OSCAR 14 Master Demographics Module Functionality Requirements Test Cases

OSCAR 14 Master Demographics Module Functionality Requirements Test Cases


Master Demographics Module

Functionality Requirements Test Cases

Final Version

Status Completed

Created on: February 15, 2014

Last update on: March 25, 2014

Ready for General Release

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OSCAR 14_Master_Functionality Requirements_TC.xls


Master Demographics Screen_Functionality Requirements. Table of Content.BR#
1.0 Test Ability to Add Family Members and Link Them TogetherFR 1.0
1.1 Test Ability to Display Alerts Entered on Master Demographics Screen within the eChartFR 2.0
1.2 Test Ability to Validate Address, City against Postal CodeFR 3.0
1.3 Test Ability to Link Family Doctor and Referring Doctor Fields to Doctor DatabaseFR 4.0
1.4 Test Ability to Add a Phone Number Type with Standard Rank to Indicate Preferred NumberFR 5.0, FR 5.1
1.5 Test Ability to Enter Coded Notes to Notify Staff About a PatientFR 6.0
1.6 Test Ability to Perform Search by Patient's Name or Client CategoryFR 7.0
1.7 Test Ability to Validate Health Card Information FunctionFR 8.0
1.8 Test Ability to Generate Audit Log ReportFR 9.0
1.9 Test Ability to Access Phone and Address History Log with Effective DatesFR 10.0
2.0 Test Ability to Add Custom Fields to Mater Demographics ScreenFR 11.0, FR 11.1
2.1 Test Ability to Add/Edit New Patient Demographic RecordFR 12.0, FR 12.2, FR 13.0
2.2 Test Ability to Check System for Similar Patients Based on the Entered DataFR 12.1
2.3 Test Ability to Access “Add Appointment” ScreenFR 14.0
2.4 Test Ability to Edit Demographic Record 


Reference input  
Oscar 14 Master Demographics Screen Use Case v.2.0Alek Mirkin
Oscar 14 Master Demographics Screen BRD_v.1.5Rachel Aubie

1.0 Test Ability to Add Family Members and Link Them Together

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to add Family members Verify that user is able to add Family members in Contacts sectionFamily member is added to the patient Demographics record   
#3Ability to link Family members together 1. Verify that “Next of Kin” field is available
2. User is able to link family members records
1. “Next of Kin” field is added
2. Family members records are linked together

1.1 Test Ability to Display Alerts Entered on Master Demographics Screen within the eChart

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to display Alerts field Verify that Alerts free text field is available on Master Demographics screen1. Alerts field is available on Master Demographics screen
2. Alerts field accepts free text format
#3Ability to Enter Alerts notes 1. Enter Alerts notes
2. Select Save button
Alerts notes are added   
#4Ability to Access patient eChart screen Navigate to “Summary” tab to view patient's EncounterEncounter view is presented in the Content area of the Landing page   
#5Ability to Display Alerts entered on Master Demographics screen within the eChart Verify that Alerts notes that are entered on Demographics screen display within the eChartAlerts notes that are entered on Demographics screen display within the eChart   

1.2 Test Ability to Validate Address, City against Postal Code

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to validate Address, City, Province against Postal Code Once in “Contact Info” section,
1. Enter valid Address, City, Province
2. Enter valid six-alphanumeric character string into Postal code field
1. Address, city, province input fields accept any information in a free text format
2. Address should be validated against postal code directory
3. If the validation is successful, the user is able to proceed without warning message display

1.3 Test Ability to Link Family Doctor and Referring Doctor Fields to Doctor Database

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to display “Family Doctor”  and "Referring Doctor" fields Verify that Family Doctor and Referring Doctor fields are availableFamily Doctor and Referring Doctor fields display in Master Demographics screen   
#3Ability to link “Family Doctor” and “Referring Doctor” fields Verify that user is able to link “Family Doctor” and “Referring Doctor” fields to Doctor database1. “Family Doctor” and “Referring Doctor” fields are mapped to Doctor database
2. These fields are populated from DB

1.4 Test Ability to Add a Phone Number Type with Standard Rank to Indicate Preferred Number

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to display Phone number type from drop down menu Activate phone number drop-down to select type of phone numberPhone number type drop down menu is available with the following options:
• Mobile
• Home
• Work
#3Ability to add preferred phone number type to the patient record Select preferred phone number type1. Phone number is selectable
2. Phone number type is added with standard rank to indicate preferred number
#4Ability to flag preferred/most used contact information Verify that user is able to flag preferred/most used contact informationUser is able to flag preferred/most used contact information. For ease of use quick identification of contact phone number is implemented   

1.5 Test Ability to Enter Coded Notes to Notify Staff About a Patient

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Enter coded notes to notify staff about a patient 1. Enter coded notes (possibly using short form for privacy and/or length of note reasons) into “Notes” field to notify staff about a patient
2. Select “Save” button
1. Notes field acts as a text box field for adding free-form text
2. Coded Notes are saved

1.6 Test Ability to Perform Search by Patient's Name or Client Category

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to search a patient by patient name or client categoryOscar search page prompts user to enter patient's information (ie patient name or client category)1. Enter patient's Last Name or Client Category into Patient Search field
2. Select “Search” button
3. Verify that Search function can perform search by various parameters (patient name or client category)
1. Search box is accepting free-text format
2. Search function allows search by patient name or client category
3. Search button is available and clickable
4. If patient is not registered within the OSCAR database, the record should not be found
5. Batch search results is available

1.7 Test Ability to Validate Health Card Information Function

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to create a New Demographic record to prevent record duplication

1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials

2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view

Click on dropdown list next to the Search box to go to "New Patient" viewDemographic record screen opens within Landing page   
#2Ability to complete “Add New Patient” form with minimum mandatory fields for adding a new patient to the system Fill out the minimum mandatory fields for adding a new patient to the system:
- Last Name
- First Name
- Health Card Number
- Address
Entered patient information is populated in “Add New patient” form   
#3Ability to create new patient recordValid OHIP card number is required for validation purposeSelect “Save” button and verify that entered Health Card information is valid1. Health Card validation communicates with ministry system instantly and confirm that all HIN information is valid and up-to-date with their records
2. New Master demographic record is successfully added to the system
3. After new patient is added, MD screen opens for the newly added patient in full Edit mode for continued data entry
#4Ability to validate Health Card information 1. In Step 2 enter invalid HIN
2. Select “Save” button
1. Health Card validation communicates with ministry system instantly and confirm that HIN information is invalid
2. Patient Record is NOT added to the system and warning message displays

1.8 Test Ability to Generate Audit Log Report

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to access Security Log Report page Once on Admin page, select System Reports → “Security Log report”Log Admin Report screen is presented   
#3Ability to generate Audit Log report 1. Select provider name form the drop down menu
2. Select Start/ End date
3. Click on “Run Report” button
1. Audit Log report is generated
2. Audit log is accessible through the Admin page based on permission levels
#4Ability to display Audit log report information Verify that Audit log lists users that have accessed a patient’s demographic page or eChart informationAudit log lists users that have accessed a patient’s demographic page or eChart information   

1.9 Test Ability to Access Phone and Address History Log with Effective Dates

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to access Phone and Address History Log modalPatient phone number and/or address have been modifiedSelect Phone and Address History Log hyperlink1. Phone and Address History log is accessible
2. Phone and Address History log with effective dates modal pops up
#3Ability to Display Phone and Address History Log with effective dates Verify that
1. Phone and Address History Log lists previously saved phone numbers and addresses
2. Date when the phone and/or address was changed is displayed
Phone and Address History Log lists the previously saved phone and addresses in system with date displayed of when the phone and/or address was changed   

2.0 Test Ability to Add Custom Fields to Mater Demographics Screen

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to add custom fields to Master Demographics screen Verify that Administrative system rights allows to custom fields to be added to screenCustom fields are added to screen (ie Section for “clinic specific” fields can be customized)   
#3Ability to customize header for custom field section Verify that header for custom field section is customizableHeader for custom field section is customizable   

