OSCAR 14 Consultation Request Screen Test Cases

OSCAR 14 Consultation Request Screen Test Cases



Consultation Request Screen Test Cases

Final Version

Status Completed

Created on: December 30, 2013

Last update on: January 27, 2014

Ready for General Release

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Consultation Request Screen Test Cases. Table of Content BR #
1.0 Test Access Existing Consultation Request from the Main ScreenC1.0, C1.1
1.1 Test Create New or View Existing Consultation Request Options AvailabilityC1.3
1.2 Test Access New Consultation Request from the eChart screenC1.2a
1.3 Test Access Existing Consultation Request from the eChart screenC1.2b
1.4 Test Preview Version LayoutC2.0
1.5 Test Save Functional buttonC3.0, C3.1
1.6 Test Close Functional ButtonC3.0
1.7 Test Consult Requests with Status Deleted Do Not Appear in Consult ListC3.2
1.8 Test Patient Associated with MRPC4.0
1.9 Test Ability to Associate Patient with Another TeamC4.1
2.0 Test Accessibility to Messaging, eChart, Master ModulesC5.0, C5.1
2.1 Test Consultant Multiple AddressC6.0, C6.1, C6.2
2.2 Test Search by Physician NameC7.0
2.3 Test Urgency Drop Down ValuesC8.0
2.4 Test Consultation StatusesC9.0, C11.0
2.5 Test Consultant Contact Phone fieldC12.0
2.6 Test Create Consultation Request for Inactive PatientC13.0
2.7 Test Consultation Request Module Interacts with eChartC14.0
2.8 Test Add Patient Clinical Info from eChartC14.1
2.9 Test Attachment File TypesC15.2
3.0 Test Attachment FunctionC15.0, C15.1
3.1 Test Radiology ListC15.3
3.2 Test Forms ListC15.4
3.3 Test eForms ListC15.5
3.4 Test View Referral Letter and Demographics Screens SimultaneouslyC17.0

1.0 Test Access Existing Consultation Request from the Main Screen

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Connect to the OSCAR main page1. OSCAR McMaster Test Version 14.0, system and DB up and running.
2. OSCAR user has correct credentials to login
Open OSCAR in the web browserOSCAR login page is opened   
#2Log InOscar welcome page prompts user to Enter credentials (User Name/ Password)User enters correct Username and Password1. By entering the right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance
2. Once logged in, user is redirected to the Master Appointment screen with various OSCAR options
#3Access Consultation list page from the main navigation menu Select Consultation tab from the main navigation menuMain Consultation list is present on the screen   
#4Select record to follow up consultation requestsConsultation records are requested and savedSelect the patient name from the left-side menuExisting/saved consultation request is opened for the selected patient   

1.1 Test Create New or View Existing Consultation Request Options Availability

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Access Consultation list page from the main navigation menu1.OSCAR Main Home screen is opened
2.All navigation bars and links are visible and accessible
Select Consultation tab from the main navigation menuConsultation list is present on the screen   
#2Select record to follow up consultation requestsConsultation records are requested and savedSelect patient name from the list1. Existing consultation request is opened for the selected patient
2. Use can view list of existing/saved consultation requests (in any status phase) for current patient in context (left-side menu selection)
#3Access New Consultation pageConsultation request is selected for a specified patientVerity that user has option to create new consult for patient in context (left-side menu selection)1. Option to create new Consult is available
2. New Consultation request page is opened

1.2 Test Access New Consultation Request from the eChart Screen

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Activate Search function1.OSCAR Master Appointment screen is opened
2.All navigation bars and links are visible and accessible
Select Search Tab from the top navigation barSearch page is opened   
#2Search by the patient nameOscar search page prompts user to enter patient nameUser is entering patient's name and running Search1. Search box is accepting text
2. Search button is available and clickable
3. If patient is registered within the OSCAR database, the record should be found
#3Activate eChart module Select “E” (eChart) from the patient recordUser is redirected to the eChart (Patient Summary) module of the selected patient   
#4Activate new Consultation Request Module Select the “+” in Consultation section of Patient Summary tabConsultation screen opens for new Consultation Request data entry   

1.3 Test Access Existing Consultation Request  from the eChart Screen

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Activate Search function1. OSCAR Master Appointment screen is opened
2. All navigation bars and links are visible and accessible
Select Search from the top navigation bar.Search page is opened   
#2Search by the patient nameOscar search page prompts user to enter patient nameUser is entering patient's name and running Search1. Search box is accepting text
2. Search button is available and clickable
3. If patient is registered within the OSACAR database, the record should be found
#3Activate eChart module Select “E” (eChart) from the patient recordUser is redirected to the eChart (Patient Summary) module of the selected patient   
#4Access existing Consultation List module Click on Consultation heading in Consultation sectionConsultation List of existing/saved consultation requests (in any status phase) for current patient is present on the screen   
#5Access existing Consultation Request form Select the specified existing Consultation link from the Consultation ListConsultation screen opens with saved consultation data   

1.4 Test Preview Version Layout

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Activate Preview button
  1. Existing Consultation Request module is saved
2. Action Center layover bar is present
Select Preview button on Action Centre layover barUser is redirected to Preview page   
#2Match Consultation screen and Preview layouts Verify that layout of Consultation screen closely matches the Preview screen versionLayout of Consultation screen closely matches the Preview screen version   
#3Layout of Preview version: Letterhead Verify that Letterhead selection appears at the top of screenLetterhead selection appears at top of screen   
#4Layout of Preview version: To and From information Verify that 2 columns view separating TO and FROM information2 columns view separating TO and FROM information   
#5Layout of Preview version: patient information Verify that patient information appears near top of screenPatient information appears near top of screen   
#6Layout of Preview version: Columns Fields Verify that fields balanced across columns appropriatelyFields balanced across columns appropriately   

1.5 Test Save Functional Button

Step IDStep DescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Functional buttons availabilityExisting Consultation Request module is openedVerify that Application functionality buttons
• Save
• Close
Are available at the bottom of the screen (not along top)
Functional buttons are present at the bottom of the screen   
#2Save function button Verify that Save function is a separate function button from any other function buttons (i.e. ‘save’ not ‘save & print preview’)Save function is a separate function button   
#3Save Consultation request Select Save button1. “Save” button saves record
2. Action center which provide other action items is launched

1.6 Test Close Functional Button

Step IDStep DescriptionPreconditionActionsExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Functional buttons availabilityExisting Consultation Request module is openedVerify that Application functionality buttons
• Save
• Close
Are available at the bottom of the screen (not along top)
Functional buttons are present at the bottom of the screen   
#2Update Consultation List Make changes in Consultation ListConsultation List is updated   
#3Save button functionality Select Save button1. “Save” button saves record
2. Action center which provide other action items is launched
#4Close button functionality Verify that Close function closes Consultation request screen without saving any information1. Confirmation window pops up
2. Consultation Request module is closed
3. Record is not saved

1.7 Test Consult Requests with Status Deleted Do Not Appear in Consult  List

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Update Consultation Request status to “Deleted”Consultation Request list displaysSelect Update status button and change consultation status to “Deleted”Consultation Request status is updated to “Deleted”   
#2Deleted Consultation requests do not appear on the Consultation List pageConsultation Request with status “Deleted” is availableVerify that Consultation requests that are set as “Deleted” do not appear on the Consultation ListConsultation requests that are set as “Deleted” do not appear on the Consultation List   

1.8 Test Patient Associated with MRP

Step IDStep DescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Associated with MRP field1.New Consultation Request module is opened
2. Patient should be associated with MRP
Verify that Patient is associated with MRPAccurate MRP name populates in MRP field   
#2Single MRP name is available Verify that Patient should be associated with only one MRP at a timeOnly one MRP name available in the field   
#3MRP Default team Verify that Each MRP is associated with a default teamEach MRP has only one team assigned   
#4Team field Verify that team field is populated with the team nameTeam field is populated with patient default team, when patient is selected   

