Setting up an electronic Lab in OSCAR
Setting up an electronic Lab in OSCAR
- Get hl7_file_management (git clone ssh://<username>@source.oscartools.org:29418/hl7_file_management)
- Update src/main/resource/LabProperties.properties
- incomingHL7dir1=<some real place the labs will but put..same for Completed/Error directories>
- keyLocation1 = <more on this later>
- oscarURL = <obvious, use something like https://localhost:8080/oscar_15>
- Login to OSCAR, go to administration panel, and under System Management, choose "Key Pair Generator"
- Click "Create New Key", choose 'oscar' (it's case-sensitive) for the 2 fields, and generate the key.
- Go back to the "Key Pair Generator" and choose "Create New Key" again
- The service name should be somewhat descritive, short, no spaces, etc. for example "GDML" or "LifeLabs"
- Lab Type should be the type of lab you are receiving.
- When you click to generate the key would will download a keyPair.key file. Put this in keyLocation1 location as per 2.(b)
- I usually need to modify the keyPair.key file to not have linefeeds in the key
- build hl7_file_management using 'mvn package'. This basically installs the updated LabProperties.properties in the JAR
- deploy the updated JAR. cp ./target/IncomingHL7Management-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ./mule-1.3.3/lib/user/IncomingHL7Management-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- set MULE_HOME=<hl7_file_management>/mule-1.3.3
- Startup mule <hl7_file_management>/mule-1.3.3/bin/mule
- Drop a file (with .hl7 extension) in the incoming dir, watch the log for any problems
, multiple selections available,
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