Test Case : add role to provider

Test Case : add role to provider

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adding a role to a (provider) login record in OSCAR

Actors/Related actors:

  1. administration team

Pre-action requirements/state:

  1. OSCAR and MyOSCAR (where applicable) are both configured and working as expected

Post-action state:

  1. login records have been added successfully to the system

Steps to perform the test case:

  1. login to OSCAR with admin privileges
  2. click on "administration"
  3. click on "add role to provider"
  4. select the role from the dropdown menu beside the provider that you want to assign the role to
  5. click the add button
  6. click the update button

Expected Result: successful addition/association of the role to the provider record

Failure Steps:

  1. login record is not successfully created or can't be associated to user

Success Steps:

  1. expected result: a login record has been successfully created and can be associated to an account.
  2. expected result: the username/pass/pin created for the user work on login

Alternate Flows:

  1. the staff has the ability select/enter various values for the login record (i.e login name, special char, associated account...etc)

Special Requirements/Notes:

