Health Tracker Module Use Case Version 2.0

Health Tracker Module Use Case Version 2.0



Health Tracker Module

Use Case

Version 2.0

Author: Alek Mirkin

Created on: July 8, 2013

Last updated on: July 22, 2013

Document Revision History








[Summarize Changes Since Previous Version]



Alek Mirkin

Initial Draft



Alek Mirkin

Assumptions/conditions section is added



Alek Mirkin

Users, Conditions, Scenario sections are reviewed



Alek Mirkin

Added section 2.6 Flow of events



Alek Mirkin

Added section



Alek Mirkin

Diagram edited



Alek Mirkin

Alternative flow is added



Alek Mirkin




Alek Mirkin

WF is edited



Frank Winkle

Alek Mirkin

Final review

Attached Documents:

Health Tracker Module download document:

Health Tracker Use Case_v.2.0.doc

Health Tracker Module Business Flow:

Health Tracker Business Work Flow_v.1.vsd

Health Tracker Business Work Flow_v.1.pdf

1. Overview

1.1 Introduction

This Use Case document is structured to describe each Use Case Model per the existing system in terms of:

  • Summary
  • Users
  • Relationships
  • Activity Diagrams
  • Flows of Events


The purpose of this document is to describe and identify steps and actions between a user (actor) and software system.  The Objective of this document is to represent scenario and functionality of the “Health Tracker” Module and it’s interaction with OSCAR system.

1.1 Use Case Purpose

  • To hold Functional Requirements in an easy to read, easy to track text format.
  • To represent the goal of an interaction between users and the system. The goal represents a meaningful and measurable objective for the user.
  • To record a set of paths (scenarios) that traverses an actor from a trigger event (start of the use case) to the goal (success scenarios).
  • To record a set of scenarios that traverses an actor from a trigger event toward a goal but fall short of the goal (failure scenarios).
  • Multi-level: one use case can use/extend the functionality of another.

2. Health Tracker

2.1 Summary

2.1.1  Business Need

Defined users:

  1. MRP doctors, residents, nurses, team assistants and other medical staff with the credentials and rights to access Health Tracker in OSCAR. General user is given administrative rights.
  2. Super User/Administrator with full rights:
  • Add/Edit/Delete
  • Reactivate account
  • Access to admin part of OSCAR

MRP doctors or any other general OSCAR users are using Health Tracker Module to create electronic records of the diseases flow-sheets data for their patients. Electronic records are stored in OSCAR DB.

Main purpose of the Health Tracker Module is:

  1. To monitor, track and collect measurements of chronic diseases of patients
  2. To provide view and access to all diseases flow-sheets that are available in the system
  3. To view flow-sheet respective measurements
  4. To view trending data in graph mode
  5. To analyze  data

2.1.2  Description

Health Tracker Module use case is presenting the summary of the business flow, outlining user’s roles and presenting numerous scenarios of using Health Tracker. It also includes Business Flow diagram, preconditions and post conditions and detailed flow of events.

Health Tracker protocol is designed to create centralized hub for providers for better management of measurements and indicators that are linked to chronic diseases. The module allows care providers to collect records for each stage of diseases of their patients. This protocol is also providing communication with eChart module by extracting existing information from Allergies and Medication sections.

2.1.3  Basic business scenario and functionality

Basic Scenario:

Business Precondition:

Business precondition is identifying or diagnosing disease of the particular patient before filling out flow-sheets of the Health Tracker for this patient


  1. General user with the correct credentials (MRP doctors, residents, nurses, team assistants, and other medical staff with the credentials and rights to access Health Tracker Module in OSCAR) logs in OSCAR
  2. User navigates to Search and searching for the patient record by providing certain criteria in search box
  3. From the record user opens eChart module by clicking on  “E” to navigate to eChart
  4. Once User is activating  eChart module, he/she is getting full access to the patient information. Activation of Health Tracker module comes from the Measurements section of eChart
  5. User navigates to Health Tracker.
  6. At the Health Tracker modula Personal information at the top part of the Health Tracker comes from the Demographic Record, it includes:
  • First/last name
  • DOB
  • Sex
  • HIN number

    7. Once User is accessing Health Tracker, user can navigate between numerous screens. Screens are presented as tabs on the top navigation bar. Each screen represents a disease:
  • INRFLOW - International Normalised Ratio flow-sheet
  • HYPTENSION - Hypertension
  • DIAB - Diabetes
  • ASTH -  Asthma
  • M8 -  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
  • CHF - Chronic Heart Failure
  • CKD -  Chronic Kidney Disease
  • HIV -  Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  • U8 - Hemiplegia

    8.After accessing screen, user inputs data and comments (if necessary) into numerous fields
    9.User saves data inputted
    10.User view trending data in graph mode
    11. User analyze inputted  data

    Functionality available:

    1. Health Tracker content can be easily viewed
    2. Before inputting any info into flow-sheet, the disease must be registered within the Health Tracker.
    • Warning message is presented on the screen if disease is not registered but information is already added to the Health Tracker
    • Warning message is providing code for disease registration
    • Code is clickable and allow user to register disease in seconds

         3. Graphic representation of data is presented on the flow-sheets for each field that can be measured

         4. Calendar is available for each field

         5.Health Tracker displays all flow sheets (diseases) that are currently available in the system right below user’s information as a top navigation bar

         6.Information added to the Health Tracker is saved by:

    • clicking ADD button next to each field
    • clicking Save all at the bottom of the page after filling out numerous fields

      7. Validation is presented on most of the fields to avoid human mistakes and to follow OMD standards.
      8. Validation is showing up on UI by “mouse over” event of the field
      9. The following tabs that contains Information from eChart are presented on the information deck:
    • Medications
    • Allergies
    • Reminders
    • Warnings


    Health Tracker module interacts with the following modules:

    1. Master Record
    2. Demographic record
    3. MyOSCAR
    4. eChart

2.2  Conditions/Assumptions

2.2.1  Assumptions

  • Users login have been established within the system
  • Disease codes are inputted into system

2.2.2  Successful End Condition

  • Disease can be registered within the Health Tracker
  • All data inputted is validated and saved upon completion

2.2.3  Failed End Condition

For a few reasons information added to the Health Tracker could not be saved:

  • Application Server is down
  • Slow performance, user can experience “frozen” interface of grayed out buttons or fields
  • User doesn’t apply “Add” or “Save All” buttons and closes application. In this case all current information is lost

2.2.4  Technical Preconditions

  • Users who access Health Thacker have correct credentials and work in the clinic. If User is not entering proper credentials (user name / password) then Account will be temporary suspended after a few attempts. Further user has to contact OSCAR Administrator to reactivate account.
  • OSCAR server or OSCAR database is up and running. In a case of sudden interruption of the connection to the OSCAR server of database, user can experience “frozen” interface of grayed out buttons of fields. In this case user has to wait until connection to the server is re-established. Then user has to verify if the record is saved (to avoid duplicate records). If record is not saved – then redo the whole record. If record is saved partially – then to add or edit information.

    2.2.5  Post conditions


    2.2.6  Validation

    • Almost all fields presented in Health Tracker are validated by the application To see detailed validation matrix for Health Tracker, review the following document:
    • Disease supposed to be registered within the Health Tracker

    2.2.7  Required fields and functions:

    • Disease supposed to be registered within the Health Tracker

2.3  Users/Systems


Patient information can be found in eChart and Master Records modules.

The other modules interacting with Health Tracker are:

  1. Master Record
  2. Demographic record
  3. eChart
  4. MyOSCAR



  1. Health Tracker users are mainly (MRP doctors, residents, nurses, team assistants and other medical staff) with the correct credentials and administrative rights to access Health Tracker in OSCAR. They are using system to document and to monitor diseases of clinic patients.
  2. Super-User or Administrator with full rights:
  • Add/Edit/Delete
  • Reactivate account
  • Access to admin part of the OSCAR

2.4  Use Case Relationships

To be Determined

2.4.1  Use Case Relationship Diagram

To be Determined

2.4.2  Use Case Relationship Description

To be Determined

2.5  Activity Diagram

File is attached


2.6  Flow of Events

This section describes the main flow of the Use Case and system responses.

Use Health Tracker Module to register disease and create electronic record of disease measurements




System Response



Connect to the OSCAR main page

Open in Internet browser web page: https://sfhc.oscarmaster.org:........../....

OSCAR main page with the login is opened

Generic User


Log In

Enter credentials (User Name / Password)

By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance

Generic User


Activate Search function

Select Search from the top navigation bar

Search page is presented on the screen

Generic User 


Search the patient name

Type the patient name in the search window and run search function

Demographic record is fount and presented on the screen

Generic User


Activate eChart module

Select “E” hyperlink  to open eChart from the current record

eChart module is opened for the selected patient

Generic User


Activate Helath Tracker

In the category Measurements of eChart select Health Tracker

Health Tracker Is opened for the patient in focus

Generic User


Register Disease

Once user starts filling out disease flow-sheet, the disease must to be registered first

System is displaying Warning message at the top of the flow-sheet.

