Test Case : book appointment
Test Case : book appointment
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Booking appointments for patients (demographic users) within OSCAR.
Actors/Related actors:
- Administration team
Pre-action requirements/state:
- OSCAR and MyOSCAR (where applicable) are both configured and working as expected.
Post-action state:
- Appointments have been booked successfully.
Steps to perform the test case:
- navigate to the OSCAR URL
- click on a time in the calendar (add a appointment window opens)
- enter in the details of the appointment (date, times, status, duration, doctor, patient (Lname), reason, notes, location and resources
- click the "Add appointment" button
Failure Steps:
- The appointment is not successfully booked.
Success Steps:
- Expected result: appointment is booked with all the details entered in by the staff for the appointment.
Alternate Flows:
- The staff has the ability select/enter various values for the appointment details, patient details and the provider details.
- toggle date values.
- toggle time values
- enter in a range of values for the duration
- enter or omit the reason for the appointment
- enter or omit a location for the appointment
- toggle the status dropdown menu
- enter or omit notes for the appointment
- toggle the critical flag
- add or omit the recurring flag to the appointment
Special Requirements/Notes:
, multiple selections available,