Selenium TODO List
Selenium TODO List
Selenium TODO List
Issues marked with a -Name are issues currently being worked on by said user
Oustanding Issues/Errors:
- create modal dialog handling for e-chart
- fix test.xml to use config.xml instead (ran into issues when configTest saved into the config.xml)
- fix the way we handle loginBadCredentials
- fix the way we handle createPatientDemographic when a patient already exists
- need to figure out how to initialize the driver then apply the screenshot rule and then load the necessary prior pages in a before class
- SSL Certificate Handling
- add Data check for tests that require it
- implement name/ids for elements located by xpath
- add a note to e-chart
add a perscription (example instructions: TAKE 1 TABLET OD PO FOR 1 WEEK)
edit appointment
edit master demographic
create/set new provider record
send/recieve oscar message
- create and schedule a new user
- upper level test suite class
- provider Scheduling
- implement javadocs
OMD Testing - Refer to Selenium OMD Tests TODO List
Test clean-up:
- move all driver waits to use the PageUtil wait and create a connection_config element for wait timer
- make the tests @After class ensure a log out (base URL + logout.jsp)
- Clean-up explicit waits (replaced by implicit wait)
- Clear out legacy code