OSCAR14 Landing Page Use Case Document Final Version 2.4

OSCAR14 Landing Page Use Case Document Final Version 2.4




Landing Page Use Case Document

Final Version 2.4

Status: Completed

Author: Alek Mirkin

Created on: December 15, 2013

Last updated on: March 04, 2013

Ready for general release

Download full version in PDF file:

Oscar 14LandingPageUseCase_v.2.4_Final.pdf

Document Revision History







Alek Mirkin

First draft of section “Clinicians landing page layout and functionality”



Alek Mirkin

Functionality extended and added based on BRD v.2.1 Document



Alek Mirkin

Edited “Clinicians landing page layout and functionality”



Alek Mirkin

Review of “Clinicians landing page layout and functionality” section based on BRD review



Alek Mirkin

Review of “Clinicians landing page layout and functionality” section based on BRD review



Alek Mirkin

Drafted “Landing Page Use Case” section



Alek Mirkin

Added “Users/Systems” section



Alek Mirkin

Basic Scenario and Functionality extended based on BRD v.2.4 Document



Alek Mirkin

Added “Assumptions” section



Alek Mirkin

Review of “Clinicians landing page layout and functionality” section based on BRD review



Alek Mirkin

Functionality extended and added based on BRD v.2.6 Document



Alek Mirkin

Edited “Flow of Events”



Alek Mirkin

Functionality extended and added based on BRD v.2.8 Document



Alek Mirkin




Alek Mirkin

Final review

1 Overview

1.1 Introduction

This Use Case document is structured to describe each Use Case Model per the existing system in terms of:

  • Summary

  • Users

  • Relationships

  • Activity Diagrams

  • Flows of Events

The purpose of this document is to describe and identify steps and actions between a user and software system. The Objective of this document is to represents scenario and functionality of the “Oscar 14 Landing Page” Module and it’s interaction with OSCAR system.


1.2 Reference/Inputs


Aubie Rachel Oscar 14 Landing Pages BRD_v.2.8

January 2014


Marc Duontier, Jay Gallagher Mock up screenshots

January/February 2014


Consultations with ERO group

Nov. 2013/Feb. 2014

1.3 Glossary



Most Responsible Physician



A group of medically prescribed health-care services



Client Access to Integrated Services and Information



University Health Network



Most Responsible Physician



The Knowledge2Action (or Know2Act) technology is an enhancement on the MyDrugRef technology

1.4 Use Case Purpose

  • To hold Functional Requirements in an easy to read, easy to track text format.

  • Represent the goal of an interaction between users and the system. The goal represents a meaningful and measurable objective for the user.

  • Record a set of paths (scenarios) that traverse an user from a trigger event (start of the use case) to the goal (success scenarios).

  • Record a set of scenarios that traverse an user from a trigger event toward a goal but fall short of the goal (failure scenarios).

  • Multi-level: one use case can use/extend the functionality of another.

2 Landing Page Use Case

2.1 Business Need

Oscar, for the 2014 release, is completely redesigned with a concept of multiple landing pages acting as default navigation pages. Landing page layout is completely depending on the role of user within organization. Each user is able to customize his personal landing page based on customization settings assigned to each group of users.

OSCAR Landing Page is replacing current Schedule screen. This landing page is build using the Twitter Bootstrap style scheme. Greatly improved schedule screen will act as the Administrative and Receptionist landing page. University Health Network (UHN) is currently working on redesign plans for the Schedule screen, which will act as the Home Page for Reception and Administrative users. Main layout and design requirements and designs will be provided by UHN at a later date.

Clinician-centered landing page combines easy navigation to the main OSCAR modules with the list of patients and their appointments. This functionality is greatly reducing needs for the clinicians to access patient’s schedule module. In one click user can access patient’s demographic record and patient’s medical summary record while staying on the Landing Page.

These new Landing Pages are based on a dashboard-like design, with menus and tabbed navigation throughout all Landing Pages tying the design, look and navigation flows together across selected user roles in Oscar 14.e navigation panel user works with the list of patients and other tabs


2.2 Description: Clinician Landing Page

The creation of a Clinician Landing Page, combing a tabbed navigation dashboard, workflow for module units (inbox, ticklers, etc.) and new access points to the eChart and Demographic Record modules, will increase the efficiency of Clinician interaction with the Oscar system.

