OSCAR 14 Consultation List Screen Test Cases

OSCAR 14 Consultation List Screen Test Cases



Consultation List Screen Test Cases

Final Version

Status Completed

Created on: December 30, 2013

Last update on: January 27, 2014

Ready for General Release

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Consultation List Screen Test Cases. Table of ContentBR#
1.0 Test Access Consultation List from the Main Navigation MenuCL1.0, CL2.0
1.1 Test Access Consultation List from Master DemographicCL2.1
1.2 Test Access Consultation List from eChartCL2.1
1.3 Test Consultation List Column OrderCL3.0
1.4 Test Sort Function in Consultation ListCL4.0
1.5 Test Filter Function in Consultation ListCL4.1
1.6 Test Batch Operations Applied to Consultation ListCL4.2
1.7 Test Consultation List Urgency Color-SchemeCL5.0
1.8 Test Consultation List Function ButtonsCL7.0
1.9 Test Second Consultation List for Incoming Consult RequestsCL8.0
2.0 Test Statuses for Tracking Incoming Consultation RequestCL8.1
2.1 Test Populate Incoming Consult List from InboxCL8.2
2.2 Test Ability to Transfer Demographic Information from Received
Consultation Request Letter
2.3 Test Ability to Link a Referral Letter with the Consultation NoteCL10.0
2.4 Test Add Other Related Documents From InboxCL11.0

1.0 Test Access Consultation List from the Main Navigation Menu

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Connect to the OSCAR main page1. OSCAR McMaster Test Version 14.0 system and DB up and running
2. OSCAR user is registered and have the correct credentials to login
3. Consultation request forms are submitted
Open OSCAR in the web browserOSCAR login page is opened   
#2Log InOscar Welcome page prompts user to Enter credentials (User Name / Password)User enters correct User name and Password1. By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance.
2. Once logged in, user is redirected to the Home screen with various OSCAR options
#3Launch Consultation list page from the global navigation bar Verify that Consultation list is accessible from the global navigation bar by selecting Consultation tabUser is redirected to the Consultation list page   
#4Consultation List displays based on Applicable Filter Verify that Consult List displays with any (or no) filter applied1. Consultation List displays appropriate list of consultations based on applicable filter
2. Consult List screen filters to show existing consultations for the active patient record

1.1 Test Access Consultation List from Master Demographic

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Activate Search function1. OSCAR Main Home screen is opened
2. All navigation bars and links are visible and accessible
Select Search tab from the top navigation barSearch page is opened   
#2Search by the patient nameOscar search page prompts user to enter patient nameEnter patient name and run Search1.Search box is accepting text
2. Search button is available and clickable
3. If patient is registered within the OSCAR database, the record should be found
#3Access Patient Demo Screen Click on the Master Demographic file numberPatient demographic info page opens   
#4Launch Consultation List screen Select Consultation link on Master Demographic ScreenConsult List screen launches   
#5Consult List screen replaces “View Consultation Request screen” Verify that Consult List screen replaces “View Consultation Request screen” that launches from Master DemographicConsult List screen replaces “View Consultation Request screen” that launches from Master Demographic   

1.2 Test Access Consultation List from eChart

Step IDStep DescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Activate Search function1. OSCAR Main Home screen is opened
2. All navigation bars and links are visible and accessible
Select Search tab from the top navigation barSearch page is opened   
#3Search by the patient nameOscar search page prompts user to enter patient nameUser is entering patient's name and running Search1. Search box is accepting text
2. Search button is available and clickable
3. If patient is registered within the OSCAR database, his record should be found
#4Activate eChart modulePatient's demographic record contains clickable link to the eChart recordSelect “E” (eChart) from the patient recordUser is redirected to the eChart module of the selected patient   
#5Launch Consult List screen Select “Consultations” heading on eChartUser is redirected to the Consult List screen   
#6Consult List screen replaces “View Consultation Request screen” Verify that Consult List screen replaces “View Consultation Request screen” that launches from eChartConsult List screen replaces “View Consultation Request screen” that launches from eChart   

1.3 Test Consultation List Column Order

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Consultation List column order1. Consultation request forms are submitted
2. Consultation List page is opened
Verify that Consult List appears in column order:
• Patient
• Consultant
• Service
• Urgency
• Provider
• Team
• Appointment Date
• Follow up
Order view of columns for Consult list is implemented   

1.4 Test Sort Function in Consultation List

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Sort Consult List1. Consultation requests are submitted
2. Consultation list page is opened
By clicking on columns headings, verify that Consult fields are sortable by any field in ascending order:
• Patient
• Consultant
• Service
• Urgency
• Provider
• Team
• Appointment Date
• Follow up

Consult fields are sortable by any field in ascending order   

1.5 Test Filter Function in  Consultation List

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Filter Consultation List by specified field: Patient First Name1. Consultation requests are submitted
2. Consultation List page is opened
3. Search field is available and accepting text
Enter Patient First name into filter field and verify that Consult List is filterable by Patient First Name1. Search box is accepting text
2. Consultation List is filtered only records that that match filter field text
#2Filter Consultation List by specified field: Patient Last Name Enter Patient Last Name into filter field and verify that Consult List is filterable by Patient Last NameConsultation List is filtered only records that match filter field text   
#3Filter Consultation List by specified field: Provider Name Enter Provider Name into filter field and verify that Consult List is filterable by Provider NameConsultation List is filtered only records that match filter field text   

1.6 Test Batch Operations Applied to Consultation List

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Option to select multiple Consultations availability1. Consultation requests are submitted
2. Consultation list page opens
Verify that the option to select multiple consultations from the list is availableCheckboxes are available to select multiple Consultaions   
#2Batch operations is not applied to first iteration Verify that for first iteration there should be no actual batch operations to applyFor first iteration there is no actual batch operations to apply   
#3Select multiple consultations Select multiple consultations from the list to apply batch operationsConsultations requests are selected   
#4Batch operations availability Verify that Batch operations are selectable and available to applyBatch operations are selectable and available to apply   
#5Apply batch operations Select Apply buttonBatch operations are applied to the selected Consultations requests   

1.7 Test Consultation List Urgency Color-Scheme

#1Status indication availability1. Consultation requests are submitted with urgent statuses (urgent, semi-urgent, Not urgent)
2. Consultation List page is opened
Verify that Consultation list uses colour-scheme for status indication:
• Red for urgent
• Yellow for semi-urgent
• Green for Not urgent
Colour-scheme and highlighting are implemented for status indication
#2Symbol for urgency availability Verify that small, circular badges appear
next to “urgency” setting in list
Badges appear next to “urgency” setting in list

1.8 Test Consultation List Function Buttons

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Function buttons availability1. Consultation requests are submitted
2. Consultation List page is opened
Verify appropriate actions/functions are available on Consult List screen
• Add New
• Update Status
Functions are available on Consult List screen
• Add New
• Update Status
#2Activate “Add New” button“Add New” button is visible and clickableClick on “Add New” buttonBy selecting “Add New” button, user is getting access to New consultation screen   
#3Activate “Update Status” buttonUpdate status button is visible and clickableClick on “Update status” buttonBy selecting “Update” button, user is getting access to the existing Consultation page   

1.9 Test Second Consultation List for Incoming Consult Requests

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Launch Consultation list page from the main navigation menu1. Log in as a Specialist receiving Consult requests
2. OSCAR Main Home screen is opened
3. Consultation requests are submitted and received
Verify that Consultation list is accessible from the main navigation menu by selecting Consultation tab from the main navigation menuUser is redirected to the Consultation list page   
#2Second Consult list for incoming consult requestsNOTE: Incoming requests would be for specialists receiving requestsVerify that tabbed menu allows users to select to view the outgoing or incoming consult requestsSecond consult list for incoming consult requests displays   

2.0 Test Statuses for Tracking Incoming Consultation Request

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected Results
#1Statuses for Tracking Incoming Consultation Request: Incoming Consult List screen1. Log in as a Specialist receiving Consult requests
2. Consultation requests are submitted
3. Incoming Consultation List page is opened

Verify that appropriate statuses for tracking incoming consult request process available in Incoming Consult list screen
1.Not Complete
2. Received
3. Reviewed
4. Pending Callback
5. Preliminary Pending
6. Cancelled
7. Appointment Booked
8. Complete
9. Note Complete
10. Deleted
Incoming Consult list screen offers appropriate statuses for tracking incoming request process

#2Statuses for Tracking Incoming Consultation Request: Consultation Request screenConsultation Request screen is openedVerify that appropriate statuses (pls see step #1) for tracking incoming consult request process available in Consultation Request screenConsult Request screen offers appropriate statuses for tracking incoming request process

2.1 Test Populate Incoming Consult List from Inbox

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Access Inbox module1. Log in as a Specialist receiving Consult requests
2. Consultation List page is opened
3. Inbox Documents are available
Activate Inbox module by selecting Inbox from the top navigation barInbox module is present

#2Select specific Inbox messages to populate on the Incoming Consult List Verify that Inbox allows specific messages to be selected to populate on the Incoming Consult ListMessages are selected

#3Access Incoming Consult List Select Incoming Consult List from tabbed menuIncoming Consultation List is present

#4Incoming Consult Document is populated from system Inbox Verify that Selected Inbox messages are populated on Incoming Consultation ListSelected Inbox messages are populated on Incoming Consultation List   

2.2 Test Ability to Transfer Demographic Information from Received Consultation Request Letter

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Transfer Demographic InformationConsultation request is received but Patient Demographic information is not found in databaseVerify that Demographic information from received Consultation request letter is transferred directly into Master Demographic recordMaster Demographic page accepts uploaded field information from Consultation letter to create a new record/patient   

2.3 Test Ability to Link a Referral Letter with the Consultation Note

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Access Consultation Request screen1. Log in as a Specialist receiving Consultation requests
2. Consultations request is received
Select Consultation Request from the received Consultation Request listConsultation Request page is present   
#2Complete Consultation Note Access Consultation Note and complete the Note1. Consultation Note field accepts text
2. Follow-up letter (Consultation Note) is created
#3Ability to Link a Consult Note with the Referral Latter: Specialist Verify that a Consult Note should be linked to the original Consult Request that was receivedAccessing follow-up letter allows user to easily access Consult Request letter

#4Ability to Link a Referral Letter with the Consultation Note: Physician1. Log in as a Physician submitting a Consultation request
2. Referral Letter (received Consultation request) with the Consultation Note (follow-up letter specialist creates) is sent back to referring physician
Verify that
1. Referral letter with the Consult Note is received by Physician
2. Referral Letter and Consult Note should be linked
Accessing Consult request letter allows user to easily access Consult Note letter


2.4 Test Add Other Related Documents From Inbox 

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Access Inbox module1. Log in as a Specialist receiving Consult requests
2. Consultation List page is opened
3. Inbox Documents/Messages are received
Activate Inbox module by selecting Inbox from the top navigation barInbox module is present   
#2Select specific Inbox documents Verify that Inbox allows specific documents to be selectedDocuments are selected   
#3Add Documents from Inbox Add related documents from Inbox to the Incoming Consult List screenRelated documents from Inbox are added to the Incoming Consult List screen   
#4Access Incoming Consult List Select Incoming Consult List from tabbed menuIncoming Consultation List is present   
#5Consultation List displayNOTE: Consultation List screen can act as a “to do” listVerify that Consult list screen (incoming) displays consults requests and related documents

Consult list screen (incoming) displays consults requests and related documents