DB Patch files
DB Patch files
This page contains a brief overview of the database patch files between OSCAR 15 and OSCAR 19.
File Name | Structural Changes | Data Changes | Summary/Notes |
update-2016-02-16.sql | Y | N | _phr security privilege added |
update-2016-02-19-born.sql | N | Y | Adds values to consultationServices table |
update-2016-02-19.sql | Y | N | new fields for consultationRequests and professionalSpecialists |
update-2016-02-23.sql | Y | N | updates appointmentArchive.notes field size |
update-2016-03-15.sql | Y | N | adds BORNPathwayMapping table |
update-2016-03-30.sql | Y | N | Adds Consent and consentType tables. Populates consentType with integrator example. |
update-2016-04-25-bc.sql | Y | N | Adds billingperclimit table for BC schema |
update-2016-06-06.sql | Y | N | Adds resident_oscarMsg, oscar_msg_type tables. Alters messagetbl,msgDemoMap, provider tables. Inserts data oscar_msg_type. |
update-2016-06-21.sql | N | Y | adds ICD9 for memory loss |
update-2016-06-28.sql | Y | N | modify eform.form_html size |
update-2016-07-11.sql | Y | N | modify security table, add SecurityArchive table |
update-2016-07-12.sql | N | Y | Adds dashboard security objects |
update-2016-07-15.sql | Y | N | Adds dashboard and indicatorTemplate tables |
update-2016-08-30.sql | Y | N | alters security table, alters tickler table. Adds tickler_category table. Populates tickler_category table |
update-2016-12-02.sql | Y | N | alters indicatorTemplate table |
update-2017-01-25.sql | Y | N | alters hl7TextInfo table |
update-2017-01-31.sql | Y | N | creates onCallClinicDates table. Inserts into scheduletemplate, scheduletemplatecode, OscarJobType, OscarJob tables |
update-2017-02-21.sql | Y | N | alters casemgmt_issue table |
update-2017-02-27.sql | N | N | adds _eform and _eformreporttool security objects |
update-2017-03-09.sql | Y | N | adds drugs.short_term column |
update-2017-04-04.sql | Y | N | adds IntegratorFileLog, creates a couple of indexes |
update-2017-06-20.sql | Y | N | alters log.action |
update-2017-07-20.sql | Y | N | alters measurementsDeleted.dataField |
update-2017-07-26.sql | N | N | adds _newCasemgmt.photo security object |
update-2017-08-01.sql | N | N | adds _dashboardCommonLink security object |
update-2017-09-21.sql | N | N | inserts LabReq07 eFTS to encounterForm, adds eFTS to frm_labreq_preset |
update-2017-09-26.sql | N | N | adds _admin.demographic security object |
update-2017-10-24.sql | Y | N | alters ResourceStorage, surveyData. creates SurveillanceData table. |
update-2017-12-13.sql | N | N | adds _admin.auditLogPurge security object |
update-2018-01-08.sql | Y | N | adds CVCMedication, CVCMedicationGTIN, CVCMedicationLotNumber, CVCImmunization, CVCMapping tables. Alters preventions. |
update-2018-01-15.sql | Y | N | alters provider, providerArchive. Inserts to LookupList and LookupListItem |
update-2018-01-19.sql | N | N | inserts to LookupList and LookupListItem (PHUs) |
update-2018-01-31.sql | Y | N | alters indicatorTemplate |
update-2018-02-13.sql | N | N | adds _admin.schedule.curprovider_only security object |
update-2018-03-23-bc.sql | N | N | inserts to LookupList and LookupListItem for BC schema |
update-2018-04-16.sql | Y | N | alters billing table |
update-2018-05-06.sql | Y | Y | alters Consent table. Initializes Consent.deleted. Fixes deleted vs optout data |
update-2018-05-31.sql | Y | N | alters view table |
update-2018-07-23-on.sql | N | Y | fixes CNO data in LookupListItem. Inserts to OscarJob/OscarJobType |
update-2018-07-23.sql | Y | N | creates DHIRSubmissionLog table. Alters BornTransmissionLog |
update-2018-07-24.sql | N | N | adds _ehr security object |
update-2018-08-01-bc.sql | N | Y | BC Only some billing data migrations for 3rd party billings |
update-2018-10-02.sql | Y | N | alters OscarJob |
update-2018-10-18.sql | Y | N | alters consentType |
update-2018-11-09.sql | Y | N | creates AppointmentSearch |
update-2018-11-11.sql | N | N | adds _dashboardChgUser security object |
update-2019-02-22.sql | Y | N | alters demographic, demographicArchive |
update-2019-02-25.sql | Y | N | creates consultationRequestsArchive, consultationRequestExtArchive |
update-2019-02-26.sql | Y | N | alters document, adds DocumentExtraReviewer |
update-2019-03-01.sql | N | Y | defaults demographic.middleNames |
update-2019-03-02.sql | Y | N | alters allergies |
update-2019-03-04.sql | Y | N | alters drugs |
update-2019-03-05.sql | Y | Y | alters validations. Adds new validations. Adds new measurementType entries. Updates measurementType entries. Major changes to support updated flowsheets |
update-2019-03-07.sql | Y | N | alters FlowSheetUserCreated |
update-2019-03-08.sql | Y | N | creates PreventionReport, adds entries for report_letters |
update-2019-03-11.sql | Y | Y | alters HRMDocument. creates HrmLog, HrmLogEntry. adds _admin.hrm, _hrm.administrator security objects. renames entry in HRMCategory |
update-2019-03-12.sql | Y | N | alters OLISProviderPreferences, creates OLISResults, OLISQueryLog |
update-2019-04-10.sql | Y | N | alters AppDefinition |
update-2019-05-03.sql | Y | N | alters AppDefinition, fax_config, consultationRequests |
update-2019-10-09.sql | Y | N | creates EFormDocs |
update-2019-06-13.sql | Y | Y | updates tokens for apps to have configurable lifetime. sets existing ones to never expire |
update-2019-06-18.sql | N | Y | default report letters for prevention reports |
update-2019-06-23.sql | Y | N | billingmaster, billing unit changed to varchar(3) |
update-2019-07-03.sql | N | Y | gives nurse _tickler access |
update-2019-07-12.sql | N | Y | renamed mailing* address fields to residential* |
update-2019-07-12.1.sql | Y | N | creates ISO36612 table |
, multiple selections available,
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