OSCAR 14 Field Section Specifications Test Cases

OSCAR 14 Field Section Specifications Test Cases


Master Demographics Module

Field Section Specifications Test Cases

Final Version

Status Completed

Created on: February 17, 2014

Last update on: March 26, 2014

Ready for General Release

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OSCAR 14_Master_Field Section Specifications.xls


Master Demographics Screen_Field Section Specifications TC. Table of Content.BR#
1.0 Test Ability to Display Master Demographics Module Sections 
1.1 Test Ability to Validate Demographic Section Fields 
1.2 Test Ability to Validate Contact Information Section Fields 
1.3 Test Ability to Validate Health Insurance Section Fields 
1.4 Test Ability to Validate Care Team Section Fields 
1.5 Test Ability to Include New Fields 
1.6 Test Ability to Access/Validate New Fields 


Reference input  
Oscar 14 Master Demographics Screen Use Case v.2.0Alek Mirkin
Oscar 14 Master Demographics Screen BRD_v.1.5Rachel Aubie

1.0 Test Ability to Display Master Demographics Module Sections

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographics screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to display Master Demographic module sections Verify that Master Demographic module displays the following sections:
• Demographic
• Contact Information
• Clinic Status
• Family/ Relationships
• Legal/Privacy/Security
• Custom Fields
Sections are presented on the screen for Master Demographic module   

1.1 Test Ability to Validate Demographic Section Fields

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability Access Master Demographics screen1. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
2. Patient is registered within the OSCAR database
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu OR
Select New Patient in the drop down menu beside the Search field on the top navigation bar
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to View/Edit Demographic section Select View/Edit button1. By selecting View/Edit button, each individual section is opened in Edit mode
2. All Demographic section fields are editable
#3Ability to validate “Title” field Click on the down down menu to select a Title value from the drop down list1. Drop down field is clickable
2. Application accepts selected value
#4Ability to validate “Sex” field Click on the down arrow menu to select Gender value from the drop down list1. Drop down field is clickable
2. Application accepts selected value
#5Ability to validate “Age” field Enter numeric data into “Age” field1. “Age” data field accepts only numeric values
2. Warning message displays to prevent from entering any values other then numeric
#6Ability to validate “Last Name”, “First Name” fields 1. Enter Last name
2. Enter First name
1. Data can be inputted into “Last Name”, “First Name” fields
2. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format
#7Ability to validate “Date of Birth” field 1. Enter date of birth in valid yyyy-mm-dd format or
2. Click inside the DOB field and select DOB from the calender's toggle
1. Entered Date in the required DOB format is accepted
2. By selecting the date in the calendar, date is changed in the DOB field
#8Ability to validate “Language” field Click on the down drop menu to select a Language value from the drop down list1. Drop down field is clickable
2. Application accepts selected Language value
#9Ability to save Demographic section modified/ entered data Select “Save” button in the tab bar above Demographic section1. By selecting Save button Demographic information is saved.
2. Once inputted information is saved it's appears in the Demographic section in Patient Details module

1.2 Test Ability to Validate Contact Information Section Fields

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to View/Edit Contact Info section Select View/Edit button1. By selecting View/Edit button, each individual section is opened in Edit mode
2. All Contact Info fields are editable
#3Ability to validate “Home Phone” number field Enter numeric data into “Home Phone” field1. “Home Phone” data field accepts numeric and some special characters (dash, parenthesis)
2. Warning message displays to prevent from entering any invalid values
#4Ability to validate “Work Phone number” field Enter numeric data into “Work Phone” field1. “Work Phone” data field accepts numeric and some special characters (dash, parenthesis)
2. Warning message displays to prevent from entering any invalid values
#5Ability to validate “Cell Phone number” field Enter numeric data into “Cell Phone” field1. “Cell Phone” data field accepts numeric and some special characters (dash, parenthesis)
2. Warning message displays to prevent from entering any invalid values
#6Ability to validate “Phone Comments” text field 1. Enter information into “Phone Comment” field
2. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format up to 255characters maximum
Text field is accepting any information in a free text format, up to 255 characters maximum   
#7Ability to validate “Address” field Enter Address1. Data can be inputted into “Address” field
2. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format
#8Ability to validate “City” field Enter City1. Data can be inputted into “City” field
2. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format
#9Ability to validate “Province” field Enter Province1. Data can be inputted into “Province” field
2. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format
#10Ability to validate “Postal Code” field Enter Postal CodeText field is accepting six-alphanumeric character string   
#11Ability to validate “Email” field Enter valid email addressEmail data field accepts email address in valid email format usename @ domainname.com   
#12Ability to validate “Newsletter” field 1. Enter information into “Newsletter” field
2. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format
Text field is accepting any information in a free text format, up to 255 characters maximum   
#13Ability to save Contact Info section changed/ entered data Select “Save” button in the tab bar above Demographic section1. By selecting “Save” button, Contact information is saved.
2. Once inputted information is saved it's appears in the Demographic section in Patient Details module

1.3 Test Ability to Validate Health Insurance Section Fields

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to View/Edit Health Insurance section Select View/Edit button1. By selecting View/Edit button, user is able to edit Health Insurance section
2. All Contact Info fields are editable
#3Ability to validate Insurance number field Enter unique 10-digit lifetime health number1. “Insurance number” field accepts only numeric data
2. Warning message displays to prevent from entering any invalid or duplicated HIN
#4Ability to validate Health Card (HC) Type field Enter alphabetic data into Health card type (ie ON -Ontario, NB-New Brunswick) field1. “HC Type” field accepts only alphabetic characters
2. Warning message displays to prevent from entering any invalid HIN
#5Ability to validate EFF/ Renew Date field 1. Enter EFF/ Renew Date in valid yyyy-mm-dd format or
2. Click into the EFF/ Renew Date field and select the date from the calender's toggle
1. Entered Date in the required EFF/ Renew Date format is accepted
2. By selecting the date in the calendar, date is changed in the EFF/ Renew Date field
#6Ability to save Health Insurance section changed/ entered data Select “Save” button in the tab bar above Demographic section1. By selecting “Save” button Health Insurance data is saved.
2. Once inputted information is saved it's appears in the Demographic section in Patient Details module

1.4 Test Ability to Validate Care Team Section Fields

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected Results
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default
#2Ability to View/Edit Care Team section Select View/Edit button1. By selecting View/Edit button, user is able to edit Care Team section
2. All Care Team fields are editable
#3Ability to display Care Team fields Verify that Care Team fields are availableCare Team fields are available:
• Doctor
• Midwife
• Referral Doctor
• Referral Doctor #
• Nurse
• Resident
#4Ability to validate Care Team fields 1. Enter information into “Team Care” fields
2. Text field is accepting any information in a free text format
Text field is accepting any information in a free text format

1.5 Test Ability to Include New Fields

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to include new fields in Master Demographics screen Patient's Married/Maiden name (alternate last name) text field is availableNew fields are available in Master Demographic page as followings:
- Married/Maiden
- Alternate Address
- Primary Contact (Home, Work, Cell phone options)
- Family Doctor
- Family Doctor contact information
- Referring Doctor contact information
- Phone History
- Address History

1.6 Test Ability to Access/Validate New Fields

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to validate Patient's Married/Maiden name field Patient's Married/Maiden name (alternate last name) text field is available1. Patient's Married/Maiden name text field is available
2. Patient's Married/Maiden name text field is editable
3. Patient's Married/Maiden name field accepts free-form text
#3Ability to validate Alternate Address field Alternate Address text field is available1. Alternate Address text field is available
2. Alternate Address text field is editable
3. Alternate Address field accepts free-form text
#4Ability to select Primary Contact type Primary contacts drop down text field is available1. Multiple phone number fields with drop-down options to select type of phone are available:
• Home
• Work
• Cell phone
2. User is able to set phones as Primary, secondary, tertiary
#5Ability to validate Family Doctor field Family doctor text field is available1. Family doctor is different from Referring doctor
2. Family Doctor text field is editable
3. Family Doctor field accepts free-form text
#6Ability to display Family Doctor contact information field Family Doctor contact information section with multiple fields is availableFamily Doctor Contact information has multiple fields (fax, phone, etc.)   
#7Ability to display Referring Doctor contact information Referring Doctor contact information section with multiple fields is availableReferring Doctor Contact information has multiple fields (fax, phone, etc.)   
#8Ability to access Phone History Select Phone History hyperlink1. Phone History modal pops up
2. Phone history modal lists “effective date” (date when phone number last changed)
#9Ability to access Address History Select Address History hyperlink1. Address History modal pops up
2. Address History lists “effective date” (date when address last changed)