Message is containing disease registration code.

User has to click on the hyperlink with the disease code in order for disease to be registered.

Once disease is registered, flow-sheet tab is changing its color to Green.

Generic User


Fill out fields of the flow-sheet

Fill out fields to compete flow-sheet

Health Tracker flow-sheet allow user to input data into specific fields and add comments (if necessary)

Most of the fields are validated against business rules and OMD standards.

Validation is presented to the user on UI upon “mouse over” event

Generic User


Use Calendar to select date

Each field have calendar icon next to it. User can pick a date of data inputted.

Bu default calendar is pre-set to the current date. User can change a date.

Generic User



  • Add
  • Save All

User can add and save fields one-by-one by clicking Add button

User can fill out multiple fields and save them altogether by clicking Save all button at the bottom of the page

ADD button is displayed next to each field. It allows user to add single field to the flow-sheet

Save All button is presented on the bottom of the page and allow user to save multiple fields altogether.

Generic User


Delete previous information

User can not edit information that added to the Health Tracker. But user can delete information by clicking on the data and selecting Delete option

Once user clicks on the data saved in Health Tracker, data is presented in the pop-up window. This window gives options DELETE or CLOSE. By clicking on Delete button user removes information from the Health Tracker.

Generic User


Information Deck

Information deck is presented on the right side of each flow-sheet.

Information deck is containing the following tabs: Medications, Allergies, Reminders and Warning. (Renal for DIAB and CKD flow-sheets)

These tabs are for observation only.

  • By clicking on Medication, pop-up window of OSCARRx is opened for the present patient
  • By clicking on Allergies, pop-up window of OSCARRx is opened for the present patient
  • By clicking on Reminders, reminders are opened
  • By clicking on Warning, current flow-sheet recommendations are opened at the information deck

Generic User


MyOSCAR link

Link to MyOSCAR is presented at the top information panel of each flow-sheet.

MyOSCAR connection from Health Tracker stands for communication between OSCAR provider and patient

Generic User


2.6.1  Alternate Flows of Events

This section describes the alternative flow of events based on variations in the main Use Case scenario that still result in a Successful End Condition at completion of the Use Case.  Alternate Flow 1

Use Helath Tracker to create New Demographic Record for new patient and then register disease




System Response



Connect to the OSCAR main page

Open in Internet browser web page: https://sfhc.oscarmaster.org:........../....

OSCAR main page with the login is opened



Log In

Enter credentials (User Name / Password)

By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance



Register NEW patient

Upon the first visit in the clinic New Demographic Record should be created

Demographic records module is opened



Search for the NEW patient by using Search function (to prevent record duplication)

Access Search from the top navigation bar and search for the new patient

System is confirming that record does not exist in OSCAR. System provides access to the Demographic module



Create a new Demographic record

In Demographic module click on the link: Create Demographic. Fill out form

System is providing access to the page “ADD Demographic Record”. Receptionist is creating new record in the system.



Verify New patient information

Open Master record to verify that new record was successfully created.

Master record is fount and visible on the screen. User can review Master record.



Activate eChart module

Select “E” hyperlink  to open eChart from the current record

eChart module is opened for the selected patient

Generic User


Activate Helath Tracker

In the category Measurements of eChart select Health Tracker

Health Tracker Is opened for the selected patient

Generic User


Register Disease

Once user starts filling out disease flow-sheet, the disease must to be registered first

System is displaying Warning message at the top of the flow-sheet.

Message is containing disease registration code.

User has to click on the hyperlink with the disease code in order for disease to be registered.

Once disease is registered, flow-sheet tab is changing its color to Green.

Generic User


Fill out fields of the flow-sheet

Fill out fields to compete flow-sheet

Health Tracker flow-sheets allow user to input data into specific fields and add comments (if necessary)

Most of the fields are validated against business rules and OMD standards.

Validation is presented to the user on UI upon “mouse over” event

Generic User


Use Calendar to select date

Each field have calendar icon next to it. User can pick a date of data inputted.

Bu default calendar is pre-set to the current date. User can change a date.

Generic User



  • Add
  • Save All

User can add and save fields one-by-one by clicking Add button

User can fill out multiple fields and save them altogether by clicking Save all button at the bottom of the page

ADD button is displayed next to each field. It allows user to add single field to the flow-sheet

Save All button is presented at the bottom of the page and allow user to save multiple fields altogether.

Generic User


Delete previous information

User can not edit information that added to the Health Tracker. But user can delete information by clicking on the data and selecting Delete option

Once user clicks on the data saved in Health Tracker, data is presented in the pop-up window. This window gives options DELETE or CLOSE. By clicking on Delete button user removes information from the Health Tracker.

Generic User


Information Deck

Information deck is presented on the right side of each flow-sheet.

Information deck is containing the following tabs: Medications, Allergies, Reminders and Warning. (Renal for DIAB and CKD flow-sheets)

These tabs are for observation only.

  • By clicking on Medication, pop-up window of OSCARRx is opened for the present patient
  • By clicking on Allergies, pop-up window of OSCARRx is opened for the present patient
  • By clicking on Reminders, reminders are opened
  • By clicking on Warning, current flow-sheet recommendation is opened at the information deck

Generic User


My OSCAR link

Link to MyOSCAR is presented at the top information panel of each flow-sheet.

MyOSCAR connection from Health Tracker stands for communication between OSCAR provider and patient

Generic User

2.6.2   Exception Flows of Events (Negative)

This section describes the exception flow of events based on variations in the main Use Case scenario that result in a Failed End Condition for completion of the Use Case.

2.6.1  Exception Flow 1

Login with the wrong credentials




System Response



Connect to the OSCAR main page

Open in Internet browser web page: https://sfhc.oscarmaster.org:........../....

OSCAR main page with the login is opened

Generic User


Log In

User entered wrong credentials 3 times

OSCAR application can not open and Account will be temporary suspended.

Generic User


Activate account

User contact administrator (super user) to reactivate account

Once administrator reactivates account, user can successfully log with the correct credentials.

Administrator  Exception Flow 2

Health Tracker information is inputted and not saved




System Response



Connect to the OSCAR main page

Open in Internet browser web page: https://sfhc.oscarmaster.org:........../....

OSCAR main page with the login is opened

Generic User


Log In

Enter credentials (User Name / Password)

By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance

Generic User


Activate Search function

Select  Search On the main page top navigation bar

Main Search page is presented on the screen

Generic User 


Perform Search by the patient name

Type the patient name in the search window and run search function

Demographic record is fount and visible on the screen

Generic User


Activate eChart module

Select “E” hyperlink to open eChart from the record

eChart module is opened for the selected patient

Generic User


Activate Health Tracker

In the category Measurements of eChart select Health Tracker

Health Tracker Is opened for the selected patient

Generic User


Register Disease

Once user starts filling out disease flow-sheet, the disease must to be registered first

System is displaying Warning message at the top of the flow-sheet.

Message is containing disease registration code.

User has to click on the hyperlink with the disease code in order for disease to be registered.

Once disease is registered, flow-sheet tab is changing it’s color to Green.

Generic User


Fill out fields of the flowsheet

Fill out fields to compete flowsheet

Health Tracker flowsheets allow user to input data into specific fields and add comments (if necessary)

Most of the fields are validated agains business rules and OMD standards.

Validation is presented to the user on UI upon “mouse over” event

Generic User







Close the Health Tracker


User close the Health Tracker without select save function:

  • Add
  • Save All


System is displaying pop-up Warning message of the flow-sheet: “Information will be lost if you don’t applied save function.

Generic User  Exception Flow 3

Health Tracker invalid information is inputted




System Response



Connect to the OSCAR main page

Open in Internet browser web page: https://sfhc.oscarmaster.org:........../....

OSCAR main page with the login is opened

Generic User


Log In

Enter credentials (User Name / Password)

By entering right credentials user is getting system verification acceptance

Generic User


Activate Search function

Select Search from the top navigation bar

Search page is presented on the screen

Generic User 


Perform Search by the patient name

Type the patient name in the search window and run search function

Demographic record is fount and presented on the screen

Generic User


Activate eChart module

Select “E” hyperlink  to open eChart from the current record

eChart module is opened for the selected patient

Generic User


Activate Health Tracker

In the category Measurements of eChart select Health Tracker

Health Tracker Is opened for the selected patient

Generic User


Register Disease

Once user is opening disease flow-sheet to work with, the disease supposed to be registered.

System is displaying Warning message at the top of the flow-sheet.

Message is containing disease registration code.

User has to click on the hyperlink with the disease code in order for disease to be registered.

Once disease is registered, flow-sheet tab is changing color to Green.

Generic User


Fill out fields of the flow-sheet

Fill out fields to compete flow-sheet by entering invalid data

Health Tracker flow-sheets don’t allow user to input invalid data into specific fields

Most of the fields are validated against business rules, OMD standards and data validation

Validation is presented to the user on UI upon “mouse over” event

If invalid information is inputted in the field, System is displaying pop-up Warning message: “Following fields had invalid input and could not be updated”.

Generic User