OSCAR 15_Kids eConnect_Functional Test Cases

OSCAR 15_Kids eConnect_Functional Test Cases

Functional Test Cases OSCAR 15 Kids eConnect Child 0-5

Kids eConnect_Functional Test Cases.xls

1.0 Test Activate Rourke eform
1.1 Test Personal info and Growth section in Rourke eform
1.2 Test Pregnancy/Birth Remarks/Apgar, Risk factors and Family history sections
1.3 Test Visit Date/Parent Caregiver Concerns & View All
1.4 Test Important Points
1.5 Test PROBLEMS & PLANS, Community Resources sub sections & Web links, Handouts
1.6 Test Save Draft, Sign & Submit, View All Visits, Print functionality
1.7 Test NDDS eForm
1.8 Test Submit/ Save as draft Summary Report
1.9 Test Summary Report Entering and Saving input data
2.0 Test NDDS prompts logic
2.1 Test Rourke prompts logic
2.2 Test Add Nutrition Supplementation items in Rourke eform
2.3 Test Add Y/N indicators to Nutrition section in Rourke eform

1.0 Test Activate Rourke eform

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Activate Search functionDemographic record is created for the patients according to the ageSelect Search from the top navigation barSearch page is opened   
#2Search patient by name Type patient name into the search box and run search functionDemographic record is found and presented on the screen   
#3Activate Rourke e-forms2014 Rourke eform is added to the eForm library in AdminRourke e-forms can be opened for selected patient from:
1. eChart -> search as “Search Oscar”, select 2014 Rourke (new) from the drop down list
2.eChart -> '+' sign next to eForm's, Add eforms, select 2014 Rourke (new) from the menu list
Rourke e-forms Is opened for the selected patient   

1.1 Test Personal info and Growth section in Rourke eform

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionsExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1View patient personal information applicable to Rourke eformRourke eform is openedVerify that Patient's name, DOB and gender are populatedPatient's Name, DOB and gender are populated

#2Birth information sectionPatient obtained all required documentation from the Hospital and presented to team assistant

Enter Child Birth data into birth input fields.
Example input information:
Gestational Age = '250' days
Birth Length = '53' cm
Birth Wt = '3500' g
Head Circ = '34' cm
Discharge Wt = '200' g
1. Information is inputted into Birth input fields: Gestational Age, Birth Length, Birth Wt., Head Circ., Discharge Wt..
2. Validation runs on:
Gestational Age, Birth Length, Birth Wt., Head Circ., Discharge Wt. fields
3. Once correct information is typed into fields it should be accepted by the application.
#3Growth sectionGrowth section is designed to collect information and measurements for the newborns started from 1 week old and up to 5 yearsEnter information into Growth section according to the child age:
Length/Height (cm)
Weight (g)
Head Circ (cm)
1. Information is submitted into Growth section, into the following fields:
Length/Height (cm)
Weight (g)
Head Circ (cm)
2. These fields are grouped by the age of the patient
3. Validation runs on:
Height (cm), Weight (g), Head Circ (cm)
#4% Weight Loss Since Birth% Weight Loss Since Birth is designed to auto calculate % weight loss for the newborn baby from 1 week and up to 6 monthsEnter Birth weight and Current child's weight
Update/ delete Birth weight and/ or child's visit weight
When Birth Weight and visit Weight are entered, % Weight Loss Since Birth is auto calculated and displays in red
When Birth weight and/or visit Weight are updated/ deleted, % Weight loss should be dynamically recalculated/ not show
#5Graph view1.Growth section has visits filled out for the graph view to be available
2. Graph buttons are presented on the screen next to Growth section:
Length/Wt GRAPH <24m
Height/ Wt GRAPH < 2yr
HC GRAPH < 24m
Select Length /Wt Graph button< 24 months
Select Height/ Wt Graph >2 yr
Select HC Graph < 24 m
Length/WT Graph view and HC Graph view present growth measurements for the age < 24 months in graph view. Graph View displays actual measurements and expected measurements for the current age of the patient.
Height/ Weight Graph view should present growth measurements in graph view for the age > 2 years and < 5 years
#6Print Graph viewRourke Graph view is launchedOnce in a graph view, select 'Print' buttonPrintable option is available and Graph view can be printed at any time.
In a printable version all measurements have to be plotted accordingly

1.2 Test Pregnancy/Birth Remarks/Apgar, Risk factors and Family history sections

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionsExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Input Information into the Pregnancy/Birth remarks/Apgar section1.Rourke application is up and running
2.Patient information is provided for the team assistant or MRP
Enter information into the Pregnancy/Birth remarks/Apgar sectionText field is accepting any information in a free text format allowing up to 2500 characters maximum   
#2Input information in the Risk Factor and Family History sectionsRisk factor and Family history sections are interacting with eChart moduleSelect '+' button in Risk Factors section, enter notes into the Risk Factors text field and select 'Save' button
Select '+' button in Family History section, enter notes into Family History field and select 'Save' button
1. Risk factor and Family history fields are accessible and allow user to input, delete, save any information in any format when form is opened for the first time or re-opened after “Save Draft”.
2. Once Close is selected inputted information should not be saved. Pop up field should be closed.
3. Once form is saved for the final submission as "Sign and Submit" Risk factor and Family history information from Rourke eForm becomes available on eChart module
4. Once Risk factor and Family history information is saved in echart, it becomes available in corresponding fields in Rourke eform

