Testing the REST API

Testing the REST API

This page describes the methods by which we test the API

OSCAREMR-6076 - Getting issue details... STATUS  is a commit designed to integrate tomcat7-maven-plugin and rest-assured in order to give use API testing as part the the build

When running the 'verify' phase in maven, integration-tests will be run (including pre-integration-test and post-integration-test) . This will result in the following actions

1) pre-integration-test phase 

  • Setup a properties file (from src/test/resources/integration-tests/oscar_test.properties)
  • Setup the DB (oscar_test db is dropped, created, and setup with OSCAR startup scripts
  • Setup an access token so testing can get through oauth flow
  • startup tomcat7

2) integration-test phase

  • execute all tests with "IntegrationTest" in their name
  • each test should make REST calls then make some assertions

3) post-integration-test phase

  • shut down tomcat7

Assertions are done using the rest assured framework

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