2.1 Test Ability to Add a New Patient Demographic

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to create a New Demographic record t1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
Activate drop down list next to the Search box to access "New Patient" view within Landing page1. Demographic record screen opens within Landing page under tab Details
2. “Add New Patient” form opens requiring the minimum mandatory fields for adding a new patient to system
#2Ability to complete “Add New Patient” form with minimum mandatory fields for adding a new patient to the systemValid OHIP card number is required for validation purposeFill out the minimum mandatory fields for adding a new patient to the system:
- Last Name
- First Name
- Health Card Number
- Address
Entered patient information is populated in “Add New patient” form   
#4Ability to add a New patient record Select “Submit” button1. Submitting “Add new patient” form checks system for similar patients based on entered data. System adds patient if no similar patient is already in system
2. New Master demographic record is created
3. After new patient added, Master Demographic screen opens for the newly added patient in full edit mode for continued data entry
#5Ability to Edit submitted Master Demographics record“Add new patient” form is submitted and information is saved (i.e. the new patient is officially in the system)Enter additional data in Master Demographic recordAdditional data can be added in edit mode of Master Demographic screen immediately after new patient is added (all sections open in edit mode to continue adding all other demo information)   
#6Ability to save Master Demographics page changes Select “Save” button at the top or bottom of the screen1. Save button appears at top and bottom of screen at all times
2. Save button becomes active when edit mode activated for any/multiple sections
3. All changes are saved
4. View mode is returned
#7Ability to cancel Master Demographics record any time before it is saved Select “Cancel” button at the top or bottom of the screen1. Save and Cancel button appears at top and bottom of screen at all times
2. Cancel button becomes active when edit mode is activated for any/multiple sections
3. If record is cancelled and the information inputted is lost
4. View mode is returned

2.2 Test Ability to Check System for Similar Patients Based on the Entered Data

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to create a New Demographic record to prevent record duplication1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
Activate drop down list next to the Search box to access "New Patient" view within Landing page1. Demographic record screen opens within Landing page under tab Details
2. “Add New Patient” form opens requiring the minimum mandatory fields for adding a new patient to system
#2Ability to display Warning messageValid OHIP card number is required for validation purpose1. Fill out the minimum mandatory fields for adding a new patient to the system:
- Last Name
- First Name
- Health Card Number
- Address
2. Enter existent or similar patient data when completing the minimum mandatory fields to create a new patient record
1. Entered patient information is populated in “Add New patient” form
2. Submitting “Add new patient” form checks system for similar patients based on entered data. If patient is registered within the OSCAR database or a similar patient (based on entered data) exists a warning about similar patient should appear to confirm or cancel “Add new” record form
#3Ability to add a New patient record Select confirmation button to “Add new”1. New Master demographic record is created
2. After new patient is added, Master Demographic screen opens for the newly added patient in full edit mode for continued data entry
#4Ability to terminate adding new patient record if the record is duplicated Select termination button to “Add new”If record is cancelled and the information inputted is lost   

2.3 Test Ability to Access “Add Appointment” Screen

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field
Once patient’s record is highlighted/ selected, Master Demographic record view is visible in the Content area of the landing page by default   
#2Ability to access “Add Appointment” screen Activate “Book Appointment” button“Book Appointment” button launches “Add Appointment” screen/modal ready for data entry to add a new appointment for currently selected/view patient   

2.4 Test Ability to Edit Demographic Record

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Access Master Demographic screen1. User is logged in with Receptionist credentials
2. Landing page is presented with the Dashboard view
3. Patient Master Demographic record is created and saved
Select patient name/appointment in the left-side menu or
Search for the patient in the database by entering patient's last, first names into “Search Patients” input field at the main top navigation bar of landing page
Once user is fount and selected, Demographic record module is opened within Landing page under tab details   
#2Ability to edit patient's record Activate “Edit” button for each individual section for edit purposes1. Edit buttons are located at the header of each section
2. Individual section opens in edit mode
#3Ability to save modified record 1. Modify/ Add entry data in the individual section
2. Select “Save” button
1. Save button becomes active when edit mode activated for any/multiple sections.
2. If more than one section is edited, all changes could be saved with the Save button
#4Ability to cancel patient record modification 1. Modify/ Add entry data in the individual section
2. Select “Cancel” button
1. Cancel button becomes active when edit mode activated for any/multiple sections
2. If record is cancelled the inputted data is lost