OSCAR 14 Functionality Requirements Test Cases

OSCAR 14 Functionality Requirements Test Cases


Clinician Landing Page

Functionality Requirements Test Cases

Final Version

Status Completed

Created on: January 23, 2014

Last update on: February 27, 2014

Ready for General Release

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OSCAR 14_Clinician Landing Page_Functionality Requirements.xls


Clinician Landing Page_Functionality Requirements Test Cases. Table of Content.BR#
1.0 Test Ability to Determine eChart view when specific type is assigned to appointment/patientCL 1.0, CL 3.0
1.1 Test Ability to Display All Messaging Types together in Inbox ViewCL 2.0
1.2 Test Ability to Adjust Tab Configuration Based on Appointment TypeCL 4.0


Reference input  
Oscar 14 Landing Page Module Use Case v.2.4Alek Mirkin
Oscar 14 Landing Pages BRD_v.2.9Rachel Aubie

1.0 Test Ability to Determine eChart View when Specific Type is Assigned to Appointment/Patient

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to Launch eChart viewLanding page is present with the Dashboard viewSelect patient name/appointment from the left-side menuPatient Summary (eChart) view is opened by default   
#2Ability to determine eChart view depending on appointment type Select Appointment type and verify that Appointment type assigned to appointment/ patient determines the eChart viewCustomized summary or specialist pages display when specific type of appointment is currently selected   
#3Ability to maintain existing eChart functionality Verify that all current aspects of the existing eChart function as-is within the Landing page frameExisting eChart functionality must be maintained for all features   

1.1 Test Ability to Display All Messaging Types Together in Inbox View

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to displays all messaging types together when Inbox is launchedLanding page is present with the Dashboard viewSelect “Inbox” item from the top navigation bar1. All messaging types display together (messages, ticklers, consultation)
2. Users is able to manage all the messages/alerts in one screen

1.2 Test Ability to Adjust Tab Configuration Based on Appointment Type

Step IDDescriptionPreconditionActionExpected ResultsActual ResultsPass/FailNotes
#1Ability to adjust Tab configuration1. Oscar Landing page is opened
2. Appointment is requested
3. Appointment type is set for a patient appointment
Verify that tab configuration should be automatically adjusted based on the appointment typeIf appointment “type” is set for a patient appointment, tab configuration can automatically be adjusted based on the appointment type (e.g. 18 month well-baby visit type automatically open well baby eForm)   
#2Ability to override tab configuration settings Tab configuration adjustment can be over-ridden by Persona settingsUser is able to override tab configuration