Test Case : third party billing

Test Case : third party billing

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third party billing process (generation of file).

Actors/Related actors:

  1. billing team

Pre-action requirements/state:

  1. OSCAR and MyOSCAR (where applicable) are both configured and working as expected.

Post-action state:

  1. successful creation of third party bill for patient(s).  third party bill record is saved for review or future edit.

Steps to perform the test case:

  1. click on "search" for patient
  2. select a patient from the search results
  3. click on "create invoice"
  4. select a provider from the list
  5. enter in a billing item (code)
  6. enter in diagnostic code
  7. select "3rd party" from the billing type dropdown menu (select this first, form resets after this selection)
  8. click "next"
  9. click "save"

Failure Steps:

  1. unsuccessful creation of third party bill for patient(s).  third party bill record is NOT saved for review or future edit.

Success Steps:

  1. expected result: successful creation of third party bill for patient(s).  third party bill record is saved for review or future edit.

Alternate Flows:


Special Requirements/Notes:

