Use Case 3 : add role to a provider
Use Case 3 : add role to a provider
Edited by:
adding a role to a (provider) login record in OSCAR
Actors/Related actors:
- administration team
Pre-action requirements/state:
- OSCAR and MyOSCAR (where applicable) are both configured and working as expected
Post-action state:
- login records have been added successfully and are available for use
Steps to perform the use case:
- please see individual test cases for more information
Failure Steps:
- the login record has not been added/created successfully and is not available
Success Steps:
- expected result: login record has been added/created successfully
Alternate Flows:
- the staff has the ability select/enter various values for the login record when when adding/creating it (name, pass, case sensitivity...etc)
Special Requirements/Notes:
, multiple selections available,