Test Case : Import

Test Case : Import

Edited by:




Actors/Related actors:

  1. Business Clerks, Records Team, Nurse Practitioners and Physicians

Pre-action requirements/state:

  1. OSCAR is configured and working as expected
  2. OSCAR user is configured with rights to the inbox
  3. OSCAR user is configured with rights to the patients eChart
  4. You are logged into OSCAR as this user
  5. Labs or Documents exist in OSCAR for this users Inbox

Post-action state:

  1. OSCAR Inbox is working as expected

Steps to perform the test case:

ON ANOTHER OSCAR SYSTEM (different instance than the OSCAR system which did the export)

  1. Click the "Administration" link
  2. Click "Data Management" to expand the menu
  3. Click on "Import New Demographic"
  4. Click "Browse" and Browse for the local file to import
  5. Keep the option selected "Match Providers in database by first and last names (Recommended)"
  6. Click "Import (CMS spec 4.0) button (a)

Failure Steps:

  1. failure result: The labs and or documents are not opened/displayed for signing and saving (editing)

Success Steps:

  1. expected result: Inbox functionality is working as expected
    1. the demographic import file has been imported successfully into OSCAR.  All of the data in the import record is reflected in the demographic eChart and Master Record

Alternate Flows:


Special Requirements/Notes:

