Patient Demographic Data Model

Patient Demographic Data Model


These tables represent a Patient in the system.


demographicprimary table which represents a patient in the system. demographic_no is the primary identifier
DemographicContactrelationship table which represents a demographic's association with personal and professional contacts. Links to different tables based on the type
demographicArchivearchived version of every change to a demographic record
demographicExtkey-value pairs for demographic. Simple way to add custom attributes.
demographicExtArchivearchived version of all key-value pairs
demographicPharmacyrelationship table for preferred pharmacy used in Rx module
demographic_mergedmerged records are maintained here. headRecord is the active record, and the others are inactive records which link back to head.
  • old table. I don't think it's used anymore
demographiccustcontains a few values from the master record like note, alert and midwife
demographiccustArchivearchives of demographiccust entries
client_imagefor the image in the echart.stores the byte contents

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