1.9 Test Ability to Associate Patient with Another Team

Step IDStep DescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Associated with MRP field1. New Consultation Request module is opened
2. Patient should be associated with MRP
Verify that Patient should be associated with MRPAccurate MRP name populates MRP field   
#2Ability to associate patient with another team for specific Consultation request Select team from the Team drop down listDrop-down menu for team field allows selection of available teams   

2.0 Test Accessibility to Messaging, eChart, Master Modules

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionsExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Access Messaging screen from the main menu of Consultation Request form1.Consultation request form is opened for the selected patient
2.Messaging, eChart, Master Record links are visible and accessible
Select Messaging link from the top navigation bar of Consultation ModuleMessaging page appears   
#2Messaging function usability Verify that Messaging function usable concurrently with Consultation module1. Messaging function opens, when link is selected;
2. It gives full functionality while Consultation Request form is opened
#3Access patient eChart form the main menu of Consultation Request form Select eChart (Patient Summary) from the top navigation bar of Consultation ModulePatient eChart page is accessible   
#4Access Master Record from the main menu of Consultation Request form Select Master Record (Patient Details) from the top navigation bar of Consultation ModuleMaster Record is accessible   

2.1 Test Consultant Multiple Address

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Consultant Multiple addresses are available for selections1.Consultation request form is opened for the selected patient
2. Each consultant in OSCAR can have multiple addresses
Select Consultant address from the drop down list for a selected consultant1. Consultant Multiple addresses appear in drop-down list for each consultant listed
2. Addresses are available for selections
3. Each consultant can have multiple addresses
#2Contact phone informationContact Phone information is recorded in Consultant recordVerify that once Consultant and contact address are selected, Consultant’s cellphone is prepopulated in “Contact Phone” fieldCorrect consultant contact phone number appears in “Contact Phone” field   
#3Save Consultation request Select Save button1. “Save” button saves record
2. Action center which provide other action items is launched
#4Activate Preview button Select Preview buttonUser is redirected to Preview page   
#5Preview selected address Verify that selected a specified consultant address in Consultation Request form should appear on printable versionPrintable version displays the correct selected address information   

2.2 Test Search by Physician Name

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Search by the Physician name1.Consultation request form is opened for the selected patient
2.Oscar search page prompts user to enter Physician name
1. Enter Physician's name
2. Run Search
3. Verify that results appear sorted by Last Name, First Name (descending order)
1. Search box is accepting text
2. Search button is available and clickable
3. If Physician name is registered within the OSCAR database, the record should be found
4. Physician name search should list MRP sorted by Last Name, First Name in descending order

2.3 Test Urgency Drop Down Values

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Urgency drop down values availabilityExisting Consultation Request module is openedVerify that Urgency drop-down list have options:
• “Non-Urgent”,
• “Semi-Urgent”,
• “Urgent”
1. Urgency drop down box is available and active
2. Urgency drop-down list have options:
• “Non-Urgent”,
• “Semi-Urgent”,
• “Urgent”
#2Non-urgent option functionality Select Non-Urgent value from Urgency drop down boxNon-Urgent value from Urgency drop down box is selectable   
#3Semi-urgent option functionality Select Semi-Urgent value from Urgency drop down boxSemi-Urgent value from Urgency drop down box is selectable   
#4Urgent option functionality Select Urgent value from Urgency drop down boxUrgent value from Urgency drop down box is selectable   