On the new Landing page Summary tab is created to access all existing eChart functionality. Details tab activating current Master Demographic record module. In this layout clinicians can easily switch between modules having patient in focus. At the same time users can in a matter of one click to find any patient or pick one from today’s schedule. Also doctors could view list of their patients and resident’s patients at the same screen.

Clinicians landing page is defaulted to dashboard, but can be changed in the Setting. As for Receptionist landing page is defaulted to Schedule.


2.3 Basic Scenario:

  • Clinicians with the correct credentials (MRP doctor, residents, nurses, team assistants, ALLIED Health, interns/students) login in OSCAR and opening Landing Page protocol.

  • Landing page is opened

  • From the landing page top navigation bar user picks desired link

  • From the shortcut icons user activates desired icon

  • From the left-side Landing Page navigation panel user select patient and fill out information during current (today’s) appointment

  •    2.4  Business Need

    • Oscar, for the 2014 release, is completely redesigned with a concept of multiple landing pages acting as default navigation pages. Landing page layout is completely depending on the role of user within organization. Each user is able to customize his personal landing page based on customization settings assigned to each group of users.

    • OSCAR landing page is replacing current Schedule screen. This landing page is build using the Twitter Bootstrap style scheme. Greatly improved schedule screen will act as the Administrative and Receptionist landing page. University Health Network (UHN) is currently working on redesign plans for the Schedule screen, which will act as the Home Page for Reception and Administrative users. Main layout and design requirements and designs will be provided by UHN at a later date.

    • Clinician-centered landing page combines easy navigation to the main OSCAR modules with the list of patients and their appointments. This functionality is greatly reducing needs for the clinicians to access patient’s schedule module. In one click user can access patient’s demographic record and patient’s medical summary record while staying on the landing page.

    • These new Landing Pages are based on a dashboard-like design, with menus and tabbed navigation throughout all Landing Pages tying the design, look and navigation flows together across selected user roles in Oscar 14.e navigation panel user works with the list of patients and other tabs


    3 Clinicians landing page layout and functionality

    3.1 Top Navigation bar

    Navigation bar is customizable to maximum of 7 items across bar. Additional items appear in “More” drop-down section of the top navigation bar. User can add, delete or re-order menu items

    1. Search text field, search button


    • Search bar works on filtering results by searching for patient names: “last, first”

    • Fuzzy search will bring numerous results. These results are visible as a drop-down list under Search box.

    • Search results are showing: Name, Health card number/version, Date of birth.

    • Search function does not search Integrator for results

    • Search function is available for the screen in focus being viewed within Oscar (e.g. when viewing demographics screen via landing page, search will search for patient demographic information)

      2. Home button to right of search function

    • Functionality:
      Home button brings users to their default landing page, based on users "primary role" which already exists in Oscar 

    • 3. Drop-down next to search lists “New Patient”, “Merge Demographic” and “Advanced Search”

        • New Patient – will redirect user to the Master Demographic record screen to create a new patient

        • Merge Demographic – will redirect user to Demographic Merge Records screen. Demographic merge allows you to merge demographics where patient data has been entered into several separate charts by mistake.

        • Advanced Search screen

          4. Inbox: inbox is where new labs and documents go.

          5. Consultation: access to the consultation booking screen

          6. Billing: access to billing screen

          7. Tickler: user can see assigned ticklers

          8.  Schedule: This screen is to administrate appointments.


        Schedule (navigation bar) information badge will shows how many checked-in & in-room totaled in parenthesis beside label. Appointment statuses remain same as current

          • To Do

          • Daysheet Printed

          • Here

          • Picked

          • Empty Form

          • No Show

          • Cancelled

          • Billed

          • Customized 1-5

            9. K2A : The Knowledge2Action (or Know2Act) technology is an enhancement on the MyDrugRef technology. MyDrugRef is a social network of clinicians who like to share ideas about drugs. The drug code used is based on the Health Canada drug database. Opinions expressed are based on individual's opinions and are not administered by MyDrugRef. MyDrugRef is an Open Content project and follows the principles of the Creative Commons license.

             10. Admin: Access to Admin screen of OSCAR

              11. More

            • Reports

            • Caseload

            • Resources –referrers to existing OSCAR resources URL link

            • Documents –user is redirected to Documents screed

            • Customize: launches preferences screen for the user

            3.2 Shortcuts panel

                  1. Icon to launch scratch pad directly from Navigation Bar.


            User is launching scratch pad to create a note for the patient in focus. This note is acting as a “sticky note” for the patient. User can customize whether to have this accessible or not. If selected to be accessible, an icon (not name) will appear on navigation bar

            2. Shortcut envelope icon to inbox

            3. Three message number indicators to right of message icon are indicating:

            • All Oscar messages (Ticklers)

            • MyOscar messages

            • Oscar messages linked to a patient (Messages)

             4. Current program name with globe icon to the left of program name


            If provider is assigned to multiple programs, program name acts as drop-down to select and switch between programs within Oscar/CAISI

            5. Current user information displayed next to the “person” icon


            Clicking log-in name opens to drop-down:


            • First options in list: Set-up K2A, Set-up MyOscar – will only appear until those two tasks are done

            • Settings: User’s settings to customize landing page

            • Support: Support menu item will launch a support page with OSP contact information and instructions

            • Help: links to the user guides/help website

              6. Log-out icon on far right

            3.3 Left Side Navigation panel Layout and functionality

            Left side navigation panel is located at the left section of the landing page. It contains three navigation tabs, search box and a few shortcut icons. Main purpose of the panel is to present daily schedule or the patient and their appointment status. This functionality is greatly reducing needs to open Schedule screen.

            Combined with grouping function, left-side navigation can display case-load, daily patient appoint list and/or all encounters (i.e. clinician patient list and a list of residents’ patients lists) to be reviewed for resident appointments by advising physicians via tabbed top menu of Left-side navigation menu

            3.3.1 Tabs:

            Appts (Appointments)


            Left-side panel that lists patients is configurable based on user preference.

            Appointment status badges appear for each patient on list to indicate the stats of appointment/patient

            Background shade of listed appointments differs based on the appointment status:

            • To Do:                      light yellow

            • Day Sheet Printed:  light yellow

            • Here/Checked-in:    green

            • Picked/In Room:     pink

            • Empty Room:          bright yellow

            • No Show:                light grey

            • Cancelled:              dark grey

            • Custom:                  blue (6 customizable status colors available in existing OSCAR)

            Configuration 1:

            Daily patient appointment list highlighting waiting patients (patients checked-in in green) and patients in room (pink)

            Configuration 2:

            Patient list tabs display

            • Tab 1: Checked-in patients

            • Tab 2: Patients in rooms

            Ordered by appointment time

            Configuration 3:

            Patient list would display certain amount of appointments in specific time period. Number of appointments in list and time period range would be customizable in user preferences

        Three options for list to appear:

        A. Normal list (default)

        B. Minimized to show clickable icons (clicking icon would open corresponding patient into tabbed environment)

        C. List can be completely hidden

        If patients cancel or do not show (leave daily appointment list) the appointment/patient would be dropped-off list. Receptionist is updating status to No Show and patient is automatically removed from today’s appointments list.


        • Caseload combines leading clinical and clerical indicators in a sortable display. It provides an easy to use tool to perform complex analysis against ones patient roster. Caseload is a report that is particularly good at finding those patients who have not been seen and yet need follow-up.Caseload is also a valuable tool when dealing with non-schedule driven patient interactions.


          • My Residents

          Functionality: an option to see the list of Dr’s resident’s patients

          • Customize


          “Customize” launches the preferences screen for setting up the grouping and display options for the left-side menu/ patient lists

        3.3.2 Search Box

        Search box Is located below tabs of the dashboard. The main functionality of the search box is to filter patient’s list.

        Text entered into field will filter the list of patients to show only patients whose names match entered text

        3.3.3 Icons of the dashboard

        There are four icons on the Dashboard

        1. Back (or left facing arrow) – to hide patient list

        2. Reload – manually refresh patient list data

        3. Up/Down arrows – to scroll up and down patient’s list

        Patient List displays certain maximum number of patients. With top/bottom arrow icon page-based list scrolling up or down (flip entire pages of list per arrow click)

        3.4 Dashboard

        When landing page is loaded, it opens dashboard by default.

        3.4.1 Dashboard Header:

        “Welcome” + User Name on the left side of header. Today’s date is displayed on the right side of the header.

        3.4.2 Ticklers

        • Ticklers table shows maximum of 5 most recent ticklers.

        • Ticklers heading “You have # “status” ticklers

        • “See More Ticklers” button appears if there are more than 5 ticklers

        • “See More Ticklers” opens ticklers page

        • Heading “# are urgent” only appears if there are high priority (any ticklers not just in the list of 5)

        • Headings for table columns: Demographic Name, Due, Priority, Message

        3.4.3 Messages

        • Messages table shows maximum of 5 more recent messages. Messages are displayed chronologically

        • Messages heading: You have # “status” messages

        • “See More Messages” button appears if there are more than 5 messages

        • “Seem More Messages” opens inbox page (one mail)

        • Heading for table columns: Status, From, Subject, Date, Patient

        3.4.4 My Oscar Messages

        • MyOscar table shows maximum of 5 recent messages displayed chronologically

        • Messages heading: You have # “status MyOscar messages

        • Heading for table columns: Status, From, Subject, Date, Patient

        3.4.5 Inbox

        • Inbox table shows maximum of 5 most recent items that are not acknowledged

        • Shows abnormal or final reports/results (not partial, normal)

        • Inbox heading: “You have # unacknowledged result inbox items”

        • Heading for table columns: Status, Category, Subject, Date, Patient

        3.5 Single patient view

        When clicking on the patient from the patient’s list under Appointments tab of dashboard, user is presented with the Single Patient view.

        Appointment type assigned to appointment/patient determines the eChart view that opens by default when patient name selected from left-side menu

        Customized summary or specialist pages display when specific type of appointment is currently selected. All current aspects of the existing eChart function as-is within the landing page frame.

        If appointment “type” is set for a patient appoint, tab configuration can automatically adjust view based on that appointment type. E.g. 18 month well-baby visit type will automatically open well baby eForm. This can be over-ridden by Persona settings

        Single Patient view is still within landing page with an additional sub-navigation bar. General layout of the landing page remains same.

        1. Top navigation bar

        Selections from the Top Navigation Bar will display the appropriate list screen, regardless of patient selected from left-side menu. E.g. Selecting “Consultations” from that top navigation bar will display the Consultation List (all applicable patients in system)

        1. Left side Navigation panel

        Same functionality as per Home landing page

        The main area now is presented with the slightly different layout.

        3.5.1 Header


        Patient name “last, first” is displayed boldly.

        Right-paginated, HIN, Sex, Date of Birth and age are displayed along header

        3.5.2 Sub-Navigation bar

        • Details: Is Redesigned version of Demographic Record

        • Summary: Is replacing eChart with all existing functionality

        • Trackers

        • My Oscar

        • Apps + dropdown list

        3.6 Pop-Up/Modal Screen

        Within the context of a selected patient (when a patient’s name/appointment is selected from the left-side patient list) a need for the ability to view multiple tabs/screens at once remains, as with the existing Oscar 12 system. This need is required for 2 purposes: viewing 2 patients eChart information simultaneously, and viewing multiple function tabs from the Patient Navigation menu simultaneously.

        A few Use Cases where this functionality would be necessary include fertility specialist use, appointments where both a young child and parent are present, clinical review to find/diagnose patient issues based on similar patient history and group appointments.

        The following rules and functionality requirements define the needs for the pop up/modal screen needs within Oscar 14. These rules do not apply to the functionality to pop-out non-patient context aspects of Oscar 14 (inbox, administration panel, etc.)


        • A global system enable/disable for the pop up function

        • Any tab from the Patient Navigation menu can be popped-out as a modal screen

        • Clicking the open tab from the Patient Navigation menu will pop the screen out into a modal

        • Any screen that is open (i.e. multiple modals opened) is writable and savable independently from other modal screens


        • Once popped up, the tab within the main screen frame would appear blank until the modal was “returned” to the frame i.e. popped back in

        • If the Pop-up of functionality is disabled no tabs from the Patient Navigation menu can be popped up as a modal. This function would be set on a clinic-wide basis, not a user basis

        • Once the tab is open within the context of the main screen, clicking the tab again will convert that tab into a modal screen. In this case the main display area will then appear blank

        • Users cannot open the same tab for the same patient in multiple modal screens. Also once the Patient Summary tab is opened into a modal for patient “x”, another Patient Summary tab for patient “x” cannot be launched. But the Patient Summary tab for patient “y” can be opened as a modal simultaneously

        • Warning message to users when attempting to close a modal with unsaved data entered

        • Information/formatting mirroring the Patient Information bar appears at the top of each modal screen

        4 Conditions/Assumptions

        4.1 Assumptions

        • Users login have been established within the system

        • List of medical specialists and medical clinics is already inputted into system as seed data

        • Residents are inputted into system

        4.2 Successful End Condition

        • Based on user preferences, main page is presented on the screen after successful login.

        • All navigation pars and panels are working as designed

        • Search boxes are filtering records based on user input.

        • All shortcuts presented as multiple icons are working as designed.

        • User can change layout of the landing page based on user’s settings.

        • After data manipulation (re-assigning appointment status, scheduling appointment etc) all edited data is immediately presented on the landing page.

        4.3 Failed End Condition

        For a few reasons consultation request might not have an option to be submitted.

        • Application Server is down, application doesn’t respond

        • Slow performance, application doesn’t respond

        • Some OSCAR modules are down, so user can not be redirected to the certain screens form the landing page

        4.4 Preconditions

        To log into Landing page with the right credentials.

        • If User is not entering proper credentials (user name / password) then Account is temporary suspended after a few attempts. In this case user has to contact OSCAR Administrator

        OSCAR server or OSCAR database is up and running.

        • In a case of sudden interruption of the connection to the OSCAR server of database, user can experience “frozen” interface of grayed out buttons of fields. In this case user has to wait until connection to the server is re-established. Then user has to verify if the record is saved (to avoid duplicate records). If record is no saved – then redo the whole record. If record is saved partially – then to add or edit information.

        4.5 Post conditions


        4.6 Validation


        4.7 Required fields and functions:


        5 Users/Systems

        5.1 Systems

        Patient information mainly is located in eChart and Master Records protocols.

        The following modules of OSCAR are actively interacting with the Landing page:

        • Consultation

        • Billing

        • Tickler

        • Schedule

        • K2A

        • Reports

        • Case load

        • Resources

        • Documents

        • Appointments

        • My Residents

        • Summary (eChart)

        • Details (Master Demographic Record)

        5.2 Users

        OSCAR, Landing page users are mainly clinicians: (MRP doctors, residents, nurses, team assistants, receptionist, ALLIED Health, students who work in the clinic) with the correct credentials and administrative rights.

        They are using system to create medical e-records and book consultation for their patients.

        1. Super-User or Administrator with full rights:

        • Access admin part of OSCAR

        • Create accounts

        • Create groups of users based on their roles and responsibilities

        • Assign users to groups

        • Reactivate account (after account was locked or suspended)

        1. Clinicians (roles are listed above)

        2. Receptionist - same responsibilities as per current OSCAR

        5.2.1Use Case Relationships

        To Be Determined

        5.2.2Use Case Relationship Diagram

        To Be Determined

        5.2.3Use Case Relationship Description

        To Be Determined

        6 Activity Diagram

        Download attachment:

      • Landing Page Business Flow v.1.1.pdf

        7 Flow of Events

        7.1 Main Flow

        This section describes the main flow of the OSCAR 14 Landing Page and system responses for clinicians.




        System Response



        Connect to the OSCAR main page

        Open in Internet browser web page: https://sfhc.oscarmaster.org:........../....

        OSCAR main page with the login is opened



        Log In

        Enter credentials (User Name / Password)

        By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance



        Access landing page

        Landing page is presented on the screen

        After successful login user is redirected to the landing page



        Observe default Dashboard view

        By default landing page is presented with the Dashboard view

        Dashboard view contains:

        • Ticklers

        • Messages

        • My Oscar messages

        • Inbox


        Search and Top Navigation Bar


        Use Search to find a patient

        Type in patient’s Last and first name

        Fuzzy search is filtering list of patients in real time. User can pick desired patient form the list if more than one matching criteria



        Use advanced search, Drop-down next to search lists “Advance Search”

        To pass other than patient name parameters use Advanced search

        User can pass more parameters or use different criteria to find a patient by using advanced search. Click on dropdown list next to the Search box to get to Advanced Search.



        Create new patient, Drop-down next to search lists “New Patient”

        Create new patient

        Click on dropdown list next to the Search box to go to “New Patient” view.



        Merge Demographics

        Will redirect user to Demographic Merge Records screen.



        Demographic merge allows user to merge demographics where patient data has been entered into several separate charts by mistake.







        Selection the “Inbox” will display the list of inbox contents for the specific user




        Access Consultation screen

        By clicking on Consultation button user is accessing Consultation List screen in the main area of landing page




        Access Billing screen

        By clicking on Billing button user is accessing Billing screen in the main area of landing page




        Access Tickler screen

        By clicking on Tickler button can see ticklers assigned





        System Response




        Access Schedule screen

        By clicking on Schedule button user is accessing Schedule screen in the main area of landing page




        Access K2A view

        Will open K2A view




        Access Admin panel

        By clicking on Admin button user is accessing Admin panel


        Top Navigation shortcuts


        First icon to the left is to launch scratch pad

        Icon to launch scratch pad directly from Navigation Bar.

        User is launching scratch pad to create a note for the patient in focus. This note is acting as a “sticky note” for the patient.



        Shortcut icon to inbox, mail and tickler

        Envelope icon is launching mail box/messenger

        Mailbox/messenger is opened



        Messages status is displayed

        Three separated number indicators to the right of envelope icon.

        Numbers are indicating:

        • All Oscar messages (Ticklers)

        • MyOscar messages

        • Oscar messages linked to a patient (Messages)



        Current program name

        Current program name with globe icon

        If provider is assigned to multiple programs, program name acts as drop-down to select and switch between programs within OSCAR/CAISI



        “Person” icon shows user’s information

        Current user information displayed next to the “person” icon

        Clicking log-in name opens to drop-down:

        • Settings: User’s settings to customize landing page

        • Support: Support menu item will launch a support page with OSP contact information and instructions

        • Help




        Log-out icon on far right

        User can easily log out by clicking log-out icon on far right


        Left Navigation panel


        Tab Appts (appointments)

        Tab Appts is active by defauls

        This tab represent clients assigned to the USER for TODAY’s appointments

        Information on the patient list:

        • Appointment status is Color coded

        • Appt. status badge

        • Patient information (name)

        • Appointment reason

        • Appointment time





        System Response



        Search box

        Use Search box to narrow down patient’s list

        User can narrow down patients list by passing in patient’s name



        CaseLoad tab

        Click on CaseLoad tab on the left-navigation panel

        By clicking on CaseLoad user is getting access to the CaseLoad roaster



        My Residents (select from MORE tab)

        Tabs at top of patient list allow users to switch between two or more patient lists

        User can see list of patients scheduled for the residents.



        Customize (select from MORE tab)

        Left Navigation panel customization

        “Customize” launches the preferences screen for setting up the grouping and display options for the left-side menu/ patient lists



        Shortcut buttons

        Some buttons are presented for easier navigation

        - left-facing arrow: hide patient list

        - refresh: manually refresh patient list data

        - up/down arrows: scroll through paginated patient list


        Single Patient View


        Click on the patient from appointments list or Search box

        Single Patient view appears in the contend are of landing page and defaulted to Summary tab (eChart)

        In the main area of the landing page Single patient view is presented with the

        1. Header (patient’s name and other personal information)

        2. Sub-navigation tab that links to other modules

        3. Screen in focus




        Header is presented on the top of the main area across the screen.

        Patient name “last, first” is displayed boldly.

        Right-paginated, HIN, Sex, Date of Birth and age are displayed along header



        Sub-Navigation bar

        Sub navigation bar is presented just below the header

        Sub-Navigation bar contains following tabs:

        • Details: Is Redesigned version of Demographic Record

        • Summary: Is replacing eChart with all existing functionality

        • Trackers

        • My Oscar

        • Apps + dropdown list


        7.2 Alternate Flows of Events

        This section describes the alternative flow of events based on variations in the main Use Case scenario that still result in a Successful End Condition at completion of the Use Case.

        7.2.1 Alternate Flow 1





        System Response



        Connect to the OSCAR main page

        Open in Internet browser web page: https://sfhc.oscarmaster.org:........../....

        OSCAR main page with the login is opened

        Generic User


        Log In

        Enter credentials (User Name / Password)

        By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance

        Generic User

        7.3 Exception Flows of Events (Negative)

        This section describes the exception flow of events based on variations in the main Use Case scenario that result in a Failed End Condition for completion of the Use Case.

        7.3.1 Exception Flow 1

        Login with the wrong credentials




        System Response



        Connect to the OSCAR main page

        Open in Internet browser web page: https://sfhc.oscarmaster.org:........../....

        OSCAR main page with the login is opened

        Generic User




        System Response



        Log In

        User entered wrong credentials 3 times

        OSCAR application cannot be opened. User’s Account will be temporary suspended.

        Generic User


        Activate account

        User contact administrator (super user) to reactivate account

        Once administrator reactivates account, user can successfully log with the correct credentials.