1.3 Test Visit Date/Parent Caregiver Concerns & View All

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionsExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Indication of Visit Date Visit date is populated as todays date by default
Visit date is populated in Visit Date section according to the patient current age in "yyyy-mm-dd" format
Field Visit Date show today's date in the corresponding period of patient's age   
#2Indication of measurements Visit Date 1. Visit date is dynamically populated in Measurements in Growth section in "yyyy-mm-dd" format
2. Visit Date in Measurements is populated as Today's Date by default
Visit Date is dynamically populated in the corresponding Measurements in Growth section
Visit Date is populated as Today's date by default
#3Ability to change Visit Date 1. Click on Visit Date in Visit Date section
2. Select Date in open calendar widget
Visit Date is modified in Visit date field
Visit date is dynamically modified in corresponding Measurements in Growth section
#4Test PARENT/ CAREGIVER CONCERNS Enter notes into Parents/ Caregiver concerns text fieldText field should accept any data in a free text format allowing up to 2500 characters maximum   
#5Test View All function Select View All button in age specific sectionBy selecting "View All" button view of multiple important points of the specific child age is presented.
Button “Back to Normal View” will return user to default screen.

1.4 Test Important Points

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionsExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Rourke Important Points section Verify that Important Points section contains the following subsections:
• Nutrition
• Education And Advice
• Development
• Physical Examination
• Investigation and Immunization
Important Points section contains the following subsections:
• Nutrition
• Education and Advice
• Development
• Physical Examination
• Investigation and Immunization
#2Subsections of Important Points section Select each subsection buttons on the left navigation menuUser activates each subsections by selecting corresponding button on left navigation menu in the Important Points section.   
#3Test check boxes selection Verify that 2014 RBR should only allow a user to select either "no concerns" option (check mark) and "concerns" option (X - box).
Selecting the opposite should deselect the first option and clicking on a check box again should clear it.
User should be able to leave options blank and submit form skipping these questions

Per each row of information user can choose either "V" or "X" selection.
The RBR can have sections that are left blank.

#4Test 'All' functional button Select 'All' button in each subsectionUser can select/ diselect all 'v' (check) options for each row by clicking on 'all' button   
#5Test Resources 1: General page to launch Double click on Nutrition button on the left navigation menuResources 1: General page is launched   
#6Test Resources 2: Healthy Child Development page to launch Double click on Development button on the left navigation menuResources 2: Healthy Child Development page is launched   
#7Test Resources 3: RESOURCES 3: Immunization/Infectious Diseases to launch Double click on Investigations/ Immunization button on the left navigation menuResources 3: RESOURCES 3: Immunization/Infectious Diseases is launched   
#8Test hyperlinks for the general resources information Click on each option that is hyperlink in each subsectionBy clicking on hyperlink in each row, general resources information is opened   
#9Test hyperlinks within the general resources information pop-up window Verify that General resources information screen pops up and contains official information with numerous referrals to the websites.General resources information screen contains official information with numerous referrals to the websites. By clicking on hyperlinks, user is redirected to the website specified.   
#10Close general resources information screen Select Close button at top right corner to close General Recourses information screenEach general resources information screen contains Close button.
By selecting Close button user is redirected to the Rourke screen

1.5 Test PROBLEMS & PLANS, Community Resources sub sections & Web links, Handouts

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Test PROBLEMS & PLANS section Enter notes into PROBLEMS & PLANS text fieldText field accepts information in a free text format allowing up to 2500 characters maximum   
#2Community resources subsection of Problems & Plans section Select Add button in Community resources subsectionBy clicking on Community Resources Add button, list of community resources are available for selection   
#3Select community resources Choose resources from the community resources section by selecting checkboxes (Multiple selections are available).
Click Save button.
Selected option are saved and displayed in the Community Resources subsection   
#4View Web links section Select Web links:
Ontario's Enhanced 18-Month Well-Baby Visit
Rourke Baby Record
By activating links in Web links section, corresponding websites are opened   
#5View Handouts section Select Handouts
Enhanced 18-Month Well-Baby Visit Parents Brochure (En)
Enhanced 18-Month Well-Baby Visit Parents Brochure (Fr)
By activating links in Handouts section, corresponding pages are opened in PDF files   

1.6 Test Save Draft, Sign & Submit, View All Visits, Print functionality

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionsExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Save form as draft “Save Draft” Select “Save Draft” button1. Partially filled out RBR eform can be successfully saved as a draft. Draft status gives possibility to re-open form and to add information until form is finalized.
2. Once e-form is saved as a draft, it's indicated in eChart/eForm as a Draft on MouseOver
#2Re-open RBR eform saved as a draft Re-open Rourke eform from the patient echartUser can add or edit information and save a e-from as "Sign & Save"   
#3Save from as "Sign & Save Select “Sign and Save” button1. eForm has to be completed for the final submission. eForm that is saved as "Sign & Submit" can not be edited in a future.
2. Once user select "Sign & Submit", user is prompted to confirm or deny this decision.
3. Risk factor and Family history section interacts with eChart and displays data from eChart any time when form is viewed.
4. Once final version of the e-form is saved, it's indicated in eChart/eForm as a Submission on MouseOver
5. Submitted Date and Creator should display in submitted RBR eform
#4View All Visits Select View All VisitsBy selecting "View All visits" button, view of all visits is presented.
Button “Restore Current View” will return default screen.
#5Print RBR eform Select 'Print' buttonPrint functionality is available at any time
User is able to print final version of the Rourke

1.7 Test NDDS eForm

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionsExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
# 1View NDDS e-form1. Demographic record is created
2. eChart Module for the current patient is open.
NDDS e-form can be opened for the selected patient from:
eChart -> search as “Search Oscar”, select Nipissing (new), from the drop down list.
eChart -> eForms, select NDDS eform from the menu
Open NDDS eformNDDS e-forms Is opened for the selected patient   
# 2NDDS Child's Information Verify that Child's Name, Date of Birth, Today's date are populated in NDDS eformChild's Name, Date of Birth, Today's date display   
# 3Update Today's date 1. Select Today's Date
2. Select year, month, day from the Calendar widget
Today's date is modified   
# 4NDDS eform layout display 1. Verify that NDDS eform layout displays options according to the improved NDDS layout pdf document
2. Verify that options are available and selectable for each question:
'Not Sure',
'Haven't Tried'
1. NDDS eform has changed colorful layout and content is matched to the improved NDDS layout pdf document
2. Options are available and user is able to select/ deselect checkboxes
3. User is able to unselect checkboxes to leave blank options
# 5Functional buttons in NDDS e-form Verify that buttons are present at the bottom of the eform
"Save Draft"
"Clear Form"
"Check Yes to All"
'Print Resource Sheet'
All buttons NDDS e-form buttons are present at the bottom of the eform   
# 6Select or deselect all checkboxes Select “Check Yes to All” /"Clear Form" button

"Check Yes to All" is giving an option to select all options
"Clear From" is giving an option to deselect all checkboxes
# 7Print NDDS eform Select Print button1. NDDS eform is printable
2. Print layout should match the NDDS eform on the printed page
# 8Print Resource Sheet Select Print Resource Sheet button
Select Print button
1. Resource Sheet opens in a new window and includes consolidated Activities and Instructions pages
2. Resource sheet is printable
# 9Save NDDS e-form as draft Select “Save Draft” buttonNDDS eform should be saved as a draft. Saved as a draft status gives possibility to re-open form and add information until form is finalized.
When user select "Save Draft", it indicates in echart Draft Copy on mouse over
# 10Save NDDS e-form as "Sign & Save"NDDS e-form has to be completed for the final submission.Select Sign and Save buttonNDDS eform is saved as "Sign & Save" and can not be edited in a future
Once final version of the e-form is submitted, it indicates Submission Date, provider name in eChart/from on Mouse Over and at the bottom of the submitted eform

1.8 Test Submit/ Save as draft Summary Report

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionsExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1View Summary reporteChart Module for the current patient is opened
Summary report can be opened for the selected patient from:
1. eChart -> search as “Search Oscar”, select Summary Report (new), from the drop down list
2.eChart -> eForms, select Summary report (new) from the menu
Open Summary reportSummary report is opened for the selected patient   
#2Summary Report: Well Baby Visit: Child's InformationRBR is submitted or saved as a draftVerify that Summary report displays all required Child's information and Measurements data transferred from the last saved (Sign&Save or Save as a Draft) corresponding RBR eform.All required Child's information displays in Summary Report for the selected patient. Measurements data should be transferred from the last saved (Sign&Save or Save as a Draft) corresponding RBR eform.
If RBR is not saved than Measurements should not be populated in Summary report
#3Complete Additional Data Verify that Summary report includes the following additional data information:
- Birth factors
- Apgar score 1 minute and 5 minutes drop downs
- Second Hand Smoke Exposure in Utero checkboxes
- In vitro drug/ alcohol exposure checkboxes
When data is available, user is able to select Apgar score 1 and 5 minutes from the drop down menues
User is able to make selections to include Second Hand Smoke Exposure in Utero and drug/ alcohol exposure
#4Completion of Summary Report from Rourke eform when Rourke eform is submitted as "Sign and Save" Verify that Summary report auto populates all the options that were selected as concern - 'X' (cross) in sign & saved Rourke eformSummary Report should have all the options that are selected as 'concern' in sign & saved Rourke eform   
#5Completion of Summary Report from Rourke eform when Rourke eform is submitted as "Save as a Draft" Verify that Summary report auto populates all the options that were selected as concern - 'X' (cross) in Draft Rourke eform1. Summary Report should have all the options that are selected as 'concern' in Draft Rourke eform
2. If RBR is saved as a draft user should see an alert that draft data is being presented for RBR.
#6Completion of Summary Report from Rourke eform for Nutrition when Rourke eform is submittedIn saved RBR select Yes - provided, No – not provided for Nutrition and select items as a concern1. Verify that Summary report auto populates all the options that were selected as concern in saved Rourke eform
2. RBR Nutrition Yes/ No option name before listing the indicator of concern should display. For example, if Breast milk is an area of concern and not provided it should display in SR: “[No] Breast feeding”
1.Summary report should populate all the options that were selected as concern in saved Rourke eform
2. RBR Nutrition Yes/ No option should display before listing the indicator of concern in SR
#7Completion of Summary Report from NDDS eform when “Check Yes to All” is selectedSelect “Check Yes to All” to select all options in NDDS eform
NDDS eform is submitted as "Sign and Save"
Verify that if a NDDS form is marked with all "Yes" in the Summary report it will display as "No concerns identified"If a NDDS form is marked with all "Yes" in the summary report it will display was "No concerns identified"   
#8Completion of Summary Report from NDDS eform when leave all items blank Verify that if a NDDS form is left with all items unselected in the Summary report it will display as "No concerns identified"If a NDDS form is left with all items unselected in the summary report it will display was "No concerns identified"   
#9Completion of Summary Report from NDDS eform when NDDS form is marked with "Yes" or blank check boxesSelect 'Yes' for some items and leave some items blanked (unselected) in NDDS eform
NDDS eform is submitted as "Sign and Save"
Verify that if NDDS form is marked with "Yes" and left blank check boxes in Summary report it will display as "No concerns identified"if a NDDS form is marked with "Yes" or blank check boxes in the summary report it will display "no concerns identified"   
#10Completion of Summary Report from NDDS eform NDDS form is marked with other than "Yes" or blank check boxesSelect other that 'Yes' for some items and leave some items blanked (unselected)
NDDS eform is submitted as "Sign and Save"
1. Verify that if NDDS form is marked with other than "Yes" and left blank check boxes in Summary report it will display only those questions that were marked with anything other than "Yes"
2. The NDDS option name before listing the indicator of concern should display. For example, if sometimes a child responds to their name for an NDDS question it should show: “[Sometimes] Responds to name”
1. If a NDDS has blank options and other options other than "Yes" Summary report should display only those questions that were marked with anything other than "Yes"
2. NDDS option name (No, Sometimes, Not sure, Haven't Tried) should display before listing the indicator of concern.
#11Complete Summary questions To answer the Summary Report questions: "More than one developmental area affected" and "Need for additional assessment", select 'yes' or 'no' optionsUser is able to select only 'yes' or 'no' option   
#12Print Summary report Select 'Print' button1. Print functionality is available at any time
2. User is able to print Summary report
3. Print layout should match the Summary eform on the printed page
#13Save Summary Report as draft Select “Save Draft” buttonSaved as a draft status gives possibility to re-open report and add information until e-report is finalized. When user select "Save Draft", it indicates in echart Draft Copy on mouse over   
#14Submit Summary Report as "Submit"User can re-opened Summary report and submit it at any time
Summary report has to be completed for the final submission
Open Summary report saved as a draft
Edit Summary Report
Select “Save and Sign” button
1. Summary Report that was saved as "Submit" can not be edited in a future.
2. When Summary report is submitted, it indicates Submission Date, provider name in eChart/efrom as a Submission on MouseOver and at the bottom of the submitted Summary Report

