Use Case 3 : update documents

Use Case 3 : update documents

Edited by:



updating and saving scanned documents in the demographics record

Actors/Related actors:

  1. Reception team

Pre-action requirements/state:

  1. OSCAR and MyOSCAR (where applicable) are both configured and working as expected

Post-action state:

  1. Consultations are displayed and working as expected after the successful update/edit.

Steps to perform the use case:

  1. Please refer to each subcategory use case for exact test steps and details

Failure Steps:

  1. Use case/test case is not successfully completed (expected results)

Success Steps:

  1. Use case/test case is successfully completed (expected results)
  2. Please see the individual test cases for the expected results

Alternate Flows:

  1. Please see the individual use case/test case for more details.

Special Requirements/Notes:

