Building 1 2 3

Building 1 2 3

Here are some common ways to build from the command line

mvn packageThis is a basic build that will generate the WAR. It's pretty slow as all the tests will run, and you need a few things setup for that.
mvn -Dcheckstyle.skip=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true packageBuild a WAR as fast as possible. Skip checkstyle as well as tests
mvn verifyThis is what JENKINS will basically run. It will take even longer than package as it will compile the JSPs and the Javadocs.
mvn checkstyle:checkstyleJust run checkstyle. Check for common build problems
mvn -Dtest=MyTest testRun some unit test with the class name MyTest
mvn testRun all tests
mvn sonar:sonarCreate a detailed code analysis report from Sonar. You have to install Sonar first.

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