Test Case : Attachment B: 3.1C
Test Case : Attachment B: 3.1C
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Attachment B: 3.1C
Alerts or messages EMR administrator if automatic polling is down or unsuccessful
Actors/Related actors:
- Business Clerks, Records Team, Nurse Practitioners and Physicians
Pre-action requirements/state:
- OSCAR is configured and working as expected
- OSCAR user is configured with rights to the inbox
- HRM preferences have been configured correctly (user name, SFTP site, private key, decryption key)
Post-action state:
- OSCAR Inbox is working as expected
Steps to perform the test case:
- Click the "Admin" link in OSCAR
- Click Hospital Report Manager (HRM) Preferences
- Enter in incorrect data (invalid or wrong user name) in the 'user name' field
- Enter in incorrect data (invalid or incorrect location) in the 'SFTP download folder' textbox
- Upload the incorrect Private key
- Upload the incorrect Decryption key
- Enter in incorrect data (invalid) in the 'auto polling interval' textbox
- Click the 'Submit" button
- Allow for the time to execute (time in automatic polling interval) to allow for the errors to trigger
- Check the inbox for status messages
- Check the audit trail
Failure Steps:
- failure result: No status messages are provided to the user in the GUI or audit trail indicating the errors that exist
Success Steps:
expected result: User receives messages via the GUI and/or audit trail detailing the errors in the HRM preferences
- User receives message about invalid user name supplied
- User receives message about invalid or incorrect SFTP folder location
- User receives message about incorrect private key used
- User receives message about incorrect decryption key used
Refer to any connectivity notifications experienced
OSCAR attempted to perform a fetch of HRM data at Thu Jan 09 15:26:43 EST 2014 but there was an error during the task.
See below for the error message:
SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT: 7 Account disabled
Alternate Flows:
Special Requirements/Notes:
, multiple selections available,