2.4 Test Consultation Statuses

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Access Consultation list page from the main navigation menuOSCAR Main Home screen is openedSelect Consultation tab from the main navigation menuConsultation Module is opened   
#2Update the existing Consultation Request formExisting consultation request is opened for the selected patientMake changes in Consultation Request formChange requested information to update the request from   
#3Consultation Statuses availability Verify that Consultation Statuses are available for a consultation request:
• Not Complete
• Pending Callback
• Preliminary Pending Specialist
• Cancelled
• Appointment Booked
• Complete
• Deleted
Consultation Statuses are available for a consultation request selection   
#4Default Consultation Status Verify that Not Complete is default Consultation StatusNot Complete is default Consultation Status   
#5Pending Call Consultation Status Check off Pending Callback to change statusConsultation Status is changed to Pending Callback   
#6Appointment Date fieldPending Call Consultation Status is selectedVerify that “Appointment date” field not available if “Pending Callback” is the selected statusThis field is disabled until the status is changed from “Pending Callback” to any other status   
#7Preliminary Pending Specialist Consultation Status Check off Preliminary Pending Specialist to change statusConsultation Status is changed to Preliminary Pending Specialist   
#8Cancelled Consultation StatusAppointment has been cancelledCheck off Cancelled to change statusConsultation Status is changed to Cancelled   
#9Appointment Booked Consultation StatusAppointment has been bookedCheck off Appointment Booked to change status if appointment is bookedConsultation Status is changed to Appointment Booked   
#10Complete Consultation StatusAppointment has been competedCheck off Complete to change status if appointment is completedConsultation Status is changed to Complete   
#11Deleted Status Check off Deleted to change status if appointment should be deletedConsultation Status is changed to Deleted   

2.5 Test Consultant Contact Phone Field

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Consultation Doctor Information section: ‘Contact Phone’ fieldConsultation request form is opened for the selected patientVerify that Consult Doctor Information section ‘Contact Phone’ field has two input options:
1. Select from a drop-down list
2. Input phone number manually into text box
Consult Doctor Information section ‘Contact Phone’ field has two input options   
#2Select Contact number Select Consultant Contact Phone from the drop down listConsultant Contact Phone is selected from the drop down list   
#3Input phone number manually Input phone number manually into text boxPhone number is entered   
#4Save Consultation request form Select Save buttonConsultation request form is saved   

2.6 Test Create Consultation Request for Inactive Patient

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Activate new Consultation Request Module from eChart Module1.Patients set to “inactive” status
2.Inactive Patient eChart screen is present
Select the “+” in Consultation section of Patient Summary tabUser is not able to activate “new” consultation request function from inactive patient eChart   
#2Launch Consult List screen1. Patients set to “inactive” status
2. Inactive Patient Master screen is present
Select Consultation link on Master Demographic ScreenConsult List screen launches   
#3Activate new Consultation Request Module from Master Module Select New Consultation linkUser is not able to activate “new” consultation request function from inactive patient Master Record   

2.7 Test Consultation Request Module Interacts with eChart

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to connect with eChart information for selected patientExisting Consultation Request module is openedSelect eChart link1. Consultation Request Module interacts with eChart Module
2. Patient eChart Module is opened

2.8 Test Add Patient Clinical Info from eChart

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/Fail
#1Add Patient Clinical Information: Family History1. Existing Consultation Request module is opened
2. eChart CPP Family History notes are added
Select Family History button1. Field adds and expands to view and/or edit family history notes
2. Patient Family History clinical information is added to appropriate text box fields directly from eChart
#2Add Patient Clinical Information: Medical HistoryeChart CPP Medical History notes are addedSelect Medical History button1. Field adds and expands to view and/or edit Medical history notes
2. Patient Medical History clinical information is added to appropriate textbox fields directly from eChart
#3Add Patient Clinical Information: Other MedseChart CPP Other Meds notes are addedSelect Other Meds button1. Field adds and expands to view and/or edit Other Meds notes
2. Patient Other Meds clinical information is added to appropriate text box fields directly from eChart
#4Add Patient Clinical Information: ReminderseChart CPP Reminders notes are addedSelect Reminders button1. Field adds and expands to view and/or edit Reminders notes
2. Patient Reminders clinical information is added to appropriate text box fields directly from eChart
#5Input data into the Consultation Notes fields 1. Enter data into Consultation Notes fields
2. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format, up to 255characters maximum.
Free text field up to 255 char can be entered into Consult Notes fields  

2.9 Test Attachment File Types

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Attachments functionality availabilityExisting Consultation Request module is savedVerify that Attachment button is available on main area of Consultation screenAttachments button appears within main fields of Consult screen   
#2Access Attach Consultation Document screenRadiology, completed eForms, Antenatal Records, e-Labs, Scanned documents files types are availableSelect Attach file buttonAttach Consultation Documents screen is present   
#3Attach Radiology file type Select Radiology file type and verify that the following file type can be attached to a consult requestSpecified Radiology file type is successfully attached to Consult request   
#4Attach completed eForms file type Select eForm file type and verify that the following file type can be attached to a consult requestSpecified eForm file type is successfully attached to Consult request   
#5Attach completed Antenatal Records file type Select Antenatal file type and verify that the following file type can be attached to a consult requestSpecified Antenatal Record file type is successfully attached to Consult request   
#6Attach completed eLabs file type Select e Labs file type and verify that the following file type can be attached to a consult requestSpecified eLabs file type is successfully attached to Consult request   
#7Attach completed Scanned documents file type Select Scanned Documents file type and verify that the following file type can be attached to a consult requestSpecified Scanned Documents file type is successfully attached to Consult request   

3.0 Test Attachment Function

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Attachments functionality availability on main area of Consultation screen1. Consultation Request module is opened
2. Files are attached
Verify that Attachments button appears within main fields of Consult screenAttachments button appears within main fields of Consult screen   
 Attachment functions availability Verify that Attachment functions are available:
• List
• Remove
• Preview
• Import all
Attachment functions are available   
#2Attached files list Select List functionAfter attaching a file, the file names are listed on the Consultation screen   
#3Remove attached file By selecting Remove function, verify that attached file can be individually removedAttached file is removed   
#4Preview attached file By selecting Preview function, attached file can be previewed (as a PDF document )Attached file is available to preview   
#5Import all attached filesAttached files are selected to importVerify that “import all’ allows a batch selection of all available documents per typeWhen selecting attachments, ‘import all’ allows a batch selection of all available documents per type (e.g. all labs)   

3.1 Test Radiology List

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Radiology service1. Consultation Request module is opened
2. Radiology Files are attached
Select “X-Ray/Ultrasound” from the Service drop down fieldRadiology service is selected   
#2View Radiology files list Verify that Radiology can be added if “X-Ray/Ultrasound” is selected from the Service fieldRadiology list is populated with related patient x-ray and ultrasound files   

3.2 Test Forms List

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Specified Consult service type1. Consultation module is opened
2. Forms Files are attached
Select Consult service type from the Service drop down fieldConsult service type is selected from drop down list   
#2View Forms files list Verify that a list of Forms should be available when specific Consult service is selected for the patientForms list is populated and appears on Consult module screen once consult service type is selected and confirmed   

3.3 Test eForms List

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Specified Consultation Service type1. Consultation Module is opened
2. eForms Files are attached
Select Consultation service type from the Service drop down fieldConsult service type is selected from drop down list   
#2View eForms files list Verify that a list of eForms should be available when specific Consult service is selected for the patienteForms list is populated and appears on Consult module screen once consult service type is selected and confirmed   

3.4 Test View Referral Letter and Demographics Screens Simultaneously

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Access Patient Demographic screenIncoming Consult Request is opened for the selected patientSelect Master Record (Patient Details) from top navigation bar of Consultation ModuleMaster Record is accessible   
#2Ability to view Referral letter (Incoming Consultation request screen) and Demographics screen simultaneously Verify that user is able to view Referral letter (Incoming Consultation request screen) and Demographics screen simultaneouslyInbox message and Demographics screen can be viewed in tandem