Documenting the REST API
- Marc Dumontier
Owned by Marc Dumontier
Documentation of the REST API will be done using RAML.
We can generate the base RAML using RAML for JAX-RS.
Security Scheme must be added to get through OAUTH.
securitySchemes: - oauth_1_0: description: OAuth 1.0 authentication. type: OAuth 1.0 settings: requestTokenUri: http://localhost:8080/oscar_15/ws/oauth/initiate authorizationUri: http://localhost:8080/oscar_15/ws/oauth/authorize tokenCredentialsUri: http://localhost:8080/oscar_15/ws/oauth/token securedBy: [oauth_1_0]
RAML is displayed by the API Console
You have to deploy the api-console on the same server as the OSCAR it's connecting to because of script origin security.