Preventions measurements of PHV flowsheet is accessible.Preventions: Adacel (tdaP), Flu, Pneumococcal, VZ, HPV, PAP, MAM, Colonoscopy, FOBT, BMD measurements of PHV flowsheet is accessible and allow input data.Select Add buttonBy selecting Add button system will open Preventions pop up window.When Add button is selected, Preventions window is opened.
#2 Preventions pop up window is openedInput information into Preventions pop up window
Save information.
By selecting Save button information is saved.
Once information is saved, it becomes visible in the Flu Vaccine, Pneumococcal vaccine, PAP sections of Periodic Health Visit flowsheet
information can be inputted and saved. Saved information is visible in Flu Vaccine, Pneumococcal vaccine, PAP sections of Periodic Health Visit flowsheet

2.2 Test Diet, EXE, FAMR, WKED, IBPL, PWC, SDET, SBLT, HPNP, SHAB, FAC, SUNP measurements.

#1Input data into: Diet, EXE, FAMR, WKED, IBPL, PWC, SDET, SBLT, HPNP, SHAB, FAC, SUNP measurements of PHV flowsheetDiet, EXE, FAMR, WKED, IBPL, PWC, SDET, SBLT, HPNP, SHAB, FAC, SUNP measurements of PHV flowsheet are visible and accessible1. Select: Yes, No or NA – radiobutton
2. Enter information into “Comment” field. 3.Select Save button
1. Selected: value for radiobutton is saved
2. Enter information into “Comment” field. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format up to 255characters maximum.
1. Selected: value for radiobutton is saved
2. Text field is accepting and saving any information in a free text format, up to 255 characters maximum

2.3 Test PCPR, NFSW, HOTW, FAHS, BTFT, DILY, ECHK, HCON measurements.

#1Input data into the: PCPR, NFSW, HOTW, FAHS, BTFT, DILY, ECHK, HCON measurements of PHV flowsheetPCPR, NFSW, HOTW, FAHS, BTFT, DILY, ECHK, HCON measurements of PHV flowsheet are visible and accessible1. Enter data into “Enter Data” field.
2. Enter information into “Comment” field.
1. Data can be inputted into “Enter Data” field. Field accept (Yes/No/Maybe) values only
2. Enter information into “Comment” field. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format up to 255characters maximum.
1. Selected:(Yes/No/Maybe) value for the Enter Data field.
2. Text field "Comment" is accepting and saving any information in a free text format, up to 255 characters maximum

2.4 Test A1C, FBS, TCHD measurements.

#1Input data into the: A1C, FBS, TCHD measurements of PHV flowsheetA1C, FBS, TCHD measurements of PHV flowsheet are visible and accessible1. Enter data into “Enter Data” field.
2. Enter information into “Comment” field.
1. Data can be inputted into “Enter Data” field. Field accepts numeric values only
2. Enter information into “Comment” field. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format up to 255characters maximum.
1. “Enter Data” field is accepting only numeric values (0-50). Warning message prevents from entering any values other then numeric.
2. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format, up to 255 characters maximum
#2Save information in the: A1C, FBS, TCHD measurements of PHV flowsheet1.Periodic Health Visit is up and running
2. Save button is presented on the screen and accessible
Save information inputted into record fieldsBy selecting Save button information is saved.
Once inputted information is saved it's appears on the record.
Record is saved and new information is visible.
#3Activate/Select: A1C, FBS, TCHD measurements of PHV flowsheet kg Graph viewGraph sign is presented on the screen at the Weight subsectionSelect Graph image at the A1C, FBS, TCHD measurements subsectionBy selecting graph image, graph view is openedAny time after user is inputting and saving a record system will display all measurements in the graph view.