Test Case : Report by Template

Test Case : Report by Template

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Report by Template

Actors/Related actors:

  1. billing team

Pre-action requirements/state:

  1. OSCAR and MyOSCAR (where applicable) are both configured and working as expected

Post-action state:

  1. returns proper set of records based on query/filter.  OHIP file simulation is successful

Steps to perform the test case:

  1. Navigate to Administration
  2. Click "Report by Template"
  3. Select a template that has been added or exists in OSCAR (i.e. "Active Patients with EC Notes)
  4. Select a Provider from the "Provider Number" dropdown menu
  5. Click the "Run Query" button to generate the report

Failure Steps:

  1. returns inaccurate set of records based on query/filter.

Success Steps:

  1. expected result: returns proper set of records based on query/filter

Alternate Flows:


Special Requirements/Notes:

