Measurement Target

Measurement Target

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This test case covers the ability to view a measurements expected target range.

Actors/Related actors:

  1. care provider

Pre-action requirements/state:

  • Care provider is active in OSCAR
  • A patient demographic must exist in OSCAR

Post-action state:

  • The target range for a measurement is displayed

Steps to perform the test case:

Step ID#DescriptionExpected Result

Login to OSCAR as a Care Provider

Successfully login to OSCAR as a Care Provider and the Appointment page is displayed

Click the Search button along the top menu

The Patient Search page appears in a new window

Enter in the last name for the existing patient demographic on the Patient Search Results page

The last name for an existing patient is displayed in the Search text box

Click the Search button beside the search input box

A list of patients that match the previous entered last name appears

Once the patient demographic shows up in the results table Click E to access the patient's Encounter page

The Encounter page appears in a new window

Once in the Encounter page, on the left hand side under the Measurements heading, Click Health Tracker

The Health Tracker page appears in a new window

Once the Health Tracker page is open insert a valid value to one of the measurements listed

The valid values are displayed in the corresponding fields

Hover your mouse pointer over a measurement value (WARNING: some measurements do not have target values)

The measurements target value is displayed

Failure Steps:

  1. No dialog box with a target value for the specified measurement appears

Success Steps:

  1. A dialog box appears indicating the target value for a given measurement

Alternate Flows:


Special Requirements/Notes:



Health Tracker Requirements