Test Case : simulate OHIP file
Test Case : simulate OHIP file
Edited by:
simulation of the OHIP file enables the billing team to be able to reconcile any errors before the OHIP file generation
Actors/Related actors:
- billing team
Pre-action requirements/state:
- OSCAR and MyOSCAR (where applicable) are both configured and working as expected
Post-action state:
- returns proper set of records based on query/filter. OHIP file simulation is successful
Steps to perform the test case:
- navigate to Administration -> Billing -> Simulation OHIP file
- select care provider from the dropdown menu
- select a start date - january 1 2013
- select an end date - july 15 2013
- click "create report"
Failure Steps:
- returns proper set of records based on query/filter. OHIP file simulation is unsuccessful
Success Steps:
- expected result: returns proper set of records based on query/filter. OHIP file simulation is successful.
Alternate Flows:
- the staff has the ability select/enter various values for the appointment details, patient details and the provider details
Special Requirements/Notes: