This guide will explain some of the details around the changes from - OSCAREMR-6104Getting issue details... STATUS
This new architecture separates the export, transfer, and import of update files from an OSCAR instance to an integrator server.
Properties to be concerned about are:
#integerator update period in milliseconds
#set false if you only have 1 facility on this instance..a bit of an optimization.
Startup tomcat, you will need to include -Dorg.apache.cxf.stax.allowInsecureParser=1 in your startup command for Tomcat
add job IntegratorFileLogUpdateJob
see the new Integrator Status page
Use JDK7 / Tomcat 7 (atleast I do in my testing to make it work)
Just load up the code with this update
Make a copy of importer.cnf
mvn assembly:single to create a single JAR with dependencies
java -jar integrator-importer-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar to start the scanner