Test Case : Search Demographics

Test Case : Search Demographics

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Records - Search Demographic

Actors/Related actors:

  1. records team

Pre-action requirements/state:

  1. OSCAR and MyOSCAR (where applicable) are both configured and working as expected.

Post-action state:

  1. OSCAR is working as expected

Steps to perform the use case:

  1. login to OSCAR with user that has inbox privileges
  2. browse and locate documents to upload into the inbox (might have to scan documents first)
  3. upload documents to the inbox for a specific provider
  4. login as the care provider who has the documents in their inbox
  5. click on 'preview' in the inbox (this will load the documents in the inbox for processing)
  6. disable/enable the 'Active only' checkbox for the search results
  7. start to type the demographic name in the Demographic textbox

Failure Steps:

  1. query returns wrong set of results.  OHIP file simulation is unsuccessful.

Success Steps:

  1. expected result: OSCAR/Inbox will start to complete the demographic name if it finds one.  If there are more than one result returned, OSCAR inbox will provide a list of names that match

Alternate Flows:


Special Requirements/Notes:

