Test Case : diabetes flowchart
Test Case : diabetes flowchart
Edited by:
third party billing process (generation of file).
Actors/Related actors:
- Nutrition team
Pre-action requirements/state:
- OSCAR and MyOSCAR (where applicable) are both configured and working as expected.
Post-action state:
- System is behaving as expected after completion of the use cases/test cases.
Steps to perform the test case:
- open OSCAR
- search for a patient
- click on their eChart
- click on Measurements
- click on Diabetes Flowchart
Failure Steps:
- The diabetes flowchart test case has not been completed successfully.
Success Steps:
- Expected result: diabetes flowchart has been completed successfully.
Alternate Flows:
- Please see the individual use case/test case for more details.
Special Requirements/Notes:
, multiple selections available,