OSCAR 14 Consultation Module Test Cases

OSCAR 14 Consultation Module Test Cases


Consultation Module Test Cases

Final Version

Status Completed

Created on: December 30, 2013

Last update on: January 27, 2014

Ready for General Release

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Consultation Module_Test Cases.xls

Test Cases Consultation Module. Table of Content
1.0 Test Follow with Consultations Requests in Status ND
1.1 Test Create Consultation Request by Using the eChart Module
1.2 Test Create Consultation Request by Using the Master Record
1.3 Test Edit and Save Consultation Request
1.4 Test Logging with Wrong Credentials
1.5 Test Consultation Request is Edited and Not Saved

1.0 Test Follow with Consultations Requests in Status ND

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Connect to the OSCAR main page1. OSCAR McMaster Test Version 14.0, system and DB up and running.
2. OSCAR user has correct credentials to login
3. Consultation Request is submitted with status ND (Not Done)
Open OSCAR in the web browserOSCAR login page is opened   
#2Log InOscar welcome page prompts user to Enter credentials (User Name/ Password)User enters correct Username and Password1. By entering the right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance
2. Once logged in, user is redirected to the Home Main screen with various OSCAR options
#3Access Consultation list page from the main navigation menu Select Consultation tab from the main navigation menuConsultation list module is present on the screen   
#4Select records with status ND to follow up consultation requestsConsultation records with status ND are requested and savedSelect patient name from the listExisting consultation request is opened for the selected patient   
#5Complete the existing consultation request formStatuses are available for selection:
• Not Complete
• Pending Callback
• Preliminary Pending Specialist
• Cancelled
• Appointment Booked
• Complete
• Deleted
1. Fill out sections and input requested information to compete the request from.
2. Select Complete Status if Consultation is booked and confirmed
Consultation request form is completed   
#6Save button functionality Select Save button1. “Save” button saves record
2. Action center which provide other action items is launched
3. Layover bar is launched and appears translucently over the top 1/3 of the current Consult Request screen
#7Action Center icon-based menu display Verify that The Action Center is an icon-
based menu providing the
following actions:
a) Preview
b) Print
c) Add Attachment
d) Email/eFax
e) Cancel
The Action Center icon-based menu displays all action items   

1.1 Test Create Consultation Request by Using the eChart Module


Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Activate Search function1.OSCAR Home Main screen is opened
2. All navigation bars and links are visible and accessible
Select Search from the top navigation bar.Search page is opened   
#2Search by the patient nameOscar search page prompts user to enter patient nameUser is entering patient's name and running Search1. Search box is accepting text
2. Search button is available and clickable
3. If patient is registered within the OSCAR database, the record should be found
#3Activate eChart module Select “E” (eChart) hyperlink from the patient recordUser is redirected to the eChart module of the selected patient   
#4Access existing Consultation List module Click on Consultation heading in Consultation sectionConsultation List list of existing/saved consultation requests (in any status phase) for current patient is present on the screen   
#5Access existing Consultation Request form Select the specified existing Consultation link from the Consultation ListUser is redirected to the saved Consultation Request module   
#6Complete the request form 1. Fill out form fields to complete request
2. Select Complete Status
Consultation request form is filled out   
#7Save button functionality Select Save button to save the record1. “Save” button saves record
2. Action center which provide other action items is launched
3. Layover bar is launched and appears translucently over the top 1/3 of the current Consult Request screen

1.2 Test Create Consultation Request by Using the Master Record

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Activate Search function1. OSCAR Home Main screen is opened
2. All navigation bars and links are visible and accessible
Select Search from the top navigation bar.Search page is opened   
#2Search for the NEW patient by using Search functionOscar search page prompts user to enter patient nameAccess Search from the main navigation page and search for the new patient1.Search box is accepting text
2.Search button is available and clickable
3.System is confirming that record does not exist and providing access to create a new record
#3Access Create Demographic screen 1. Open Search module
2. Click on the link Create New Demographic
Add Demographic Record is present   
#4Create a new Demographic record Complete the form and click Save buttonNew patient record is created   
#5Create Consultation request Open Master Record by selecting Demographic NumberDemographic Number module provide access to the Master record   
#6Select Consultations From Clinical Modules section select ConsultationsConsultation request form is displayed on the screen   
#7Complete the request form 1. Fill out form fields to complete request
2. Select Complete Status
3. Select Save button
Consultation request form is filled out and saved   

1.3 Test Edit and Save Consultation Request

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Activate Consult Module1. OSCAR Home Main screen is opened
2. Consultation Request is submitted with status ND (Not Done)
On the main page from top navigation bar select ConsultationMain Consultation page is presented on the screen   
#2Select the patient name Select the patient record from the listConsultation request form is opened for the selected patient   
#3Edit the request form 1. Fill out fields to compete the request form. 2. Completion indicates by Status
3. Save Consultation Request form
1. Request form is edited
2. Consultation Request is saved

1.4 Test Logging with Wrong Credentials

Step IDStep DescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Connect to the OSCAR main pageOSCAR McMaster Test Version 14.0, system and DB up and runningOpen OSCAR in the web browserOSCAR login page is opened   
#2Log In Enter wrong credentials 3 times1. OSCAR application cannot be opened
2. User’s Account is temporary suspended
#3Activate accountUser contact administrator (super user) to reactivate accountAdministrator reactivates accountOnce administrator reactivates account, user can successfully log with the correct credentials   

1.5 Test Consultation Request is Edited and Not Saved

Step IDStep DescriptionPreconditionActionsExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Activate Consult Module1. OSCAR Home Main screen is opened
2. Consultation Request is submitted with status ND (Not Done)
On the main page from top navigation bar select ConsultationMain Consultation page is presented on the screen   
#2Select the patient name Select the patient record from the listConsultation request form is opened for the selected patient   
#3Edit the request form Fill out fields to compete the request form. Completion indicates by Status CompletedRequest form is edited   
#4Consultation Request Form is not completedUser decides to finish the request form laterSelect Close button and close the application without saving1. Warning message is present on the screen to notify that data will be lost if user closes the form
2. All information that was added during the Edit session is lost