This guide will explain some of the details around the changes in - OSCAREMR-6104Getting issue details... STATUS - OSCAREMR-6112Getting issue details... STATUS
This new architecture separates the export, transfer, and import of update files from an OSCAR instance to an integrator server.
The basic idea is that OSCAR runs an internal process periodically which:
1) Deternines which records to send (full push vs delta)
2) Writes a set of serialized files and a documentMeta.txt file which are then zipped.
3) Creates a ZIP file of all Documents needed by the import process (see documentMeta.txt)
When the ZIP file is complete, the files can be made available to the integrator to import. Because this is such a system dependent process, it is up to the deployer to develop a process for this. A common way would be to simply scan for IntegratorPush zip files (not the -Docs ones) made by OSCAR and then copy them to the server/directory specified by the importer using any protocol like SCP, SFTP, RSYNC,etc
The integrator is then configured to scan a directory for incoming files. When found, it will attempt to process the file by unzipping it, and beginning to read the serialized files then going on to import the documents into the DB as well.
Properties to be concerned about are:
#integerator update period in milliseconds
#set false if you only have 1 facility on this instance..a bit of an optimization.
Startup tomcat, you will need to include -Dorg.apache.cxf.stax.allowInsecureParser=1 in your startup command for Tomcat
add job IntegratorFileLogUpdateJob
see the new Integrator Status page
Use JDK7 / Tomcat 7 (atleast I do in my testing to make it work)
Just load up the code with this update
Make a copy of importer.cnf
mvn assembly:single to create a single JAR with dependencies
java -jar integrator-importer-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar to start the scanner