1.9 Test Summary Report Entering and Saving input data

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionsExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1View Summary reportData is entered into RBR Birth and visit measurements fields
RBR eform is saved (Sign&Save or Save as Draft)
Open Summary reportSummary report is opened for the selected patient   
#2Read only fields in Summary Report Verify that data transferred from saved RBR eform is pre-populated in Summary Report measurements fields and is read-onlyWhen RBR data is available, user is not able to enter data into certain fields.   
#3Ability to enter data into certain fields in Summary ReportData is NOT entered into RBR Birth and visit measurements fields
RBR eform is saved (Sign&Save or Save as Draft)
Enter data into Summary Report input measurements and birth fieldsWhen RBR data is not available, user is able to enter data into certain fields
Input fields should accept numeric values only
#4BMI calculationData is NOT entered into RBR visit Wt and/ or Ht measurements fields
RBR eform is saved (Sign&Save or Save as Draft)
Enter input data into Weight and /or Height fieldsBMI field should be read-only. User is not able to enter BMI data
Entering Weight and /or Height should auto-calculate BMI
#5Save Summary Report as draft Select “Save Draft” button
Re-open saved Summary Report eform
1. Saved as a draft status gives possibility to re-open report and add information until report is finalized.
2. Re-open saved Summary report should retain all entered, calculated or transferred from RBR data
#6Submit Summary Report as "Submit"User can re-opened Summary report and submit it at any time
Summary report has to be completed for the final submission
Open Summary report saved as a draft
Select “Save and Sign” button
Re-open saved Summary Report eform
1. Summary Report that was saved as "Submit" can not be edited in a future.
2. Re-open saved Summary report should retain all entered, calculated or transferred from RBR data

2.0 Test NDDS prompts logic

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionsExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
# 1View NDDS 1&2 months e-form1. Unique Demographic record is created for 1 month old patients
2. Rourke 1 or 2 month is not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open NDDS 1&2 months eformNDDS 1&2 months e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use today's date as reference)   
# 2Complete NDDS eform Fill NDDS 1 month items to answer the questions according to the patient age.1 month items are filled in   
# 3Save NDDS e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonNDDS e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding Rourke eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding Rourke eform ("Please complete Rourke Baby Record 1 month visit" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding Rourke Baby visit eform is opened   
# 1View NDDS 1&2 months e-form1. Unique Demographic record is created for 2 months old patients
2. Rourke 1 or 2 month is not submitted
3. NDDS 1 month visit is submitted
4. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open NDDS 1&2 months eformNDDS 1&2 months e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use today's date as reference)
Last submitted NDDS 1 month items are populated in NDDS 1&2 months
# 2Complete NDDS eform Fill in NDDS 2 months items to answer the questions according to the patient age2 month items are filled in   
# 3Save NDDS e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonNDDS e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding Rourke eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding Rourke eform ("Please complete Rourke Baby Record 2 months visit" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding Rourke Baby visit eform is opened   
# 1View NDDS 1&2 months e-form1. Unique Demographic record is created for 1 or 2 months old patients
2. Rourke 1 or 2 month is not submitted
3. NDDS 1 month visit is NOT submitted
4. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open NDDS 1&2 months eformNDDS 1&2 months e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use today's date as reference)   
# 2Complete NDDS eform Fill in NDDS 1&2 months items to answer the questions according to the patient age2 month items are filled in   
# 3Save NDDS e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonNDDS e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding Rourke eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding Rourke eform ("Please complete Rourke Baby Record 2 months visit" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding Rourke Baby visit eform is opened   

# 1View NDDS 4 months e-form1. Unique Demographic record is created for 4 months old patient
2. Rourke 4 months is not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open NDDS 4 months eformNDDS 4 months e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use today's date as reference)   
# 2Complete NDDS eform Select the options to answer all questionsOptions are selected   
# 3Save NDDS e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonNDDS e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding Rourke eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding Rourke eform ("Please complete Rourke Baby Record 4 months visit")
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding Rourke Baby visit eform is opened   
# 1View NDDS 6 months e-form1. Unique Demographic record is created for 6 months old patient
2. Rourke 6 months is not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open NDDS 6 months eformNDDS 6 months e-forms Is opened for the selected patient   
# 2Complete NDDS eform Select the options to answer all questionsOptions are selected   
# 3Save NDDS e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonNDDS e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding Rourke eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding Rourke eform ("Please complete Rourke Baby Record 6 months visit")
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding Rourke Baby visit eform is opened   
# 1View NDDS 9 months e-form1. Unique Demographic record is created for 9 months old patient
2. Rourke 9 months is not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open NDDS 9 months eformNDDS 9 months e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use today's date as reference)   
# 2Complete NDDS eform Select the options to answer all questionsOptions are selected   
# 3Save NDDS e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonNDDS e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding Rourke eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding Rourke eform ("Please complete Rourke Baby Record 9 months visit" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding Rourke Baby visit eform is opened   
# 1View NDDS 12 months e-form1. Unique Demographic record is created for 12 months old patient
2. Rourke 12-13 months is not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open NDDS 12 months eformNDDS 12 months e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use today's date as reference)   
# 2Complete NDDS eform Select the options to answer all questionsOptions are selected   
# 3Save NDDS e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonNDDS e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding Rourke eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding Rourke eform ("Please complete Rourke Baby Record 12 months visit" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding Rourke Baby visit eform is opened   
# 1View NDDS 15 months e-form1. Unique Demographic record is created for 15 months old patient
2. Rourke 15 months is not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open NDDS 15 months eformNDDS 15 months e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use today's date as reference)   
# 2Complete NDDS eform Select the options to answer all questionsOptions are selected   
# 3Save NDDS e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonNDDS e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding Rourke eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding Rourke eform ("Please complete Rourke Baby Record 12 -13 months visit" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding Rourke Baby visit eform is opened   
# 1View NDDS 18 months e-form1. Unique Demographic record is created for 18 months old patient
2. Rourke 18 months is not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open NDDS 18 months eformNDDS 18 months e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use today's date as reference)   
# 2Complete NDDS eform Select the options to answer all questionsOptions are selected   
# 3Save NDDS e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonNDDS e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding Rourke eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding Rourke eform ("Please complete Rourke Baby Record 18 months visit" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding Rourke Baby visit eform is opened   
# 1View NDDS 24 months e-form1. Unique Demographic record is created for 24 months old patient
2. Rourke 2 years is not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open NDDS 24 months eformNDDS 24 months e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use today's date as reference)   
# 2Complete NDDS eform Select the options to answer all questionsOptions are selected   
# 3Save NDDS e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonNDDS e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding Rourke eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding Rourke eform ("Please complete Rourke Baby Record 2-3 years visit" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding Rourke Baby visit eform is opened   
# 1View NDDS 30 months e-form1. Unique Demographic record is created for 30 months old patient
2. Rourke 2-3 years is not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open NDDS 30 months eformNDDS 30 months e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use today's date as reference)   
# 2Complete NDDS eform Select the options to answer all questionsOptions are selected   
# 3Save NDDS e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonNDDS e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding Rourke eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding Rourke eform ("Please complete Rourke Baby Record 2-3 years visit" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding Rourke Baby visit eform is opened (to check child's age use today's date as reference)   
# 1View NDDS 3 years e-form1. Unique Demographic record is created for 3 years old patient
2. Rourke 2-3 years is not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open NDDS 3 years eformNDDS 3 years e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use today's date as reference)   
# 2Complete NDDS eform Select the options to answer all questionsOptions are selected   
# 3Save NDDS e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonNDDS e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding Rourke eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding Rourke eform ("Please complete Rourke Baby Record 2-3 years visit" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding Rourke Baby visit eform is opened   
# 1View NDDS 4 years e-form1. Unique Demographic record is created for 4 years old patient
2. Rourke 4-5 years is not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open NDDS 4 years eformNDDS 4 years e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use today's date as reference)   
# 2Complete NDDS eform Select the options to answer all questionsOptions are selected   
# 3Save NDDS e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonNDDS e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding Rourke eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding Rourke eform ("Please complete Rourke Baby Record 4-5 years visit" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding Rourke Baby visit eform is opened   
# 1View NDDS 5 years e-form1. Unique Demographic record is created for 5 years old patient
2. Rourke 4-5 years is not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open NDDS 5 years eformNDDS 5 years e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use today's date as reference)   
# 2Complete NDDS eform Select the options to answer all questionsOptions are selected   
# 3Save NDDS e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonNDDS e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding Rourke eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding Rourke eform ("Please complete Rourke Baby Record 4-5 years visit" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding Rourke Baby visit eform is opened   
# 1View NDDS 6 years e-form1. Unique Demographic record is created for 6 years old patient
2. Rourke 4-5 years is not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open NDDS 6 years eformNDDS 6 years e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use today's date as reference)   
# 2Complete NDDS eform Select the options to answer all questionsOptions are selected   
# 3Save NDDS e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonNDDS e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding Rourke eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding Rourke eform ("Please complete Rourke Baby Record 4-5 years visit" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding Rourke Baby visit eform is opened   
# 1NO Prompt to complete corresponding Rourke eformCorresponding Rourke eform is completedSelect sign and save NDDS eform and verify that user IS NOT prompted to complete corresponding Rourke eformPrompts to complete corresponding Rourke eform doesn't pop up
Summary Report is launched
# 1Prompt to complete corresponding Rourke eform when Rourke eform is saved as a DRAFTCorresponding Rourke eform is saved as a draftSelect sign and save NDDS eform and verify that user is prompted to complete corresponding RBR eformPrompts to complete corresponding RBR eform pops up
Once confirmed, last saved corresponding Rourke eform is launched

2.1 Test Rourke prompts logic

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionsExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
# 1View Rourke e-form for 1 month old patient1. Unique Demographic record is created for 1 month old patient
2. NDDS 1&2 months is not submitted OR NDDS 1-month items are not filled
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open Rourke eformCorresponding Rourke e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use vist date as reference)   
#3Complete Rourke eform Input information for the Birth and Growth fields, Important Points section (Nutrition, Education, etc.)Rourke eform is completed  
# 3Save Rourke e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonRourke e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding NDDS eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding NDDS eform ("Please complete NDDS 1&2 months" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding NDDS eform is opened   
# 1View Rourke e-form for 2 months old patient1. Unique Demographic record is created for 2 months old patient
2. NDDS 1&2 months is not submitted or NDDS 2-month items are not filled.
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open Rourke eformCorresponding Rourke e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use vist date as reference)   
#3Complete Rourke eform Input information for the Birth and Growth fields, Important Points section (Nutrition, Education, etc.)Rourke eform is completed  
# 3Save Rourke e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonRourke e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding NDDS eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding NDDS eform ("Please complete NDDS 1&2 months" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding NDDS eform is opened   
# 1View Rourke e-form for 4 months old patient1. Unique Demographic record is created for 4 months old patient
2. NDDS 4 months is not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open Rourke eformCorresponding Rourke e-forms Is opened for the selected patient according to age (to check child's age use vist date as reference)   
#3Complete Rourke eform Input information for the Birth and Growth fields, Important Points section (Nutrition, Education, etc.)Rourke eform is completed  
# 3Save Rourke e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonRourke e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding NDDS eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding NDDS eform ("Please complete NDDS 4 months" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding NDDS eform is opened   
# 1View Rourke e-form for 6 months old patient1. Unique Demographic record is created for 6 months old patient
2. NDDS 6 months is not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open Rourke eformCorresponding Rourke e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use vist date as reference)   
#3Complete Rourke eform Input information for the Birth and Growth fields, Important Points section (Nutrition, Education, etc.)Rourke eform is completed  
# 3Save Rourke e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonRourke e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding NDDS eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding NDDS eform ("Please complete NDDS 6 months" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding NDDS eform is opened   
# 1View Rourke e-form for 9 months old patient1. Unique Demographic record is created for 9 months old patient
2. NDDS 9 months is not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open Rourke eformCorresponding Rourke e-forms Is opened for the selected patient according to age (to check child's age use vist date as reference)   
#3Complete Rourke eform Input information for the Birth and Growth fields, Important Points section (Nutrition, Education, etc.)Rourke eform is completed  
# 3Save Rourke e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonRourke e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding NDDS eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding NDDS eform ("Please complete NDDS 9 months" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding NDDS eform is opened   
# 1View Rourke e-form for 12-13 months old patient1. Unique Demographic record is created for 12-13 months old patient
2. NDDS 12 months is not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open Rourke eformCorresponding Rourke e-forms Is opened for the selected patient age (to check child's age use vist date as reference)   
#3Complete Rourke eform Input information for the Birth and Growth fields, Important Points section (Nutrition, Education, etc.)Rourke eform is completed  
# 3Save Rourke e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonRourke e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding NDDS eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding NDDS eform ("Please complete NDDS 12 months" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding NDDS eform is opened   
# 1View Rourke e-form for 15 months old patient1. Unique Demographic record is created for 15 months old patient
2. NDDS 15 months is not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open Rourke eformCorresponding Rourke e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use vist date as reference)   
#3Complete Rourke eform Input information for the Birth and Growth fields, Important Points section (Nutrition, Education, etc.)Rourke eform is completed  
# 3Save Rourke e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonRourke e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding NDDS eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding NDDS eform ("Please complete NDDS 15 months" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding NDDS eform is opened   
# 1View Rourke e-form for 18 months old patient1. Unique Demographic record is created for 18 months old patient
2. NDDS 18 months is not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open Rourke eformCorresponding Rourke e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use vist date as reference)   
#3Complete Rourke eform Input information for the Birth and Growth fields, Important Points section (Nutrition, Education, etc.)Rourke eform is completed  
# 3Save Rourke e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonRourke e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding NDDS eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding NDDS eform ("Please complete NDDS 18 months" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding NDDS eform is opened   
# 1View Rourke e-form for >24 but < 30m old patient1. Unique Demographic record is created for 28 months old patient
2. NDDS 24 months is not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open Rourke eformCorresponding Rourke e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use vist date as reference)   
#3Complete Rourke eform Input information for the Birth and Growth fields, Important Points section (Nutrition, Education, etc.)Rourke eform is completed  
# 3Save Rourke e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonRourke e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding NDDS eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding NDDS eform ("Please complete NDDS 24 months" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding NDDS eform is opened   
# 1View Rourke e-form for > =30 m < 3y old patient1. Unique Demographic record is created for 32 months old patient
2. NDDS 24 months or 30 months not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open Rourke eformCorresponding Rourke e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use vist date as reference)   
#3Complete Rourke eform Input information for the Birth and Growth fields, Important Points section (Nutrition, Education, etc.)Rourke eform is completed  
# 3Save Rourke e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonRourke e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding NDDS eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding NDDS eform ("Please complete NDDS 30 months" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding NDDS eform is opened   
# 1View Rourke e-form for > 3y but < 4y months old patient1. Unique Demographic record is created for 40 months old patient
2. NDDS 3 years not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open Rourke eformCorresponding Rourke e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use vist date as reference)   
#3Complete Rourke eform Input information for the Birth and Growth fields, Important Points section (Nutrition, Education, etc.)Rourke eform is completed  
# 3Save Rourke e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonRourke e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding NDDS eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding NDDS eform ("Please complete NDDS 3 years" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding NDDS eform is opened   
# 1View Rourke e-form for >=4 y but < 5y old patient1. Unique Demographic record is created for 50 months old patient
2. NDDS 4 years not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open Rourke eformCorresponding Rourke e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use vist date as reference)   
#3Complete Rourke eform Input information for the Birth and Growth fields, Important Points section (Nutrition, Education, etc.)Rourke eform is completed  
# 3Save Rourke e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonRourke e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding NDDS eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding NDDS eform ("Please complete NDDS 4 years" )
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding NDDS eform is opened   
# 1View Rourke e-form for >=5y but < 6y months old patient1. Unique Demographic record is created for 65 months old patient
2. NDDS 4 years or 5 years not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open Rourke eformCorresponding Rourke e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use vist date as reference)   
#3Complete Rourke eform Input information for the Birth and Growth fields, Important Points section (Nutrition, Education, etc.)Rourke eform is completed  
# 3Save Rourke e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonRourke e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding NDDS eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding NDDS eform ("Please complete NDDS 5 years")
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding NDDS eform is opened   
# 1View Rourke e-form for >= 6y old patient1. Unique Demographic record is created for 6 years old patient
2. NDDS 4 years or 5 years not submitted
3. eChart Module for the current patient is open
Open Rourke eformCorresponding Rourke e-forms Is opened for the selected patient (to check child's age use vist date as reference)   
#3Complete Rourke eform Input information for the Birth and Growth fields, Important Points section (Nutrition, Education, etc.)Rourke eform is completed  
# 3Save Rourke e-form as "Sign & Save" Select Sign and Save buttonRourke e-form is saved and submitted   
# 4Prompt to complete corresponding NDDS eform 1. Verify that prompt message pops up to ask the user to complete corresponding NDDS eform ("Please complete NDDS 6 years")
2. Select confirmation button
Corresponding NDDS eform is opened   
# 1NO Prompt to complete corresponding NDDS eformCorresponding NDDS eform is completed (signed and saved)Select sign and save RBR eform and verify that user is NOT prompted to complete corresponding NDDS eformPrompts to complete corresponding NDDS eform doesn't pop up
Summary Report is launched

2.2 Test Add Nutrition Supplementation items in Rourke eform

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionsExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Supplementation data presents in Rourke eform for 1 week visit1. Unique Demographic records are created according to the patient age
2. NDDS eform is launched
Verify that the following items are added to Nutrition RBR 1 week visit
• Supplementation Water
• Supplementation: other fluids
• Supplementation Water
• Supplementation: other fluids
are added to RBR 1 week visit
#2Supplementation data presents in Rourke eform for 2 week visit Verify that the following items are added to Nutrition RBR 2 weeks visit
• Supplementation Water
• Supplementation: other fluids
• Supplementation Water
• Supplementation: other fluids
are added to RBR 2 weeks visit
#3Supplementation data presents in Rourke eform for 1 month visit Verify that the following items are added to Nutrition RBR 1 month visit
• Supplementation: Solids
• Supplementation: Water
• Supplementation: other Fluids
• Supplementation: Solids
• Supplementation: Water
• Supplementation: other Fluids
are added to RBR 1 month visit
#4Supplementation data presents in Rourke eform for 2 months visit Verify that the following items are added to Nutrition RBR 2 month visit
• Supplementation: Solids
• Supplementation: Water
• Supplementation: other Fluids
• Supplementation: Solids
• Supplementation: Water
• Supplementation: other Fluids
are added to RBR 2 month visit
#5Supplementation data presents in Rourke eform for 4 months visit Verify that the following items are added to Nutrition RBR 4 month visit
• Supplementation: Solids
• Supplementation: Water
• Supplementation: other Fluids
• Supplementation: Solids
• Supplementation: Water
• Supplementation: other Fluids
are added to RBR 4 month visit

2.3 Test Add Y/N indicators to Nutrition section in Rourke eform

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionsExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Y/N check boxes is added to Nutrition subsection in Rourke eform for 1 week visit1. Unique Demographic records are created according to the patient age
2. NDDS eform is launched
Verify that the y/n check boxes is added to the following items to indicate on the consumption of the item in Nutrition subsection in RBR 1week visit:
• Breastfeeding
• Formula Feeding
• Supplementation Water
• Supplementation: other fluids
1. Y/N check box is added to the following items in Nutrition subsection in RBR 1week visit:
• Breastfeeding
• Formula Feeding
• Supplementation Water
• Supplementation: other fluids
2. User is able to select Yes if a patient is getting the item and NO if a patient is not getting the item or leave it unselected if not discussed
#2Y/N check boxes is added to Nutrition subsection in Rourke eform for 2 weeks visit Verify that the y/n check box is added to the following items indicate on the consumption of the item in Nutrition subsection in RBR 2 weeks visit:
• Breastfeeding
• Formula Feeding
• Supplementation Water
• Supplementation: other fluids
1. Y/N check boxes is added to the following items in Nutrition subsection in RBR 2 week visit:
• Breastfeeding
• Formula Feeding
• Supplementation Water
• Supplementation: other fluids
2. User is able to select Yes if a patient is getting the item and NO if a patient is not getting the item or leave it unselected if not discussed
#3Y/N check boxes is added to Nutrition subsection in Rourke eform for 1 month visit Verify that the y/n check boxes are added to the following items in Nutrition subsection in RBR 1 month visit:
• Breastfeeding
• Formula Feeding
• Supplementation: Solids
• Supplementation: Water
• Supplementation: other Fluids
1. Y/N check boxes are added to the following items in Nutrition subsection in RBR 1 month visit:
• Breastfeeding
• Formula Feeding
• Supplementation: Solids
• Supplementation: Water
• Supplementation: other Fluids
2. User is able to select Yes if a patient is getting the item and NO if a patient is not getting the item
#4Y/N check boxes is added to Nutrition subsection in Rourke eform for 2 months visit Verify that the y/n check boxes are added to the following items indicate on the consumption of the item in Nutrition subsection in RBR 2 months visit:
• Breastfeeding
• Formula Feeding
• Supplementation: Solids
• Supplementation: Water
• Supplementation: other Fluids
1. Y/N check boxes are added to the following items in Nutrition subsection in RBR 2 months visit:
• Breastfeeding
• Formula Feeding
• Supplementation: Solids
• Supplementation: Water
• Supplementation: other Fluids
2. User is able to select Yes if a patient is getting the item and NO if a patient is not getting the item or leave it unselected if not discussed yet
#5Y/N check boxes is added to Nutrition subsection in Rourke eform for 4 months visit Verify that the y/n check boxes are added to the following items indicate on the consumption of the item in Nutrition subsection in RBR 4 months visit:
• Breastfeeding
• Formula Feeding
• Supplementation: Solids
• Supplementation: Water
• Supplementation: other Fluids
1. Y/N check boxes are added to the following items in Nutrition subsection in RBR 4 months visit:
• Breastfeeding
• Formula Feeding
• Supplementation: Solids
• Supplementation: Water
• Supplementation: other Fluids
2. User is able to select Yes if a patient is getting the item and NO if a patient is not getting the item
#6Y/N check boxes is added to Nutrition subsection in Rourke eform for 6 months visit Verify that the y/n check boxes are added to the following items indicate on the consumption of the item in Nutrition subsection in RBR 6 months visit:
• Breastfeeding
• Formula Feeding
1. Y/N check boxes are added to the following items in Nutrition subsection in RBR 6 months visit:
• Breastfeeding
• Formula Feeding
2. User is able to select Yes if a patient is getting the item and NO if a patient is not getting the item or leave it unselected if not discussed yet
#7Y/N check boxes is added to Nutrition subsection in Rourke eform for 9 months visit Verify that the y/n check boxes are added to the following items indicate on the consumption of the item in Nutrition subsection in RBR 9 months visit:
• Breastfeeding
• Formula Feeding
1. Y/N check boxes are added to the following items in Nutrition subsection in RBR 9 months visit:
• Breastfeeding/ Vitamin D
• Formula Feeding
2. User is able to select Yes if a patient is getting the item and NO if a patient is not getting the item or leave it unselected if not discussed
#8Y/N check boxes is added to Nutrition subsection in Rourke eform for 12-13 months visit Verify that the y/n check boxes are added to the following items indicate on the consumption of the item in Nutrition subsection in RBR 12-13 months visit:
• Breastfeeding -Vitamin D
1. Y/N check boxes are added to the following items in Nutrition subsection in RBR 12-13 months visit:
• Breastfeeding -Vitamin D
2. User is able to select Yes if a patient is getting the item and NO if a patient is not getting the item or leave it unselected if not discussed yet
#9Y/N check boxes is added to Nutrition subsection in Rourke eform for 15 months visit Verify that the y/n check boxes are added to the following items indicate on the consumption of the item in Nutrition subsection in RBR 15 months visit:
• Breastfeeding -Vitamin D
1. Y/N check boxes are added to the following items in Nutrition subsection in RBR 15 months visit:
• Breastfeeding -Vitamin D
2. User is able to select Yes if a patient is getting the item and NO if a patient is not getting the item or leave it unselected if not discussed yet
#10Y/N check boxes are added to Nutrition subsection in Rourke eform for 18 months visit Verify that the y/n check boxes are added to the following items indicate on the consumption of the item in Nutrition subsection in RBR 12-13 months visit:
• Breastfeeding -Vitamin D
1. Y/N check boxes are added to the following items in Nutrition subsection in RBR 18 months visit:
• Breastfeeding -Vitamin D
2. User is able to select Yes if a patient is getting the item and NO if a patient is not getting the item or leave it unselected if not discussed
#11Y/N check boxes is added to Nutrition subsection in Rourke eform for 2-3 years visit Verify that the y/n check boxes are added to the following items indicate on the consumption of the item in Nutrition subsection in RBR 2-3 years visit:
• Breastfeeding
1. Y/N check boxes are added to the following items in Nutrition subsection in RBR 2-3 years visit:
• Breastfeeding
2. User is able to select Yes if a patient is getting the item and NO if a patient is not getting the item or leave it unselected if not discussed

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